What are landforms Landforms are the natural shapes

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What are landforms? • Landforms are the natural shapes or features. • There are many different types of landforms found on the earth.

Main Landforms

mountain A mountain is a place on Earth’s surface that is much higher than the land around it.

mountain range a long chain of mountains; a row of connected mountains

hill A hill is land that rises above the land around it. A hill has a rounded top.

volcano a cone shaped mountain formed out of rock or ash thrown up from inside the earth, frequently with an opening or depression at the top

basin an area of land largely enclosed by higher land.

valley A valley is a lowland area between higher lands such as mountains.

canyon A canyon is a deep valley with very steep sides.

plain A plain is a flat area on Earth’s surface.

plateau A plateau is a flat area higher than the land around it.

lake A lake is water that is completely surrounded by land.

coast A coast is the area where the ocean touches the land.

continental shelf plateau of land surface into the ocean but underwater

peninsula piece of land that extends into a body of water and is surrounded on three sides by water

isthmus narrow strip of land with water on both sides connecting two larger pieces of land

strait a narrow waterway connecting two larger bodies of water

cliff a high, steep slope of rock or soil

land built up by deposits of sand silt at the mouth of some rivers delta

fjord a narrow inlet of the sea between high banks or cliffs created by glaciers

a curved or hooked piece of land extending into a body of water cape

part of a sea or ocean that reaches into land; usually larger than a bay gulf

bay part of a body of salt water that reaches into the land; usually smaller than a gulf

island An island is land that is completely surrounded by water.

archipelago a group of many islands


ocean Oceans are the largest bodies of water on earth.

sea a large body of water, usually salt water, partly or completely surrounded by land

river A river is a long flowing body of water.

the place where a river or stream begins source

waterfall place where running water makes a sheer drop, usually over a cliff

a river or stream that flows into a larger river or stream branch

mouth place where a river empties into a larger body of water; the end of a river

altitude the height above sea level

a man-made waterway connecting two bodies of water and is designed to shorten travel time or irrigate canal

one of the six largest bodies of land on earth

a large body of slow moving ice which alters the land around it through displacement glacier

hemisphere half of the earth usually referred to as eastern or western; northern or southern

iceberg a large mass of floating ice that has broken off from a glacier, most of this is underwater
Mikael ferm
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