import import java util Random class Import Example
- Slides: 159
import宣言の使用例 import java. util. Random; class Import. Example { public static void main(String[] args) { Random rand = new Random(); // 0~ 1の間のランダムな値を出力する System. out. println(rand. next. Double()); } } java. util. Randomのimport宣言をしている
Stringクラスのメソッド • Stringクラスには、文字列を扱うための 便利なメソッドがある String str = "Javaの学習"; System. out. println(str. length()); // 7 System. out. println(str. index. Of("学習")); // 5 System. out. println(str. index. Of("Ruby")); // -1 System. out. println(str. contains("学習")); // true System. out. println(str. contains("Ruby")); // false String str 2 = str. replace("Java", "Java言語")); System. out. println(str 2); // Java言語の学習
Stringクラスのメソッド 文字列を区切り記号で分割する例 String str = "2012/12/31"; String[] items = str. split("/"); for(int i = 0; i < items. length; i++) { System. out. println(items[i]); } 実行結果 2012 12 31
Mathクラスの使用 • java. langパッケージはimport文を省 略できる。 • クラスメソッドの使用方法(復習) 「Math. メソッド名(引数); 」 class Math. Example { public static void main(String[] args) { System. out. println("-5の絶対値は" + Math. abs(-5)); System. out. println("3. 0の平方根は" + Math. sqrt(3. 0)); System. out. println("半径2の円の面積は" + 2*2*Math. PI); System. out. println("sin 60°は" + Math. sin(60. 0*Math. PI / 180. 0)); } }
複数のクラス宣言を持つプログラムコード • 1つの. javaファイルで複数のクラスを宣言できる • public修飾子をつけられるのは 1つだけ • public修飾子をつけたクラス名とファイル名は一致 する必要がある Multi. Class. Example. java class Simple. Class { String str; Simple. Class(String str) { this. str = str; } } public class Multi. Class. Example { public static void main(String[] args) { Simple. Class sc = new Simple. Class("Hello. "); System. out. println(sc. str); } }
例外が発生する例 範囲を超えたインデックスの参照 int[] scores = new int[3]; scores[0] = 50; scores[1] = 55; scores[2] = 70; scores[3] = 65;
例外処理の例 public class Exception. Example 3 { public static void main(String[] args) { int a = 4; int b = 0; try { int c = a / b; System. out. println("cの値は" + c); } catch (Arithmetic. Exception e) { System. out. println("例外をキャッチしました"); System. out. println(e); } System. out. println("プログラムを終了します"); } }
finallyの処理 public static void main(String[] args) { int a = 4; int b = 0; try { int c = a / b; System. out. println("cの値は" + c); } catch (Arithmetic. Exception e) { System. out. println("例外をキャッチしました"); System. out. println(e); return; } finally { System. out. println("finallyブロックの処理です"); } System. out. println("プログラムを終了します"); }
catchブロックの検索 class Simple. Class { void do. Something() { int array[] = new int[3]; array[10] = 99; // 例外が発生する System. out. println("do. Somethingメソッドを終了します"); } } public class Exception. Example 5 { public static void main(String args[]) { Simple. Class obj = new Simple. Class(); try { obj. do. Something(); // 例外の発生するメソッドの呼び出し } catch (Array. Index. Out. Of. Bounds. Exception e) { System. out. println("例外をキャッチしました"); e. print. Stack. Trace(); } } }
メソッドの外への例外の送出の例 class Person { int age; void set. Age(int age) throws Invalid. Age. Exception { if(age < 0) { throw new Invalid. Age. Exception("マイナスの値が指定された"); } this. age = age; } } public class Exception. Example 7 { public static void main(String[] args) { Person p = new Person(); try { p. set. Age(-5); } catch (Invalid. Age. Exception e) { System. out. println(e); } } }
方法 1のThreadの使用例 class My. Thread extends Thread { public void run() { for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { System. out. println("My. Threadのrunメソッド("+i+")"); } } } public class Simple. Thread. Test { public static void main(String[] args) { My. Thread t = new My. Thread(); t. start(); for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { System. out. println("Simple. Thread. Testのmainメソッド("+i+")"); } } }
