Developmental Assets The 2002 Edina Youth Profile Edina

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Developmental Assets: The 2002 Edina Youth Profile Edina Public Schools 2002 Search Institute Survey

Developmental Assets: The 2002 Edina Youth Profile Edina Public Schools 2002 Search Institute Survey Results 1

Introduction n Search Institute, founded in 1958, generates research and surveys to advance the

Introduction n Search Institute, founded in 1958, generates research and surveys to advance the well being of children and adolescents. n Search Institute Survey: Profiles of Student Life. Up to date, more than one million students in well over 1, 000 US communities have completed the survey; 560 communities have formed assets-building initiatives. n Patterns and Trends: Edina Public Schools took the Search Institute Survey in 1993, 1999 and 2002. 2

2002 Survey National Data n n n Data from the 2002 survey represent 217,

2002 Survey National Data n n n Data from the 2002 survey represent 217, 000 public school students in grades 6 through 12. Roughly 318 towns and cities (mostly suburban) in 33 states participated. Most of the communities participating are suburbs that are similar to Edina. 3

Average of Number of Assets Edina Students Possess Vs National Norm 4

Average of Number of Assets Edina Students Possess Vs National Norm 4

Percent of Edina Students Reporting Support from Parents, School and Community 5

Percent of Edina Students Reporting Support from Parents, School and Community 5

Percent of Edina Students Reporting Empowerment 6

Percent of Edina Students Reporting Empowerment 6

Percent of Edina Students Reporting Boundaries and Expectations 7

Percent of Edina Students Reporting Boundaries and Expectations 7

Percent of Edina Students Reporting Constructive Use of Time 8

Percent of Edina Students Reporting Constructive Use of Time 8

Percent of Youth Reporting Commitment to Learning 9

Percent of Youth Reporting Commitment to Learning 9

Percent of Youth Reporting Positive Values 10

Percent of Youth Reporting Positive Values 10

Percent of Youth Reporting Social Competencies 11

Percent of Youth Reporting Social Competencies 11

Percent of Youth Reporting Positive Identity 12

Percent of Youth Reporting Positive Identity 12

Percent of Students Reporting Getting Mostly As and/or Bs on Report Card 13

Percent of Students Reporting Getting Mostly As and/or Bs on Report Card 13

Percent of Students Who Feel it’s Important to Know People of Other Racial/Ethnic Groups

Percent of Students Who Feel it’s Important to Know People of Other Racial/Ethnic Groups 14

Percent of Students Reporting They Like Doing Exciting Things Even If They Are Dangerous

Percent of Students Reporting They Like Doing Exciting Things Even If They Are Dangerous 15

Percent of Students Reporting Teachers Really Care about Them 16

Percent of Students Reporting Teachers Really Care about Them 16

Percent of Students Reporting Skipping School Three or More Days in the Last Four

Percent of Students Reporting Skipping School Three or More Days in the Last Four Weeks 17

Percent of Students Reporting Using Alcohol Once or More 18

Percent of Students Reporting Using Alcohol Once or More 18

Percent of Students Reporting Using Alcohol Once or More by Grade 19

Percent of Students Reporting Using Alcohol Once or More by Grade 19

Percent of Students Reporting Using Alcohol Once or More in the Last 30 Days

Percent of Students Reporting Using Alcohol Once or More in the Last 30 Days 20

Percent of Students Reporting Attending One or More Parties in the Last Year Where

Percent of Students Reporting Attending One or More Parties in the Last Year Where Other Kids Their Age Were Drinking 21

Percent of Students Reporting Driving after Drinking Once or More in the Last 12

Percent of Students Reporting Driving after Drinking Once or More in the Last 12 Months 22

Percent of Students Reporting Riding with a Driver Who Had Been Drinking Once or

Percent of Students Reporting Riding with a Driver Who Had Been Drinking Once or More in the Last 12 Months 23

Percent of Students Reporting Smoking Cigarettes Once or More 24

Percent of Students Reporting Smoking Cigarettes Once or More 24

Percent of Students Reporting Smoking Cigarettes Once or More During Last 30 Days 25

Percent of Students Reporting Smoking Cigarettes Once or More During Last 30 Days 25

Percent of Students Reporting Smoking Cigarettes Once or More in the Last 30 Days

