aka msAPPS 40 Repo aka msmymsignitethetour MSIgnite The

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相关�料 aka. ms/APPS 40 Repo aka. ms/mymsignitethetour #MSIgnite. The. Tour

相关�料 aka. ms/APPS 40 Repo aka. ms/mymsignitethetour #MSIgnite. The. Tour

�用介� - Tailwind Traders

�用介� - Tailwind Traders

Tailwind Traders �件

Tailwind Traders �件

�什么�� Kubernetes?

�什么�� Kubernetes?

Kubernetes 架构概� Kubernetes control Internet Worker node kubelet kube-proxy Docker Master node Pods API

Kubernetes 架构概� Kubernetes control Internet Worker node kubelet kube-proxy Docker Master node Pods API server -controllermanager Pods Containers -scheduler Worker node kubelet replication, namespace, serviceaccounts, etc. Containers kube-proxy etcd Docker Pods Containers

AKS 架构概� Azure managed control plane Self-managed master node(s) App/ workload definition User Kubernetes

AKS 架构概� Azure managed control plane Self-managed master node(s) App/ workload definition User Kubernetes API endpoint API server etcd Store Scheduler Controller Manager Schedule pods over private tunnel Customer VMs Docker Pods Cloud Controller Docker Pods

AKS 架构 - 网�部分 App Gateway Kubernetes cluster: Azure VNET Internal Load Balancer External

AKS 架构 - 网�部分 App Gateway Kubernetes cluster: Azure VNET Internal Load Balancer External DNS Ingress Controller Control plane Worker node kubelet Worker node Pods Containers Namespace kubelet

AKS 架构 - 虚��点 Node Pods Kubernetes control plane Azure Container Instances (ACI) Pods

AKS 架构 - 虚��点 Node Pods Kubernetes control plane Azure Container Instances (ACI) Pods Virtual node

AKS 架构 - 可用性区域 Region* AKS AZs

AKS 架构 - 可用性区域 Region* AKS AZs

az commands �建虚�网� 同� 也� 建了子网,供后 � AKS集群使用 az network vnet create  --resource-group

az commands �建虚�网� 同� 也� 建了子网,供后 � AKS集群使用 az network vnet create --resource-group my. Res. Group --name my. Vnet --address-prefixes 10. 0/8 --subnet-name my. Vnet. Sub --subnet-prefix 10. 240. 0. 0/16

az commands �建子网 � 虚�� 点� 独� 建一个 子网 az network vnet subnet create

az commands �建子网 � 虚�� 点� 独� 建一个 子网 az network vnet subnet create --resource-group my. Res. Group --vnet-name my. Vnet --name VNSubnet --address-prefix 10. 241. 0. 0/16

az commands �建 service principal 可以通� Service Principal � 建其他� 源 my. SPk 8

az commands �建 service principal 可以通� Service Principal � 建其他� 源 my. SPk 8 s

az commands �建一个基�的 AKS集群 基� 的AKS集群 az aks create  --resource-group my. Res. Group

az commands �建一个基�的 AKS集群 基� 的AKS集群 az aks create --resource-group my. Res. Group --name my. AKSCluster --node-count 3 --generate-ssh-keys

az commands �建一个�准的 AKS集 群 所有必� 的参数�� az aks create  --resource-group my. Res.

az commands �建一个�准的 AKS集 群 所有必� 的参数�� az aks create --resource-group my. Res. Group --name my. AKSCluster --node-count 3 --service-principal <app. Id> --client-secret <password> --generate-ssh-keys --network-plugin azure --dns-service-ip $KUBE_DNS_IP --docker-bridge-address 172. 17. 0. 1/16 --vnet-subnet-id <vnet id> --load-balancer-sku standard --enable-vmss --node-zones 1 2 3 --network-policy calico

az commands 添加虚��点 添加 虚�� 点的 插件 my. Res. Group my. AKSCluster VNsubnet

az commands 添加虚��点 添加 虚�� 点的 插件 my. Res. Group my. AKSCluster VNsubnet

可伸�性技��� Cluster Autoscaler

可伸�性技��� Cluster Autoscaler

可伸�性技��� Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA)

可伸�性技��� Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA)

Example. yaml 如何将你的Pod运行在虚 ��点上 node. Selector: beta. kubernetes. io/os: linux kubernetes. io/role: agent type:

Example. yaml 如何将你的Pod运行在虚 ��点上 node. Selector: beta. kubernetes. io/os: linux kubernetes. io/role: agent type: virtual-kubelet tolerations: - key: virtual-kubelet. io/provider operator: Equal value: azure effect: No. Schedule

介� Pod Identity

介� Pod Identity

介� Pod Identity Node Management Identity (NMI) Managed Identity Controller (MIC)

介� Pod Identity Node Management Identity (NMI) Managed Identity Controller (MIC)

Pod Identity

Pod Identity

AKS 中 Network Policy ��

AKS 中 Network Policy ��

AKS 中 Network Policy ��

AKS 中 Network Policy ��

Azure Network Policy

Azure Network Policy

Calico Network Policy

Calico Network Policy

示例 :Network policies

示例 :Network policies

Availability Zones Region* AKS AZs

Availability Zones Region* AKS AZs

Availability zones 目前正在 Public Preview aka. ms/AKSavailability

Availability zones 目前正在 Public Preview aka. ms/AKSavailability

管理�用程序的失� Handling Application Failure

管理�用程序的失� Handling Application Failure

Example. yaml Example deployment � 理失� api. Version: apps/v 1 kind: Deployment metadata: name:

Example. yaml Example deployment � 理失� api. Version: apps/v 1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: webapp-deployment spec: selector: match. Labels: app: webapp replicas: 3 template: metadata: labels: app: webapp spec: containers: - name: webapp image: scottyc/webapp: latest ports: - container. Port: 3000 host. Port: 3000

/MS Learn 提示 aka. ms/APPS 40 MSLearn. Collection

/MS Learn 提示 aka. ms/APPS 40 MSLearn. Collection

/Microsoft ��提醒 aka. ms/Azure. Dev. Cert aka. ms/Dev. Ops. Engineer. Cert Get hired, stay

/Microsoft ��提醒 aka. ms/Azure. Dev. Cert aka. ms/Dev. Ops. Engineer. Cert Get hired, stay ahead, and receive the recognition you deserve #MSIgnite. The. Tour

相关�料 aka. ms/APPS 40 Repo aka. ms/mymsignitethetour #MSIgnite. The. Tour

相关�料 aka. ms/APPS 40 Repo aka. ms/mymsignitethetour #MSIgnite. The. Tour