Port MannHighway 1 Traffic Management 2010 Traffic Management

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Port Mann/Highway 1 Traffic Management 2010 Traffic Management Review and 2011 Goal Setting Prepared

Port Mann/Highway 1 Traffic Management 2010 Traffic Management Review and 2011 Goal Setting Prepared by: Devin Duranleau Presented by: Devin and Daryl 2021 -06 -04 1

Introduction • Purpose of this presentation – Objective: • To summarize the achieved 2010

Introduction • Purpose of this presentation – Objective: • To summarize the achieved 2010 Traffic Management performance and compare it to 2009 goals and outline the 2011 Traffic Management Improvement Strategies 2021 -06 -04 2

Agenda o o o Safety Quality Production Staging Risk Management Communication 1 pm to

Agenda o o o Safety Quality Production Staging Risk Management Communication 1 pm to 3 pm o Team Building Laser Tag o End of Session 2021 -06 -04 3

Safety Performance 2021 -06 -04 Confidential 4

Safety Performance 2021 -06 -04 Confidential 4

What we are trying to prevent http: //bonehead. lerman. biz/php/Firebirds. Without. Wings. php http:

What we are trying to prevent http: //bonehead. lerman. biz/php/Firebirds. Without. Wings. php http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=xr 0 YQtmzp. J 0 http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=W 8 Kj 61 eem. S 8 2021 -06 -04 Confidential 5

2009/2010 Key Stats 2009 Stats 2010 Stats 28582 59990 2009 Stats 2010 Stats Lost

2009/2010 Key Stats 2009 Stats 2010 Stats 28582 59990 2009 Stats 2010 Stats Lost Time 0 1 Recordable 0 2 Vehicle Damage 0 2 Property/Equipment 0 4 First Aids 3 6 Total Hurts 3 9 2009 2010 0. 000104 0. 002 Total Hours Worked Hurt Frequency 2021 -06 -04 6

Level 1 and 2 Incidents 80 73 70 60 50 40 Level 1 Incidents

Level 1 and 2 Incidents 80 73 70 60 50 40 Level 1 Incidents 30 Level 2 Incidents 20 11 16 16 10 0 2009 2021 -06 -04 2010 7

2011 Traffic Control Personnel Safety Plan • • A new training program for TCP

2011 Traffic Control Personnel Safety Plan • • A new training program for TCP and Traffic Engineering staff is being developed This new plan encompasses the following: – Each segments TCS will be a designated trainer for field activities – Each TCP will need to go through a 2 week training program at the time of initial hire on – Training programs will be based on new Project Wide standard traffic work plans which will need to be reviewed by all TCP, TCS and Staff before distribution. Work plans for daily operations will be standard project wide with training – Each TCP will have a yearly training record that encompasses each of the necessary competencies and training sessions they need to go through each year. – Review training will be provided bi-annually for those TCP who are long term employees • • The new program will be released before the end of February and a training session will be scheduled for each TCP to discuss the new plan and get input. Key to this new process is LESS PAPERWORK 2021 -06 -04 8

Questions? ? • Group Discussion 2021 -06 -04 9

Questions? ? • Group Discussion 2021 -06 -04 9

2009/2010 Traffic Quality Performance and 2011 Strategy 2021 -06 -04 Confidential 10

2009/2010 Traffic Quality Performance and 2011 Strategy 2021 -06 -04 Confidential 10


2009/2010 Key Performance Stats YEAR NCR’S NCE POINTS CORRECTIVE ACTION REPORTS PREVENTATIVE ACTION REPORTS 2009 33 42 2 3 2010 36 25 0 0 2021 -06 -04 11

2009/2010 Audit Program Stats YEAR Internal Audits Completed External Audits Completed Detour Audits Completed

2009/2010 Audit Program Stats YEAR Internal Audits Completed External Audits Completed Detour Audits Completed 2009 (4 mo) 9 2 3 2010 (12 mo) 50 1 25 TO DATE 59 3 28 % FOCUS 32. 00% 66. 00% INTERNAL AUDITS EXTERNAL AUDITS DETOUR AUDITS 2. 00% 2021 -06 -04 Confidential 12

2009/2010 Internal and External Audit Results 80 75 70 60 50 40 OFI 30

2009/2010 Internal and External Audit Results 80 75 70 60 50 40 OFI 30 NCR 20 10 19 9 9 2009 2010 0 2021 -06 -04 13

2010 Detour Audit Results 133 140 120 100 80 NCR 60 Detour Deficiencies 40

2010 Detour Audit Results 133 140 120 100 80 NCR 60 Detour Deficiencies 40 20 9 0 2010 2021 -06 -04 14

Changes to Quality Management Plan • The TQMP, TQSP’s and the TMP will be

Changes to Quality Management Plan • The TQMP, TQSP’s and the TMP will be revised to account for newly established procedures and continual improvement. • Each of these revisions will be focusing on the following: – Reducing the amount of paperwork we need to do by simplifying it and making it easier to use – Reviewing procedures that are either broken or have changed over the past year and revising them so that we can start fresh with a more effective method – Incorporating field Quality Control clearly into each process – Incorporating field comment from those using the process in the field and modifying the process so that it is simpler and relevant 2021 -06 -04 15