方法 2のThread使用例 class My. Thread implements Runnable { public void run() { for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { System. out. println("My. Threadのrunメソッド("+i+")"); } } } public class Simple. Thread. Test 2 { public static void main(String[] args) { My. Thread t = new My. Thread(); Thread thread = new Thread(t); thread. start(); for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { System. out. println("Simple. Thread. Test 2のmainメソッド("+i+")"); } } }
スレッドを一定時間停止させる Thread. sleep(停止時間(ミリ秒)); public class Sleep. Example { public static void main(String[] args) { for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { try { Thread. sleep(1000); } catch (Interrupted. Exception e) { System. out. println(e); } System. out. print("*"); } } }
スタックとヒープ My. Object do. Something() { My. Object obj = new My. Object(); return obj; }
空きメモリサイズの確認 class Data. Set { int x; int y; } public class Free. Memory. Test { public static void main(String[] args) { System. out. println("空きメモリサイズ: " + Runtime. get. Runtime(). free. Memory()); Data. Set[] data = new Data. Set[100]; for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { data[i] = new Data. Set(); System. out. println("生成済みインスタンス数: " + (i + 1) + " 空きメモリサイズ: " + Runtime. get. Runtime(). free. Memory()); } } }
Array. Listの活用 Array. List months = new Array. List(); months. add("January"); System. out. println("要素数 " + months. size()); months. add("Februaly"); System. out. println("要素数 " + months. size()); months. add("March"); System. out. println("要素数 " + months. size()); System. out. println("== 一覧の出力 =="); System. out. println(months. get(0)); System. out. println(months. get(1)); System. out. println(months. get(2));
マップコレクション:Hash. Map • キーと値に使用する型を型パラメータで指定する。 Hash. Map<String, String> map = new Hash. Map<String, String>(); map. put("住所", "茨城県つくば市"); map. put("氏名", "Java 太郎"); System. out. println(map. get("住所")); System. out. println(map. get("氏名"));
セットコレクション:Hash. Set • キーと値に使用する型を型パラメータで指定する。 Hash. Set<String> set = new Hash. Set<String>(); map. add("Jan"); map. add("Feb"); System. out. println(set); //要素を全て出力 System. out. println(set. contains("Jan"));
イテレータ(Iterator)の使用例 Hash. Set<String> set = new Hash. Set<String>(); set. add("A"); set. add("B"); set. add("C"); set. add("D"); Iterator<String> it = set. iterator(); while(it. has. Next()) { String str = it. next(); System. out. println(str); } セットコレクションに対しても、1つずつ要素を参照できる。
拡張for文 • 通常のfor文、イテレータを使ったアクセ スよりも簡潔に記述できる構文 for(型名 変数名 : コレクション) { forループ内の処理 } Array. List<String> list = new Array. List<String>(); list. add("Good morning. "); list. add("Hello. "); for(String str : list) { System. out. println(str); }
Queueインタフェースの使用 Queue<String> queue = new Linked. List<String>(); queue. offer("(1)"); System. out. println("キューの状態: " queue. offer("(2)"); System. out. println("キューの状態: " queue. offer("(3)"); System. out. println("キューの状態: " queue. offer("(4)"); System. out. println("キューの状態: " + queue); while(!queue. is. Empty()) { System. out. println("要素の取り出し: " + queue. poll()); System. out. println("キューの状態" + queue); }
Linked. Listのスタックとしての利用 Linked. List<String> stack = new Linked. List<String>(); stack. add. Last("(1)"); System. out. println("スタックの状態: " stack. add. Last("(2)"); System. out. println("スタックの状態: " stack. add. Last("(3)"); System. out. println("スタックの状態: " stack. add. Last("(4)"); System. out. println("スタックの状態: " + stack); while(!stack. is. Empty()) { System. out. println("要素の取り出し: "+stack. remove. Last()); System. out. println("スタックの状態" + stack); }
Comarableインタフェースの実装例 class Point implements Comparable<Point> { int x; int y; Point(int x, int y) { this. x = x; this. y = y; } public int compare. To(Point p) { return (this. x + this. y) - (p. x + p. y); } } Array. List<Point> list = new Array. List<Point>(); // listに要素を追加する処理 Collections. sort(list); // 並び替え実行
