Unit 11 Eating for Health 2007510 1 Chapter

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Unit 11 Eating for Health 2007/5/10 1

Unit 11 Eating for Health 2007/5/10 1

Chapter Two Is Your Diet Destroying the Environment? 2021/6/12 3

Chapter Two Is Your Diet Destroying the Environment? 2021/6/12 3

Vocabulary & Phrase 1. vegetarian: n. eater of fruits and grains and nuts; someone

Vocabulary & Phrase 1. vegetarian: n. eater of fruits and grains and nuts; someone who eats no meat or fish or (often) any animal products 素食者; 食草動物 (p. 141 -1) vegetarian: adj. 素食主義者的; 吃素的; 素菜的 2. carnivorous: adj. meat-eating 肉食性的 3. benefit: n. gain; profit; welfare (p. 141 -1) 1. 利益, 好處; 優勢[U][C] The new hospital will be a great benefit to the town. 新建成的醫院將給全城帶來莫大好處 2. 津貼, 救濟金[C][U] 3. 義演, 義賣[C] 2021/6/12 4

Vocabulary & Phrase 4. 【美】(收入的)免稅部分[U] 4. level: n. 1. 水平線; 水平面[C] The village is

Vocabulary & Phrase 4. 【美】(收入的)免稅部分[U] 4. level: n. 1. 水平線; 水平面[C] The village is 1, 000 meters above sea level. 這村子 海拔一千公尺。 2. 高, 高度[C][U] The flood rose to a level of 50 feet. 洪水漲到五十英 尺高。 3. (建築物的)層[C] 2021/6/12 5

Vocabulary & Phrase 4. 平坦的表面; 平坦地區[C] 5. (文化等的)水準, 程度, 標準[C][U] These students have not

Vocabulary & Phrase 4. 平坦的表面; 平坦地區[C] 5. (文化等的)水準, 程度, 標準[C][U] These students have not reached an advanced level yet. 這些學生尚未達到高級班的程度。 6. 【美】水準儀; 水準測量[C] 7. 級別; 地位[C] They are holding a conference at ministerial level. 他 們正在舉行部長級會議。 2021/6/12 6

Vocabulary & Phrase 5. diabetes: n. a polygenic disease characterized by abnormally high glucose

Vocabulary & Phrase 5. diabetes: n. a polygenic disease characterized by abnormally high glucose levels in the blood 糖尿病 (p. 141 -3) 2021/6/12 7

Main Idea of Paragraph 1 2021/6/12 8

Main Idea of Paragraph 1 2021/6/12 8

Vocabulary & Phrase 6. recently: adv. lately; of late; 最近, 新近, 近來 (p. 141

Vocabulary & Phrase 6. recently: adv. lately; of late; 最近, 新近, 近來 (p. 141 -6) It is only quite recently that I started painting. 我只是 在最近才開始繪畫的。 recent: adj. 1. 新近的, 最近的; 近來的; 近代的 This is a recent period in history. 這是歷史上近代的 一段時期。 The house is a recent purchase. 這房子是最近買的 2. (大寫)【地】全新世的, 全新統的 7. release: v. bring out; eject; exit(p. 141 -7) 1. 釋放, 解放 [(+from)] 2021/6/12 9

Vocabulary & Phrase Release the dog. He has been chained up for hours. 放開這條狗。它已被拴了好幾小時了。

Vocabulary & Phrase Release the dog. He has been chained up for hours. 放開這條狗。它已被拴了好幾小時了。 2. 放鬆, 鬆開; 發射, 投擲 He quickly released her hand. 他很快地放開了她的 手 3. 豁免; 赦免; 免除[(+from)] This releases them from personal responsibility. 這免 除了他們的個人責任。 4. 發行; 發表 A new movie is to be released tonight. 今晚要發行 一部新電影。 2021/6/12 10

Vocabulary & Phrase 5. 【律】放棄, 讓與(權利, 財產等) He released his claim to the property.

