What do you do on the weekends I

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What do you do on the weekends? I often/usually/sometimes …

What do you do on the weekends? I often/usually/sometimes …

I have a busy weekend!

I have a busy weekend!

Go to the bookstore , buy a book. I’m going to buy some books.

Go to the bookstore , buy a book. I’m going to buy some books. Where can I go?

I want to see a film Go to the cinema , see a film(电影).

I want to see a film Go to the cinema , see a film(电影). cinema

Where is the cinema? It’s near the bookstore, I can go on foot.

Where is the cinema? It’s near the bookstore, I can go on foot.

post office near _____. Go. It’s to the postthe office, post a letter.

post office near _____. Go. It’s to the postthe office, post a letter.

post office bookstore cinema

post office bookstore cinema

Go to the hospital, see a doctor. hospital The hospital is… ( new, high,

Go to the hospital, see a doctor. hospital The hospital is… ( new, high, big, small…)

Where can I go? I want to see a doctor. I want to post

Where can I go? I want to see a doctor. I want to post a letter. I want to see a film. I want to read buy a book.

Go to the library, read a book. library

Go to the library, read a book. library

Go to the post office, post a letter. Go to the hospital, see a

Go to the post office, post a letter. Go to the hospital, see a doctor. Go to the library, read a book. Go to the bookstore , buy a book. Go to the science museum , have a look. Go to the cinema , see a film(电影).

science museum library post office hospital cinema bookstore supermarket bank

science museum library post office hospital cinema bookstore supermarket bank

science museum library post office cinema bookstore bank supermarket

science museum library post office cinema bookstore bank supermarket

science museum library post office hospital cinema bookstore bank supermarket

science museum library post office hospital cinema bookstore bank supermarket

science museum library hospital cinema bookstore bank supermarket

science museum library hospital cinema bookstore bank supermarket

science museum library post office hospital cinema bookstore bank supermarket

science museum library post office hospital cinema bookstore bank supermarket

science museum library post office supermarket hospital cinema

science museum library post office supermarket hospital cinema

science museum library post office hospital cinema bookstore bank supermarket

science museum library post office hospital cinema bookstore bank supermarket

library post office hospital cinema bookstore bank

library post office hospital cinema bookstore bank

science museum library post office hospital cinema bookstore bank

science museum library post office hospital cinema bookstore bank

science museum hospital post office bookstore bank

science museum hospital post office bookstore bank

science museum library post office hospital cinema bookstore bank

science museum library post office hospital cinema bookstore bank

Excuse me, where is the post office? It’s near the bus stop.

Excuse me, where is the post office? It’s near the bus stop.

Let’s guess Where is the____? hospital It’s near the _____.

Let’s guess Where is the____? hospital It’s near the _____.

It’s near bookstore next to the _____.

It’s near bookstore next to the _____.

Let’s guess Where is the____? bookstore It’s next to the _____.

Let’s guess Where is the____? bookstore It’s next to the _____.

It’s next to the _____. post office

It’s next to the _____. post office

1. Copy the words. 2. Chant the chant to your friends. 3. Make a

1. Copy the words. 2. Chant the chant to your friends. 3. Make a dialogue about asking roads.