Percent of Students Reporting Smoking Cigarettes Once or More in the Last 30 Days 26

Percent of Students Reporting Using Smokeless Tobacco Once or More in the Last 12

Percent of Students Reporting Using Smokeless Tobacco Once or More in the Last 12 Months 27

Percent of Students Reporting Using Marijuana Once or More 28

Percent of Students Reporting Using Marijuana Once or More 28

Percent of Students Reporting Using Marijuana Once or More 29

Percent of Students Reporting Using Marijuana Once or More 29

Percent of Students Reporting Using Marijuana Once or More in the Last 12 Months

Percent of Students Reporting Using Marijuana Once or More in the Last 12 Months 30

Percent of Students Reporting Using Other Illicit Drugs Once or More in the Last

Percent of Students Reporting Using Other Illicit Drugs Once or More in the Last 12 Months 31

Percent of Students Reporting Using Other Drugs Once or More in the Last 12

Percent of Students Reporting Using Other Drugs Once or More in the Last 12 Months 32

Percent of Students Reporting Having Sexual Intercourse Three or More Times in Lifetime 33

Percent of Students Reporting Having Sexual Intercourse Three or More Times in Lifetime 33

Gender Differences on External Assets 34

Gender Differences on External Assets 34

Gender Differences on Internal Assets 35

Gender Differences on Internal Assets 35

Grade Differences 36

Grade Differences 36

Key Findings in National Comparison n n Overall, Edina students possess 3 more assets

Key Findings in National Comparison n n Overall, Edina students possess 3 more assets than national norm groups, which means that Edina students live in more positive, healthy, caring environment and have greater commitments to learning, stronger competencies and more positive values and higher expectations than students nationwide. Almost 8 out of 10 Edina students report they have strong family support, positive peer influence, constructive youth programs and religious community; the national rates range from 58% to 70%. 37

Key Findings in National Comparison n Almost 8 out of 10 Edina students report

Key Findings in National Comparison n Almost 8 out of 10 Edina students report strong achievement motivation, work hard on homework, and positive view of personal future; the national rates range from 45% to 70%. Seven out of 10 Edina students value integrity and honesty as important or very important; the national rate is 63%. Edina students report significantly higher in interpersonal competence, cultural competencies, peaceful conflict resolution, restraint skills, self-esteem, and sense of purpose. 38

Key Findings - Changes in 2002 n n Majority of Edina students report success

Key Findings - Changes in 2002 n n Majority of Edina students report success in school--they get mostly As and/or Bs on report card. Percent of students who have resistance skills to avoid dangerous things rose across grades and gender, especially female and 9 th graders. More students feel teachers really care about them, especially high school students. Percent of students who skipped school dropped between 1993 and 1999 and continuously dropped between 1999 to 2002 for most grades. 39

Key Findings--Alcohol Use and Smoking n n Percent of Edina students who use alcohol

Key Findings--Alcohol Use and Smoking n n Percent of Edina students who use alcohol dropped across grades and gender from 1993 to 1999 and continuously dropped from 1999 to 2002. Also, percent of students who attend parties where other kids at their age were drinking decreased dramatically across grades and gender from 1999 to 2002. Smoking rates among Edina students dropped between 1993 and 1999 and continuously dropped between 1999 and 2002 across grades and gender, especially for boys and grades 9 through 11. Also, students who used smokeless tobacco dropped across grade and gender, especially in high school. 40

Key Findings - Drugs and Sexuality n n n Percent of students who report

Key Findings - Drugs and Sexuality n n n Percent of students who report they use marijuana rose from 1993 to 1999 and dropped from 1999 to 2002. Percent of students who report they use other illicit drugs slightly increased, especially female students and seniors. Overall, percent of students who have sexual intercourse dropped 2% from 1993 to 1999 but rose 3% from 1999 to 2002. 41

Key Findings -Gender and Age n n n Females are more likely to engaged

Key Findings -Gender and Age n n n Females are more likely to engaged in school, to work hard and do well at school, to report more integrity and honesty, to be involved in activities in or out of school and to have more social competence than males. Males are more likely to show high-risk behaviors or substance abuse. Males are more likely to report lower in almost all assets except safety and self-esteem. Similar to the national patterns, students who gets older have fewer assets. The biggest changes for Edina students occurred in Grades 7 and 8. 42