TODAYS LESSON In todays class we are going
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TODAY’S LESSON In today’s class we are going to work in our committees and practise filling in our CSPE Report on Action Project (RAP) Use this full Action Report or (RAP) as a guide only. Updated annually and explained by your teacher.
SECTION 1 MY ACTION PROJECT Guidelines for answering A clear, unambiguous and relevant title (3 marks) Guest speaker Joe Corr about the Fingal beach protections to promote care for our local and global environment. Clean up and recycling litter in the south strand beach in Rush to help care for our environment, our tourist economy and for all people and wildlife that use our beach. To be encouraged: A title that clearly indicates to anybody reading, listening or viewing it what the Action Project was about. The examiner should be able to confirm the suitability of the title having read, listened to or viewed the Report completely. To be avoided: Titles such as: My Action Project Report, Civic, Social and Political Education Report etc.
SECTION 1 MY ACTION PROJECT Sample answers for title of Action project; Guest speaker Joe Corr on care and protections for our local environment. Student clean up of our local beach and recycling of litter to help our local and global environment. (3 marks)
SECTION 2 INTRODUCTION In completing SECTION 2 - Introduction - the student should: (a) Tick �� Stewardship Identify the concept/s on which the Action Project was based Explain how the Action Project was based on this concept / these concepts How: Stewardship is about caring for our environment. By learning about our local environment with its local beach and environment protections we learn how to care. By doing the beach clean up itself we improve our local environment. By recycling litter we reduce our C 02 emissions and carbon foot print and help reduce the problem of climate change. Stewardship (b) Give one reason why you chose to do this Action Project. To improve the beach environment for local and for tourists. Sample answers By understanding the beach protection we can understand how to care for our beach. By cleaning up our beach we create a better local environment for everyone. Recycling is very relevant to the environment because if we recycle our waste our earth would be a better place and CO 2 gases could be reduced along with Climate change. We chose this project because our CSPE class was studying stewardship. This project was very important because everyone should be aware protections for our local environment and of the importance of the keeping our environment clean for locals and tourists for people's well being and for the tourist industry.
SECTION 3 ACTIVITIES UNDERTAKEN In completing SECTION 3 - Activities Undertaken - the student should: (a) Identify the people communicated with in the course of his/her Action Project Answer Joe Corr local planning consultant. Explain why and how you communicated with one person or group. Must link and connect to one chosen. Sample Answer: I spoke to and listenened carefully to Joe Corr so that I could understand more about our local environment protections and how to care for my local environment. I took clear notes using Microsoft word using clear headings, grammar and punctuation. I had questions prepared for Joe and I had to choose my best one before asking him a question. My class mates for group work and expand your answers Met tidy towns in Rush on a Saturday morning to see how they clean up the locality. Met principal and office staff to get permission and to organise our guest speaker. We emailed Fingalcoco. ie to see if beach protections were updated recently. Student prepared a survey to see what rubbish gets collected on our beach. Why and how
SECTION 3 ACTIVITIES UNDERTAKEN (b) List the main tasks/activities undertaken as part of the Action Project and give information on each task/activity Sample answers: We divided into groups. Group Leaders committee: Leader had to double check jobs and make sure things were done and done quickly and smoothly. Expand…. E. G Meet and Greet committee: This committee had to write down a welcome speech for Joe Corr. They had to plan what time date and where Joe would be arriving. They had to welcome Joe to the school, introduce themselves and then help Joe get to the hall for the presentation. They helped Joe carry his equipment. Letter committee; wrote to Joe Corr, manager of Louth County Council requesting an appointment to visit the County Council offices. Geography committee: 5/6 lines explaining what each committee did. Questions committee all involved Permission committee. They also informed teachers who would be affected on the day. Shannon, Olivia, Abbie. Recording committee; Borrowed a camcorder for the day and a camera to record the visit. Also they wrote a thank you letter to Joe Corr. Liam, Victoria Newspaper articles committee: Rebecca and Danielle read and summaries. Timetabling committee; Claudia
SPECIFIC JOBS; Caretaker, p. e teachers Mr Mc Ginley: Ciaran and Ethan Supply Team committee: : Bags and Pickers organise: Cian B and Sean Recycling team committee: Cian and Jessica Litter collectors : all students involved Inform Office: Aaron Timekeeper: Victoria Secretary: Leader and group leaders: Over see everything and also have specific jobs too.