2010 Lessons Learned • • • 202 Lessons Learned Gawk Screen Installation Clear zone

2010 Lessons Learned • • • 202 Lessons Learned Gawk Screen Installation Clear zone infractions Hazard Signage Heights Missing Video Log and Traffic Records Detour Implementation as per design Construction Access Challenges Accommodation of Pedestrians and Cyclists Detour Implementation Planning 2021 -06 -04 Confidential 16

202 Lessons Learned • Detour 1 implemented Sept 22, 2010 – Reduction of design

202 Lessons Learned • Detour 1 implemented Sept 22, 2010 – Reduction of design iterations, from 9 down to 1 – Use of the site inquiry system – Self checks of completed works – Increased time to plan • Safety • Subcontractor – Pacific Coast Traffic Planning – Access • Pre designate and plan site access points 2021 -06 -04 Confidential 17

Segment 2 Lessons Learned • A better contract would take away some of the

Segment 2 Lessons Learned • A better contract would take away some of the MESL protection and give us the ability to argue costs 2021 -06 -04 Confidential 18

Gawk Screen Installations • Gawk screen is to be installed in the areas where

Gawk Screen Installations • Gawk screen is to be installed in the areas where work is active • Installations are to be scheduled ahead of the work as a HOLD POINT!! • Signage in behind gawk screen need to be relocated if it is covered • Work plans should include the installation of Gawk Screen as one of the first steps • This includes barrier installations as well 2021 -06 -04 19

Clear Zone Infractions • Barrier bull noses and end treatments need to be outside

Clear Zone Infractions • Barrier bull noses and end treatments need to be outside the Clear Zone distances as per Table 620 C of the TAC Manual 2021 -06 -04 20

Hazard Signage Heights • Each Hazard Marker sign shall be installed at no greater

Hazard Signage Heights • Each Hazard Marker sign shall be installed at no greater than 1 m above of the roadway. • The one below was installed to high 2021 -06 -04 21

Missing Video Log and Traffic Records • On August 6, 2010 we had our

Missing Video Log and Traffic Records • On August 6, 2010 we had our first traffic fatality which involved KiewitFlatiron employees • The video logs for this night were not completed since the video camera was dead. • Because of this we had not way to prove how we installed the closure as the Daily Traffic Report was inconsistent with the field operations. • The following was completed to correct this issue: • The Daily Traffic Report was revised and made simpler to use and read • Each segment was given a backup camera and a 12 volt to 120 AC inverter to charge the camera in their vehicle] • Daily Video Logs and Traffic Report records are reviewed daily, and weekly to ensure they are being completed. • NCR’s will be issued to the segments for failure to complete either the video log or the Daily Traffic Report when they work that night. 2021 -06 -04 22

Detour Implementation as per design • In 2010 alone there were 25 detour audits

Detour Implementation as per design • In 2010 alone there were 25 detour audits completed and out of the total 36 NCR’s 10 of them were for detour non-conformities • Each of these non-conformity’s exposed us to unnecessary liability. • To Correct this issue the TCIF 001 – Detour Inspection Checklist was revised and went from 9 pages to 2 pages. This checklist simply asks whether or not the implemented detour was built as shown on the drawings. Where it wasn’t correction dates were included and resolved before QA performed their audit. 2021 -06 -04 23

Construction Access Challenges • • 3 NCR’s were issued for Construction Access this year

Construction Access Challenges • • 3 NCR’s were issued for Construction Access this year (over 12 months) verses 4 NCR’s from 2009 (over 4 months). We have improved but we still need to fix this issue Corrections for this issue included Developing the Construction Access Plan TQSP 013. This plan was revised recently so that each segment had their own keyplan which will be updated Monthly and will include standard access protocols for each access point so that a work plan does not need to be created for each access but rather one for 5 similar access points. 2021 -06 -04 24

Accommodation of Pedestrians and Cyclists • When a detour or traffic closure effects an

Accommodation of Pedestrians and Cyclists • When a detour or traffic closure effects an existing walkway or cycling route it must be accommodated or relocated with a detour under a submission with the Consent Procedure • Lane widths next to a shoulder bikeway must be 3. 6 m wide (TAC manual Table 430. B) • Pedestrian and Cyclist access should be considered in the staging plan • Pedestrians and Cyclists must be accommodated even if the traffic control is in place for a short time. 2021 -06 -04 25

Detour Implementation Planning • • • While developing a work plan for implementing a