Vocabulary & Phrase 5. 【律】放棄, 讓與(權利, 財產等) He released his claim to the property. 他放棄了對財 產的要求。 release: n. 1. 釋放, 解放; 豁免; 赦免[U][(+from)] After my examination I had a feeling of release. 考試 之後, 我感到如釋重負。 The prisoner was questioned before his release. 囚犯 被釋放之前受到了審問。 The end of the war brought the release of the prisoners. 戰爭的結束使所有戰俘得到釋放。 2021/6/12 11

Vocabulary & Phrase 2. 發行, 發表; 發行的書(或電影等), (發佈的)通訊稿, 新聞稿[U][C] The film is scheduled for

Vocabulary & Phrase 2. 發行, 發表; 發行的書(或電影等), (發佈的)通訊稿, 新聞稿[U][C] The film is scheduled for release next month. 該片定 於下月發行。 3. 釋放(或豁免)證書[C] You can't use these files without obtaining a release. 你得不到特許證就不能使用這些檔案。 4. 放鬆, 放出; 釋放裝置[U][C] He pressed the release to open the box. 他按下開啟 裝置打開了箱子。 2021/6/12 12

Main Idea of Paragraph 2 2021/6/12 14

Main Idea of Paragraph 2 2021/6/12 14

Vocabulary & Phrase 8. negative: adj. (negative vs. positive) p. 137 -10 1. 否定的;

Vocabulary & Phrase 8. negative: adj. (negative vs. positive) p. 137 -10 1. 否定的; 否認的 He gave me a negative answer. 他給了我一個否定 的答案。 2. 反面的; 消極的 Their criticism was not negative. 他們的批評並不是 負面的。 3. 【數】負的[Z] Minus ten is a negative quantity. -10是一個負量。 4. 【電】負的, 陰極的[Z] 5. 【攝】底片的[Z] 2021/6/12 Wen-Shann Hwang 15

Vocabulary & Phrase 6. 【醫】陰性的[Z] The tests for hepatitis were negative. 肝炎檢查結果 是陰性。 9.

Vocabulary & Phrase 6. 【醫】陰性的[Z] The tests for hepatitis were negative. 肝炎檢查結果 是陰性。 9. gallon: n. United States liquid unit equal to 4 quarts or 3. 785 litres 加侖(液量單位, 美制等於 3. 785升, 英制等 於 4. 546升) (p. 141 -12) 2021/6/12 Wen-Shann Hwang 16

Vocabulary & Phrase 10. efficient: adj. effective (p. 141 -15) 1. 效率高的; 有能力的, 能勝任的[(+in)]

Vocabulary & Phrase 10. efficient: adj. effective (p. 141 -15) 1. 效率高的; 有能力的, 能勝任的[(+in)] He is an efficient manager. 他是一位辦事效率高的 經理。 2. (直接)生效的; 有效的; 收效大的 It is not efficient to hire poorly trained workers. 雇用 未經嚴格訓練的 人會妨礙 作效率 efficiency: n. 2021/6/12 17

Vocabulary & Phrase 1. 效率; 效能; 功效 These machines have increased our work efficiency

Vocabulary & Phrase 1. 效率; 效能; 功效 These machines have increased our work efficiency many times. 這些機器使我們的 作效率提高了許 多倍。 2. 【物】效率 11. acre: n. p. 137 -15 1. 英畝 2. 地產; 土地 12. livestock: n. farm animal (總稱)家畜 (p. 141 -16) 2021/6/12 18

cause →effect Resources Products 2, 500 gallons of water 1 pound of beef 20

cause →effect Resources Products 2, 500 gallons of water 1 pound of beef 20 gallons of water 1 pound of wheat 1 acre of farmland to raise livestock 250 pounds of beef 1 acre of farmland to produce potatoes 40, 000 pounds of potatoes 30, 000 pounds of carrots 50, 000 pounds of tomatoes 2021/6/12 20

wheat 麥 2021/6/12 21

wheat 麥 2021/6/12 21

Main Idea of Paragraph 3 2021/6/12 22

Main Idea of Paragraph 3 2021/6/12 22

Vocabulary & Phrase 14. furthermore: adv. in addition; moreover 而且, 此外, 再 者 p.

Vocabulary & Phrase 14. furthermore: adv. in addition; moreover 而且, 此外, 再 者 p. 141 -19 Furthermore, he felt that he wasn't really an authority on preventive medicine. 此外, 他覺得自己並不真 正是預防醫學的權威。 15. methane: n. 【化】甲烷, 沼氣(p. 141 -20) 16. expel: v. discharge; exhaust; release (p. 141 -20) 1. 驅逐, 趕走 2021/6/12 23

Vocabulary & Phrase They expelled the journalist from their country. 他們把這個 記者驅逐出境。 2. 排出;

Vocabulary & Phrase They expelled the journalist from their country. 他們把這個 記者驅逐出境。 2. 排出; 噴出(空氣等) Water is sucked in at one end and expelled at the other. 水從一端吸進去從另一端排出來 3. 把. . . 除名, 開除 He was expelled from the club. 他被俱樂部除名了 2021/6/12 24