標準入力からの文字列の受け取り Input. Stream. Reader in = new Input. Stream. Reader(System. in); Buffered. Reader reader = new Buffered. Reader(in); try { String str = reader. read. Line(); } catch(IOException e) {}
ファイルへの出力 try { File file = new File("C: \java\test. txt"); File. Writer fw = new File. Writer(file); Buffered. Writer bw = new Buffered. Writer(fw); for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { bw. write("[" + i + "]rn"); } bw. close(); } catch (IOException e) { System. out. println(e); }
ファイルからの入力 try { File file = new File("C: \java\test. txt"); File. Reader fr = new File. Reader(file); Buffered. Reader br = new Buffered. Reader(fr); String s; while((s = br. read. Line()) != null) { System. out. println(s + "を読み込みました"); } br. close(); } catch (IOException e) { System. out. println(e); }
シリアライゼーションを使用したオブジェクトの保存 try { File. Output. Stream fs = new File. Output. Stream("C: \java\triangle. ser"); Object. Output. Stream os = new Object. Output. Stream(fs); os. write. Object(/* 出力するオブジェクトへの参照 */); os. close(); } catch(IOException e) { System. out. println(e); }
保存したオブジェクトの再現 try { File. Input. Stream fs = new File. Input. Stream("C: \java\triangle. ser"); Object. Input. Stream os = new Object. Input. Stream(fs); My. Object obj = (My. Object)os. read. Object(); os. close(); } catch(IOException e) { System. out. println(e); } catch (Class. Not. Found. Exception e) { System. out. println(e); }
第 15章 GUI
GUIアプリケーションとは • GUI: Graphical User Interface • CUI: Character-based User Interface
フレームの作成 import javax. swing. *; class Simple. Frame. Example { public static void main(String[] args) { JFrame frame = new JFrame(); frame. set. Default. Close. Operation(JFrame. EXIT_ON_CLOSE); frame. set. Size(300, 200); frame. set. Visible(true); } }
自分自身のインスタンスを生成するクラス import javax. swing. *; public class My. Frame extends JFrame { public static void main(String[] args) { new My. Frame(); } My. Frame() { set. Default. Close. Operation(JFrame. EXIT_ON_CLOSE); set. Size(300, 200); set. Visible(true); } }
JButton(ボタン)コンポーネントの配置 import javax. swing. *; public class My. Frame extends JFrame { public static void main(String[] args) { new My. Frame(); } My. Frame() { set. Default. Close. Operation(JFrame. EXIT_ON_CLOSE); get. Content. Pane(). add(new JButton("ボタン")); set. Size(300, 200); set. Visible(true); } } ボタンを配置しただけなので、クリックしても何も起こ らない
ボーダーレイアウトの配置例 get. Content. Pane(). add(Border. Layout. CENTER, new JButton("CENTER")); get. Content. Pane(). add(Border. Layout. SOUTH, new JButton("SOUTH")); get. Content. Pane(). add(Border. Layout. WEST, new JButton("WEST")); get. Content. Pane(). add(Border. Layout. EAST, new JButton("EAST")); get. Content. Pane(). add(Border. Layout. NORTH, new JButton("NORTH")); set. Size(300, 200); set. Visible(true);
フローレイアウト set. Default. Close. Operation(JFrame. EXIT_ON_CLOSE); get. Content. Pane(). set. Layout(new Flow. Layout()); get. Content. Pane(). add(new JButton("1 January")); get. Content. Pane(). add(new JButton("2 February")); get. Content. Pane(). add(new JButton("3 March")); get. Content. Pane(). add(new JButton("4 April")); get. Content. Pane(). add(new JButton("5 May")); get. Content. Pane(). add(new JButton("6 June")); set. Size(300, 200); set. Visible(true);
ボックスレイアウト get. Content. Pane(). set. Layout( new Box. Layout(get. Content. Pane(), Box. Layout. Y_AXIS);
グリッドレイアウト get. Content. Pane(). set. Layout( new Grid. Layout(2, 3));
