Unit 8 Section A Period 1 r u

![1 b Listen and number the conversations [1 -3]. 听录音,给下面的对话编号[1 -3]。 1 2 A: 1 b Listen and number the conversations [1 -3]. 听录音,给下面的对话编号[1 -3]。 1 2 A:](https://slidetodoc.com/presentation_image_h/10b9f17cf6b042a3514e695950049d7b/image-30.jpg)

- Slides: 61

Unit 8 Section A Period 1 r u o y s i n e Wh ? y a d birth

Teaching aims 1. Vocabulary January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December first, second, third, fourth, …, thirtieth, thirty-first 1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd, 4 th, … , 30 th, 31 st

2. When is your birthday? My birthday is May 9 th. When is Mike’s birthday? His birthday is July 27 th. When is Jane’s birthday? Her birthday is August 2 nd. 3. 学会日期表达法(月份,日期)。 4. 学会谈论自己、同学以及家人的生日。 5. 学会关心他人,做一个细心和有爱心 的人。

DO YOU KNOW? How many days in a week? How many weeks in a month? How many months in a year?

J anuary F ebruary

March April

May June

July August

September October

November D ecember

January The first month of the year

February The second month of the year

March The third month of the year

April The fourth month of the year

May The fifth month of the year

June The sixth month of the year

The seventh month of the year July

August The eighth month of the year

The ninth month of the year September

October The tenth month of the year

November The eleventh month of the year

The twelfth month of the year December

1 a Listen and repeat. 听一听,读一读。 MONTHS 1. January 7. July 2. February 8. August 3. March 9. September 4. April 10. October 5. May 11. November 6. June 12. December

Say the names of the months 说出月份名词 缩 写 全 写 January 一月 二月 February Feb. 三月 March Mar. 四月 April Apr. 五月 May.

七月 June July Jun. Jul. 八月 August Aug. 九月 September Sep. 十月 Oct. 十一月 October November 十二月 December 六月 Nov. Dec.

The song of months

January, March, May, July, August, October, December 31 days April, June, September, November 30 days February 28 or 29 days Do you know?

1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th 8 th 9 th 10 th 11 th 12 th 13 th 14 th 15 th 16 th 17 th 18 th 19 th 20 th 21 st 22 nd 23 rd 24 th 25 th 26 th 27 th 28 th 29 th 30 th 31 st
![1 b Listen and number the conversations 1 3 听录音给下面的对话编号1 3 1 2 A 1 b Listen and number the conversations [1 -3]. 听录音,给下面的对话编号[1 -3]。 1 2 A:](https://slidetodoc.com/presentation_image_h/10b9f17cf6b042a3514e695950049d7b/image-30.jpg)
1 b Listen and number the conversations [1 -3]. 听录音,给下面的对话编号[1 -3]。 1 2 A: When is your birthday, Vera? B: My birthday is October tenth. A: When is your birthday, Mary? B: My birthday is January fifteenth.

3 1 c A: When is your birthday, Jeff? B: My birthday is June fourth. PAIRWORK 结对活动 Listen again. Practice the conversations. 再听一遍录音,练习上面的对话。

A: When is your birthday? B: My birthday is April 15 th.

A: When is your birthday? B: My birthday is January 1 st. C: My birthday is December 31 st.

A: When is your birthday, Jeff? B: My birthday is January 17 th.

e c i t rac P A: When is your birthday, Vera? B: My birthday is November 14 th.

请将基数词转换成序数词 one first sixth two second seventh three third fourth eighth nine ninth five tenth fifth

eleven th twelve twelfth thirteen th fourteenth fifteenth twenty twentieth thirty thirtieth twenty-one twenty - first

基数词和序数词对照,你能看出什么规律吗? 基数词 序数词缩写 one first 1 st two second 2 nd three third 3 rd 基数词变序数词的 规律是: five fifth 5 th eight eighth 8 th nine ninth 9 th twelve twelfth 12 th twenty twentieth 20 th 一、二、三,特殊记, twenty-one twenty-first 21 st twenty-two twenty-second 22 nd twenty-three twenty-third 23 rd … thirty thirtieth 30 th f来把ve替, ty变成tie; 词尾字t, d, d; th要从四加起; 六、七同四守规律; 八少t, 九去e; 若是遇到几十几, 只变个位就可以。

November 22 写作:November 22 nd/November 22 读作:November the twenty-second

When is your birthday? My birthday is October tenth. How old are You ? I’m 11. Otc. 10 th My birthday is September sixth. Sep. 6 th When is your birthday?

Read the dates: Writing(写法) Reading (读法) January 1 st January the first March 8 th March the eighth August 2 nd August the second September 10 th September the tenth July 3 rd February 12 th July the third February the twelfth

st month of the year. January • ____ is the 1 nd month of the year. • ____ is the 2 February th month of the year. • _____ is the 5 May • August is the _____ month of the year. eighth • October is the _____ month of the year. tenth

Can you say out the dates?

1月15日 January fifteenth (15 th) 4月30日 April thirtieth (30 th) 7月8日 July eighth (8 th) 10月1日 October first (1 st) 5月29日 May twenty-ninth (29 th) 2月14日 February fourteenth (14 th)

6月26日 June twenty-sixth (26 th) 8月12日 August twelfth (12 th) 9月27日 September twentyseventh(27 th) 3月20日 March twentieth (20 th) 5月18日 May eighteenth (18 th)

Make a survey: When is your birthday? Fill in the form, then write a report. name birthday I Report: My name is____. My birthday is_____. My friend A’s birthday is______. B’s birthday is ___.

2 a Listen and repeat. 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th 8 th 9 th 10 th 11 th 12 th 13 th 14 th 15 th 16 th 17 th 18 th 19 th 20 th 21 st 22 nd 23 rd 24 th 25 th 26 th 27 th 28 th 29 th 30 th 31 st

2 b Listening 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th 8 th 9 th 10 th 11 th 12 th 13 th 14 th 15 th 16 th 17 th 18 th 19 th 20 th 21 st 22 nd 23 rd 24 th 25 th 26 th 27 th 28 th 29 th 30 th 31 st

2 c Listen and match the names, months and days. Name month date Leila July 4 th Nick August 22 nd Robert January 5 th Jane September 17 th

Pairwork Ask your partner about his or her parents’ birthday. A: When is your birthday? B: My birthday is July 9 th. A: When is your mother’s birthday? B: Her birthday is December 11 th. A: When is your father’s birthday? B: His birthday is April 24 th.

根据汉语提示写出单词或按要求完成句子。 1. We were having a party ______ when (当……的时候) Tom came in. 2. Gina’s pants are on the bed. (对划线部分提问) Where are Gina’s pants? ____________

3. Children’s Day is June 1 st. (对划线部分提问) When is Children’s Day? ____________ 4. An ice cream is three dollars. (对划线部分提问) _____________ How much is an ice cream?

What do you learn today? • How to ask birthday. What’s your birthday? My birthday is. . . ? What’s your mother’s/father’s birthday? Her/His birthday is. .

Numbers: first, second, third, fourth, …, thirtieth, thirty-first Months: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December How to read Nov. 22. . . ?

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