Vocabulary & Phrase 17. carbon dioxide: n. CO 2 (p. 141 -22) 18. estimate:

Vocabulary & Phrase 17. carbon dioxide: n. CO 2 (p. 141 -22) 18. estimate: v. calculate; figure; judge, calculate, evaluate, rate (p. 141 -24) 1. 估計, 估量[(+at)][O 2][+(that)] The police estimated the number of demonstrators at about 5, 000. 警方估計示威者的人數為五千左右 2021/6/12 25

Vocabulary & Phrase The medicare cost is estimated to be one billion dollars. 老年醫療保健費用估計為十億美元。

Vocabulary & Phrase The medicare cost is estimated to be one billion dollars. 老年醫療保健費用估計為十億美元。 2. 評價; 判斷 estimation: n. 1. 評價; 判斷; 意見[U] In my estimation, the applicant is well qualified for this job. 據我看, 這位應徵者完全具備這項 作的 條件。 2021/6/12 26

Vocabulary & Phrase He is equal to the job in my estimation. 據我看, 他能

Vocabulary & Phrase He is equal to the job in my estimation. 據我看, 他能 勝任這項 作。 2. 估計; 預算[C][U] His estimation of their arrival time was not far off. 他 對他們到達時間的估計基本準確。 3. 尊重, 尊敬[U] The dedicated doctor earned the estimation of his colleagues. 那位忠於事業的醫生贏得了同事的尊 敬 2021/6/12 27

Main Idea of Paragraph 4 2021/6/12 28

Main Idea of Paragraph 4 2021/6/12 28

Vocabulary & Phrase 19. benefit: v. gain; profit 得益, 受惠[(+by/from)] (p. 14126) We benefited

Vocabulary & Phrase 19. benefit: v. gain; profit 得益, 受惠[(+by/from)] (p. 14126) We benefited greatly by this frank talk. 這次坦率的 談話使我們獲益匪淺。 20. switch: n. change over (p. 141 -26) 1. 打開(或關掉). . . 的開關[(+on/off)] He switched the light on. 他打開電燈。 2021/6/12 29

Vocabulary & Phrase 2. 使轉換; 為. . . 轉接(電話)[(+to/over)] Hang on, please. I'll switch

Vocabulary & Phrase 2. 使轉換; 為. . . 轉接(電話)[(+to/over)] Hang on, please. I'll switch you to the manager. 請不 要掛斷電話。我給你轉接到經理那兒去。 3. 使轉軌 They switched the train to the other track. 他們把列 車轉到另一軌道上。 4. 改變; 轉移; 調動 2021/6/12 30

Vocabulary & Phrase They switched the talk to a more interesting subject. 他們把談話轉到比較有趣的題目上去了。 5.

Vocabulary & Phrase They switched the talk to a more interesting subject. 他們把談話轉到比較有趣的題目上去了。 5. 【口】調換; 交換 The girls switched hats. 女孩子交換了帽子。 6. 鞭打 Mr. Wallace switched his son with his walking stick. 瓦勒士先生用他的手杖打他兒子。 2021/6/12 31

Vocabulary & Phrase 21. vital: adj. urgently needed; absolutely necessary (p. 14127) 1. 生命的;

Vocabulary & Phrase 21. vital: adj. urgently needed; absolutely necessary (p. 14127) 1. 生命的; 維持生命所必需的[Z][B] Growth and decay are vital processes. 生長和衰亡是 生命過程。 2. 充滿活力的, 生氣勃勃的 The Americans I knew were trusting, open, and vital. 我所認識的美國人信賴別人, 坦率, 充滿活力。 2021/6/12 32

Vocabulary & Phrase 3. 極其重要的, 必不可少的[(+to/for)] The questions put forward at the meeting are

Vocabulary & Phrase 3. 極其重要的, 必不可少的[(+to/for)] The questions put forward at the meeting are of vital importance. 會上提出的那些問題極其重要。 4. 致命的; 生死攸關的 He committed a vital error. 他犯了一個致命的錯誤 vital: n. 1. (人體的)重要器官 He was lucky that the bullet missed the vitals. 他很 幸運, 子彈沒有擊中要害器官。 2021/6/12 33

Vocabulary & Phrase 2. 重要部分, 要害 22. vegan: n. 【英】嚴守素食主義的人 p. 141 -28 23.