import javax. swing. *; import java. awt. event. *; public class Single. Button. Example extends JFrame implements Action. Listener { public static void main(String[] args) { new Single. Button. Example(); } Single. Button. Example() { JButton button = new JButton("ボタン"); button. add. Action. Listener(this); get. Content. Pane(). add(button); set. Default. Close. Operation(JFrame. EXIT_ON_CLOSE); set. Size(200, 100); set. Visible(true); } public void action. Performed(Action. Event ae) { System. out. println("ボタンが押されました"); } }
JButton button 1; JButton button 2; Multi. Buttons. Example() { button 1 = new JButton("ボタン 1"); button 1. add. Action. Listener(this); get. Content. Pane(). add(Border. Layout. WEST, button 1); button 2 = new JButton("ボタン 2"); button 2. add. Action. Listener(this); get. Content. Pane(). add(Border. Layout. EAST, button 2); set. Default. Close. Operation(JFrame. EXIT_ON_CLOSE); set. Size(200, 100); set. Visible(true); } public void action. Performed(Action. Event ae) { if(ae. get. Source() == button 1) { System. out. println("ボタン 1が押されました"); } else if(ae. get. Source() == button 2) { System. out. println("ボタン 2が押されました"); } }
JPanelを使ったグラフィックス描画 ・描画を行うためのパネルクラスの作成(JPanelを継承) ・paint. Componentメソッドをオーバーライドする ・引数のGraphicsオブジェクトを使って描画 import java. awt. *; import javax. swing. *; public class My. Panel extends JPanel { public void paint. Component(Graphics g) { g. fill. Rect(50, 30, 150, 100); } } ・作成したパネルクラスを配置する get. Content. Pane(). add(new My. Panel());
直線の描画 public void paint. Component(Graphics g) { Dimension d = get. Size(); g. draw. Line(0, 0, d. width, d. height); g. draw. Line(0, d. height, d. width, 0); }
2つのイベントリスナ • Mouse. Listenerインタフェース – – – void void mouse. Clicked(Mouse. Event e) mouse. Entered(Mouse. Event e) mouse. Exited(Mouse. Event e) mouse. Pressed(Mouse. Event e) mouse. Released(Mouse. Event e) • Mouse. Motion. Listenerインタフェース – void mouse. Dragged(Mouse. Event e) – void mouse. Moved(Mouse. Event e) • それぞれ次のメソッドでリスナ登録する – add. Mouse. Listener – add. Mouse. Motion. Listener
import java. awt. event. *; import javax. swing. *; class My. Panel extends JPanel implements Mouse. Listener, Mouse. Motion. Listener { public My. Panel() { add. Mouse. Listener(this); add. Mouse. Motion. Listener(this); } public void mouse. Clicked(Mouse. Event e) {} public void mouse. Entered(Mouse. Event e) {} public void mouse. Exited(Mouse. Event e) {} public void mouse. Pressed(Mouse. Event e) {} public void mouse. Released(Mouse. Event e) {} public void mouse. Dragged(Mouse. Event e) {} public void mouse. Moved(Mouse. Event e) {} }
Server. SocketとSocket
サーバー側のプログラム例 try { Server. Socket server. Socket = new Server. Socket(5000); while(true) { Socket socket = server. Socket. accept(); Print. Writer writer = new Print. Writer(socket. get. Output. Stream()); writer. println("こんにちは。私はサーバです。"); writer. close(); } } catch(IOException e) { System. out. println(e); }
クライアント側のプログラム例 try { Socket socket = new Socket("127. 0. 0. 1", 5000); Buffered. Reader reader = new Buffered. Reader( new Input. Stream. Reader(socket. get. Input. Stream())); String message = reader. read. Line(); System. out. println("サーバーからの文字列: " + message); reader. close(); } catch(IOException e) { System. out. println(e); }
スタティックインポート • パッケージ名とクラス名を省略して、ク ラス変数やクラスメソッドを直接記述で きる。 import static java. lang. Math. PI; import static java. lang. Math. abs; public class Static. Import. Example { public static void main(String[] args) { System. out. println("PI=" + PI); System. out. println("abs(-2)=" + abs(-2)); } }
enum宣言 • 特定の定数の値だけを取れる独自の型を 定義できる。 class Student { enum Gender { MALE, FEMALE }; String name; Gender gender; } Student s = new Student(); s. name = "山田太郎"; s. gender = Student. Gender. MALE;
- Java 讀檔
- Import java.util.random;
- Import java.util.* class vector
- Import java.util.random;
- Java import java.util.*
- Import java.util.*
- Java scanner import
- Java import java.util.*
- Import java.util.