GROUPS AND COMMITTEES Computer Team committee: Joseph, Dara Billingsly and Ethan Computer and projector set up committee: Amy and veronica Refreshments committee: Harry and Erin Research committee: had to research fingalcoco. ie for beach bye laws for Fingal. Class Communication committee (with other classes etc)
SECTION 3 ACTIVITIES UNDERTAKEN (c) Give a detailed account of one particular task/activity from the list in part (b) that he/she carried out as part of the Action Project Sample Answer: only use the word I in this section on one main job. When the class was being divided up into the various committees, I was in the letter committee. In this committee, I worked with students from other classes and my own to organise the letters of invitation and the thank you letters. I had to figure out how to turn on PC, use word and how to write up a formal business letter using You. Tube and google for extra examples. I worked with the other girls to draft the letter of invitation. We had to discuss ideas and email each other first with draft copies. We took a paragraph each. I had to check when the computer room was free and if the printer was working. Then, as I had a computer at home, I volunteered to type the letter to the speaker. I had the job of emailing the letter when we got the address. I had to find his email address first and set up an email account as I had forgotten my password. After the talk our committee again came together and drafted the letter of thank-you for the speaker. I typed out part of this letter also, stating in it how much we had appreciated the talk and how much we had learned from it. Finally, we emailed the thank you letter to Mr Corr.
SECTION 3 ACTIVITIES UNDERTAKEN (d) Describe how he/she applied two skills when described in part (c) above. carrying out the activity Sample Answer: Communication: Many skills were involved in my job in the letter writing committee. Firstly we all had to use the skill of listening -listening with patience to everybody’s opinions of what to put in the letter. Then we had to agree on how to word the invitation. Everyone in the group applied the skill of working together as a team. I depended on the other committee members speak clearly to get the speaker’s email before I could email and they depended on me to communicate clearly in the letters. . We all communicated positivity together as a team so that our task was successfully completed. We used positive gestures and hand movement to keep everyone happy. Visual communication – for pie chart results Non verbal skills were used to keep people positive and upbeat. E. g smiling a lot Computer skills or Organisational skills: I learned and applied the skills of typing out a letter on a computer, which had to be presented in a formal format using Microsoft word. We had to use Mr mac Garry's website to find out the notes that Mr Corr sent to him. Emailed info@Fingalcoco. ie. Had to understand how to make a survey using excel. Had to look up information about Rodgerstown estuary using google search engine. Had to type up A DRAFT OF of this presentation first using our IPADS and word etc. Mention word skills learned like bold, underline, paragraphs and colour. Planning, time management , making lists, prioritising for Organisational skills if you choose that as your skill.
WHY ONE OF THESE SKILLS WAS IMPORTANT IN DOING YOUR ACTIONS. Clear communication was important because… Visual communication was important because… Listening carefully was important because Positive gestures in groups was important because Clear written communication was important because
SECTION 4 SUMMARY OF INFORMATION In completing SECTION 4 - Summary of Information - the student should: Give facts discovered in undertaking his/her Action Project which helped him/her to understand how the subject of the Action Project was related to one or more of the CSPE concepts. Major Facts that Joe Corr Gave us Major Fact we got from www. fingalcoco. ie An Appropriate Fact is (i) A valid fact relevant to the subject of the Action Project. (ii) Two or three tentative facts relevant to the subject of the Action Project (iii) An explanation of a term or concept relevant to the subject of the Action Project. (iv) A relevant illustration (e. g. pie chart or bar chart) (v) Results of a survey presented in statistical form. Make up How many pieces of different types of litter we collected.