Vocabulary & Phrase 2. 重要部分, 要害 22. vegan: n. 【英】嚴守素食主義的人 p. 141 -28 23. exclude: v. keep out; shut out (p. 141 -28) 1. 拒絕接納; 把. . . 排除在外; 不包括[(+from)] The club excluded women from membership. 該俱 樂部拒絕婦女入會。 2. 逐出, 開除[(+from)] 3. 排斥(可能性等); 對. . . 不予考慮 The possibility of food poisoning has been excluded. 食物中毒的可能性已被排除。 2021/6/12 34

Vocabulary & Phrase exclusive: adj. 1. 排外的; 除外的; 全部的; 唯一的 The hotel charges $20

Vocabulary & Phrase exclusive: adj. 1. 排外的; 除外的; 全部的; 唯一的 The hotel charges $20 a day, exclusive of meals. 飯 店每天收費二十元, 不包括用餐。 This is an exclusive white residential area. 這是一個 純粹的白人居住區。 2. 獨有的, 獨佔的, 專用的[B] This bathroom is for the President's exclusive use. 這 間洗澡間是總統專用的。 2021/6/12 Wen-Shann Hwang 35

Vocabulary & Phrase exclusively: adv. 1. 專門地; 專有地 She writes exclusively for New York

Vocabulary & Phrase exclusively: adv. 1. 專門地; 專有地 She writes exclusively for New York Times. 她專門 為《紐約時報》寫稿。 2. 獨佔地; 排外地 This room is exclusively for women. 這房間只對女 士開放。 2021/6/12 Wen-Shann Hwang 37

Vocabulary & Phrase 24. deficient: adj. insufficient; lacking(p. 141 -30) 1. 有缺陷的; 有缺點的 He

Vocabulary & Phrase 24. deficient: adj. insufficient; lacking(p. 141 -30) 1. 有缺陷的; 有缺點的 He is mentally deficient. 他有智力缺陷。 2. 不足的, 缺乏的[(+in)] an armchair theorist deficient in practical experience 缺乏實際經驗的空頭理論家 deficiency: n. 2021/6/12 38

Vocabulary & Phrase 1. 不足, 缺乏[U][C] [(+of)] The child has a calcium deficiency. 那孩子缺鈣。

Vocabulary & Phrase 1. 不足, 缺乏[U][C] [(+of)] The child has a calcium deficiency. 那孩子缺鈣。 2. 不足的數額[C] a deficiency of $500 五百美元的短缺 3. 缺陷, 缺點[U][C] The deficiencies in this plan are clear. 這一計劃的 缺陷是顯而易見的。 2021/6/12 Wen-Shann Hwang 39

Vocabulary & Phrase 25. mineral: n. solid homogeneous inorganic substances occurring in nature having

Vocabulary & Phrase 25. mineral: n. solid homogeneous inorganic substances occurring in nature having a definite chemical composition 礦物 (p. 141 -31) 2021/6/12 Wen-Shann Hwang 40

Main Idea of Paragraph 5 2021/6/12 43

Main Idea of Paragraph 5 2021/6/12 43

Vocabulary & Phrase 26. at the same time: concurrently; contemporaneously; simultaneously p. 141 -34

Vocabulary & Phrase 26. at the same time: concurrently; contemporaneously; simultaneously p. 141 -34 2021/6/12 44

Main Idea of Paragraph 6 2021/6/12 45

Main Idea of Paragraph 6 2021/6/12 45

bene- 善,好 benevolent 好意的 (bene + vol 意願 + ent→好意的) benefaction 好事;恩惠 (bene +

bene- 善,好 benevolent 好意的 (bene + vol 意願 + ent→好意的) benefaction 好事;恩惠 (bene + fact 做 + ion→好事) benefit 好處,利益 (bene + fit 做→做事後的好處→利 益) benediction 祝福 (bene + dict 說 + ion→說好話) beneficent 仁慈的,善行的 (bene + fic 做 + ent→做好 事的) 2021/6/12 46

fac, fact, fect, fic, fig = make, do 做,製作 confection n 糖果 (con 共同

fac, fact, fect, fic, fig = make, do 做,製作 confection n 糖果 (con 共同 + fect + ion→混在一起→糖果) confectionery n 糖果店 (confection 糖果 + ery→糖果店) defect n 缺點,缺陷;變節 (de 壞 + fect→做壞了→缺陷) defection n 叛黨,變節 (de 壞 + fect→做壞事→叛黨) disaffect a 使…感情疏遠;不滿 (dis 分開 + affect 感情→ 感情分開→疏遠) disaffected a 不滿的;背離的 (disaffect + ed) 2021/6/12 50