- Import java.util.* public class test
- Java applet swing
- Import java.awt.event
- Boost tokenizer example
- Import java.util.stringtokenizer;
- Import java.util."; public
- Import*;
- Public class java
- Strings in java
- Using the random class requires an import statement.
- Import*
- Java thread import
- What is lang in java
- Java.lang.util
- Random assignment vs random sampling
- Random assignment vs random selection
- From random import *
- Import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- Random number generatore
- Type random things
- Diagram example
- Public class demo
- Uml 0..*
- Java file class
- Import javax.swing.*
- Applet class in java
- Tanslate
- Import java.applet.applet
- Import java.applet.applet
- Java applet adalah
- Import awt
- Javax.servlet
- Import java awt event
- Difference between abstract class and interface
- Import java color
- Java static import
- Import calendar java
- Import java.
- Jradio
- Import java.applet.*
- Problem solving
- Java
- Java scanner import
- Java applet
- Import java.awt
- String tokenizer
- Import java.awt.*
- Java
- Import*;
- Import java.awt.*;
- Import javax
- Sentirse util
- Calcular o comprimento util de um rebite
- Na figura abaixo embora puxe a carroça
- 2da timoteo 3 16
- La ciencia es util
- Serte util
- Ejemplo de depreciación
- Perbedaan antara java swing dan awt adalah
- Language
- Java bean vs enterprise java bean
- Simple random sampling with replacement example
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- Random variable in probability distribution
- Discrete vs continuous variable
- Continuous random variable example
- Continuous random variable example
- Discrete random variables
- Discrete random variables example
- Random assignment example psychology
- Variance of discrete random variable
- Perceiving order in random events example
- Gap test for random numbers
- Random experiment
- Systematic sampling example
- 6 random numbers
- Cluster sampling
- What are statistics
- Hierarchy of thread class in java
- Math class function in java
- Www.classpointapp
- Iterator inner class java
- Abstract factory singleton
- Dynamic code loading
- Legacy class in java
- Adapter classes in java
- Java.lang.class
- Primitif xxx
- Keyboard class java
- What is class
- Oop java
- Exception class hierarchy in java
- Math package java
- Abstract class java
- Public class test public
- Java dynamic class loading
- Java class
- Java abstract class properties
- Array class java
- Jframe uml
- Class object in java
- What is abstract class
- Anatomy of a java class
- Difference between abstract classes and interfaces
- There is class today
- Package mypackage class first class body
- Abstract class vs concrete class
- Lower class boundary of the modal class
- Class i vs class ii mhc
- Abstract concrete class relationship
- Example of class interval
- Stimulus
- Stimuli vs stimulus
- Therapeutic class and pharmacologic class
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- How to find class boundaries
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- Class 0 esd
- Uml static
- Class 2 class 3
- Extends testcase
- Package mypackage class first class body
- Class third class
- Component class has composite class as collaborator
- Socket java example
- Socket java example
- Multithreading program in java
- Lexical issues in java with example
- Java cup
- Ipc programming
- Rsa encryption java
- Event driven programming in java
- Repetition control structure java
- Java swing mvc example
- Which are non executable statements in a program
- Bank account java program using inheritance
- Java applet example
- Java fragment example
- Abstract data type in java example
- 자바 스윙
- Jdbc stand for
- Java swing form example
- Gui programmierung java
- Java swing mvc example
- Mac sha1
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- Create a java rmi calculator application.
- Class bike int speed =90
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