SURVEY RESULTS FOR RUSH BEACH CLEAN UP. MAKE INTO A PIE CHART! Paper = 50 items Plastic = 30 items Tin = 50 items Fishermen waste = 2 items Total 132 items 50/132 = X 100/1 = % of waste for a chart and then draw a chart using this information for your action project.
Sample answers: 1. SECTION 4 SUMMARY OF INFORMATION I found out a lot about the Beaches in Fingal. I learned that there are protections for beaches in Fingal and that Joe Corr contributed to these when on the council. Give examples here of the beach bye laws(beach and environment protections)……… Also, can use facts from Joe's speech. Also, can use the pie chart for a fact. In addition to the beach bye laws we learned ; 1. I learned that Tidy Towns Rush and Fingal Co Co work together to maintain high beach standards over the summer months. It is a fact that tidy towns meet every Saturday morning at 11 to clean up the town and beaches. However, they mainly do this in the summer and therefore there is a need for students to help out for other times in the year. 2 I learned about Joe Corr and councillors roles in Fingal Co Co and our beach in S Strand Rush when he was a member of the Green Party. He is a local planning consultant and previous councillor for 5 years. He is the main reason with have beach and environment protection. 3 We learned from a local organisation called Rage that raw sewage gets pumped into our waters at rush harbour and that it is not treated so it is dangerous to swim or drink the water near there. I learned about Blue flag beaches And the recent Environmental Protection Agency report that failed Rush beach and the whole of the Rodgerstown estuary that includes Loughshinny too for its water quality. EPA was an idea that came from Europe to encourage us to clean up our environment. 4 I discovered the importance of Tidy Towns and well maintained beaches for Irelands tourist industry and for the pleasure of local users and for the many eco systems at the beach. E. g Insects, wildlife, dunes and plant life. 5 Lastly, put a pie chart together of the different materials that we collected down at the beach. 6 Failte Ireland in a survey done in 2016 said that the two main reasons tourists come to Ireland is for the friendliness of its people and Ireland's natural environment, therefore we have a duty to keep our beach clean so that tourists can enjoy our local environment.
SECTION 5 REFLECTIONS In completing SECTION 5 - Reflections - the student should: Give three statements describing how the experiences he/she had while doing the Action Project helped him/her to think about the skills acquired or the CSPE concept(s). For each of these statements, state the reasons why he/she thinks this way. An Appropriate Statement is: (i) A valid reflection, argument, explanation, interpretation, comment or judgement relevant to the subject/process/skills of the Action Project. (ii) Two or three tentative statements (iii) A relevant recommendation or suggestion. Must say because or as here with your sentences to show you are reflecting.
SECTION 5 REFLECTIONS Sample answers I think that the Action Project that I have participated in has helped me to better understand the environment, the fingal county council and our local beaches because I saw it first hand cleaned up there and I found out more from Joe Corr It is my opinion that we need to continue to clean the beaches not only in the summer season but all year round as it would effect tourism and people walking on the beach negatively if we don’t. I feel that it is a shame that people don’t take local politics more seriously and get involved more in the beach and environmental protections which are very important for local communities as people who dont understand these protections make the beach environment a less attractive place to be. I recommend that more schools should participate in this type of project, as it would be better for the environment, better for students exercise and makes us more aware of caring for things within our communities and how we can make a difference. Other schools would also learn how good team spirit can be for a class and school.
REFLECTIONS CONTINUED Reflect back on the summary. I believe that everyone in Rush should be concerned about the quality of water in our beaches and they should join a community group like RAGE because people in big numbers put more pressure of local TD's and Councillors to act. I feel that we as a class should raise more awareness about the beach protections as most other people have never heard of them. I would consider doing the jobs that Joe Corr did as I would like to make a difference to my locality the same way Joe Corr has. If I was minister for the environment like Minister Denis Naughton, I would advertise more about reducing our carbon foot print, I would roll out beach clean ups in all schools and I would get more bins on the beaches because it would be better for beach users, our environment and our local tourist economy.
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