fac, fact, fect, fic, fig = make, do 做,製作 effect v 實施;生效;效果 (ef 出

fac, fact, fect, fic, fig = make, do 做,製作 effect v 實施;生效;效果 (ef 出 + fect→做出來→生效; 效果) effective v 有效的 (effect + ive) effectuate v 使…有效 (effect + uate 表示動詞) infect v 傳染;感化 (in 進入 + fact→做進去→傳染進去) infection n 傳染;感化 (infect + ion) infectious a 傳染性的 (infect + ious) perfect a 完美的;完全的 (per 全部 + fect→全部做完→完 美的) 2021/6/12 51

fac, fact, fect, fic, fig = make, do 做,製作 proficiency n 精通,熟練 (pro +

fac, fact, fect, fic, fig = make, do 做,製作 proficiency n 精通,熟練 (pro + fic + inecy) suffice v 使滿足,充足 (suf 在下面 + fice→在下面先做好 →充足) sufficient a 足夠的,充分的 (suffice + inet) profit n 利潤;利益 (pro 前 + fit[ = fict]→先做的好處→利 益) profitable a 有利潤的 (profit + able) fiction n 虛構;小說 (fict + ion→做出的故事→小說) fictitious a 虛構的 (fict + itious) 2021/6/12 53

viv, vit, vig = life,生命 survival (n) 存活下來 vivacious (a) 活潑的;有生氣的 (viv + acious→多….

viv, vit, vig = life,生命 survival (n) 存活下來 vivacious (a) 活潑的;有生氣的 (viv + acious→多…. 的→ 多生命的→活潑的) vital (a) 有活力的;重要的 (vit + al) vitalism (n) 活力論 (vital 有活力的 + ism) vitality (n) 活力 (vital + izy) vitalize (v) 賦予生命 (vital + ize) revitalize (v) 恢復生命,復興 (re 重新 + vital + ize→重新 活) 2021/6/12 58

viv, vit, vig = life,生命 invigorating (a) 激發精神的 vigilant (a) 警惕的 (vigil [= vig]

viv, vit, vig = life,生命 invigorating (a) 激發精神的 vigilant (a) 警惕的 (vigil [= vig] + ant→有生命的→警惕的) vigilance (n) 警惕,警戒 (vigil + ance) 2021/6/12 59

pel, puls = drive, push, 驅動,推 impulsive (a) 衝動的 (impulse + ive) propulsion (n)

pel, puls = drive, push, 驅動,推 impulsive (a) 衝動的 (impulse + ive) propulsion (n) 推進 (力)(pro 向前 + puls + ion→推進;動 詞;propel) repulse (n) 打退,擊退(re 反 + pulse; 動詞:repel) repulsive (a) 排斥的,擊退的 (repulse + ive) 2021/6/12 63

Vocabulary & Phrase 2021/6/12 Wen-Shann Hwang 64

Vocabulary & Phrase 2021/6/12 Wen-Shann Hwang 64

Go for 2&5® And posters. 2021/6/12 65

Go for 2&5® And posters. 2021/6/12 65

2021/6/12 66

2021/6/12 66

Thank you 2021/6/12 68

Thank you 2021/6/12 68

Check the Author’s Purpose 1. To entertain or to amuse (narration/description) 2. To explain

Check the Author’s Purpose 1. To entertain or to amuse (narration/description) 2. To explain and to inform (exposition) 3. To describe what something looks like (description) 4. To criticize or to condemn some particular action (argument) 5. To persuade us to change our thinking (persuasion) 6. To poke fun at weaknesses or faults (exposition) 7. To present both sides of a controversial issue (so we can make up our own minds), or to argue for only one side of the issue (argument) 8. To analyze a trend, a scientific phenomenon, or the background of a problem (exposition) 2021/6/12 73

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2021/6/12 74

2021/6/12 75

2021/6/12 75

Main Idea of Paragraph 1 剎那生滅影片 http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=AHGve. Hs 0 H

Main Idea of Paragraph 1 剎那生滅影片 http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=AHGve. Hs 0 H PM 無常大慟後,誰還獨具隻眼,觀如幻人間 2021/6/12 Wen-Shann Hwang 76

Vocabulary & Phrase 2021/6/12 Wen-Shann Hwang 78

Vocabulary & Phrase 2021/6/12 Wen-Shann Hwang 78