Detour Implementation Planning • • • While developing a work plan for implementing a detour, design changes need to be accommodated before implementation If certain signs, barrier or roadway won’t be installed as per design, site query’s must be submitted prior to implementation to ensure changes are approved Failure to account for these changes will results in a field implementation Non-Conformance since the design no longer reflects what is installed Any time a design change is needed it must be documented or it opens us to unnecessary risk The drawings do not have to be revised by MESL unless the change is substantial; redline drawings will be acceptable as long as they are kept on hand. 2021 -06 -04 26

Detour Design Management Plan • This plan was revised once more to limit the

Detour Design Management Plan • This plan was revised once more to limit the scope of the MESL designers • This revision also included us self performing detour signage design 2021 -06 -04 27

2011 Audit Program Stats YEAR Internal Audits Completed External Audits Completed Detour Audits Completed

2011 Audit Program Stats YEAR Internal Audits Completed External Audits Completed Detour Audits Completed 2011 71 2 57 TOTAL 130 AUDIT FOCUS 43. 50% 55. 00% INTERNAL AUDITS EXTERNAL AUDITS DETOUR AUDITS 1. 50% 2021 -06 -04 Confidential 28

2011 Surveillance Audit Response • This year the process will be as follow for

2011 Surveillance Audit Response • This year the process will be as follow for responding to Detour Audits: 1. Pre-implementation checklist is submitted to Devin Duranleau 2. Devin completes Detour QA audit and submits the report 3. Segment will receive report and provide a response on the response portion of the report before the due date as noted in the report 4. Devin will receive the response and verifiy the corrections in the field. 5. The report will be closed – If the segment does not respond by the established date, an NCR will be issued on the noted deficiencies – NCE points may be assessed dependant on the safety issue and the number of them will be based how serious the issue is – Segments will have to correct these NCR’s as soon as possible – When closing the NCR the Audit response section will be used to verify the correction to be completed when resolving the NCR. Audit report to be closed before the NCR is advanced to step 4. 2021 -06 -04 Confidential 29

Questions? ? • Group Discussion 2021 -06 -04 30

Questions? ? • Group Discussion 2021 -06 -04 30

Production Performance and 2011 Strategy 2021 -06 -04 31

Production Performance and 2011 Strategy 2021 -06 -04 31

Key Stats • Traffic Production 2009 - 28582 - Man hours Spent 2010 –

Key Stats • Traffic Production 2009 - 28582 - Man hours Spent 2010 – 59990 - Man hours Spent 2021 -06 -04 32

To Date Traffic Costs VS Budget $2, 000. 00 $1, 800, 000. 00 $1,

To Date Traffic Costs VS Budget $2, 000. 00 $1, 800, 000. 00 $1, 600, 000. 00 $1, 400, 000. 00 $1, 200, 000. 00 $1, 000. 00 $800, 000. 00 BUDGET TO DATE COST $600, 000. 00 $400, 000. 00 $200, 000. 00 $0. 00 Segment 1 2 4 2021 -06 -04 33

2011 Traffic Management Strategy Pie Chart 5% 30% 15% 35% Recognizing Incident Trends and

2011 Traffic Management Strategy Pie Chart 5% 30% 15% 35% Recognizing Incident Trends and Implementing Preventative Measures Speed Enforcement and Driver Awareness Training (TCP and Staff) Reducing Delays and Making Budget Detour Implementation as Per Design 15% 2021 -06 -04 34

Questions? ? • Group Discussion 2021 -06 -04 35

Questions? ? • Group Discussion 2021 -06 -04 35

2011 Detour Design and Management Presented by: Daryl Sarauer 2021 -06 -04 36

2011 Detour Design and Management Presented by: Daryl Sarauer 2021 -06 -04 36

Introduction • Purpose of this section – Objective: • To define K/F self performed

Introduction • Purpose of this section – Objective: • To define K/F self performed Detour Design and Traffic Management and outline strategies for 2011 that will improve designs, quality and costing for this service. 2021 -06 -04 37

Better Designed and Implemented Detours results in the folllowing: o Safety – Plan the

Better Designed and Implemented Detours results in the folllowing: o Safety – Plan the Build, Build the Plan o Quality – Proper implementation of detours o Production – improved productivity is a direct link to the planning effort o Staging – Efficient utilization of space and resources o Risk Management – reduced exposure to liability o Communication – better informed Owner (TI Corp, drivers and so forth) 2021 -06 -04 38

The same process will be implemented as we presently use 2021 -06 -04 Confidential

The same process will be implemented as we presently use 2021 -06 -04 Confidential 39

2021 -06 -04 Confidential 40

2021 -06 -04 Confidential 40

Design Process • Detour design has been split up into 4 key groups and

Design Process • Detour design has been split up into 4 key groups and hours for each group are tracked. The strategy for reducing costs in the groups below are: 2021 -06 -04 41

2021 -06 -04 Confidential 42

2021 -06 -04 Confidential 42

K/F self performed Detour Design Constraints • We will NOT be able to perform:

K/F self performed Detour Design Constraints • We will NOT be able to perform: – Highway 1 Detour Designs – Modifications to MESL detour designs • We will BE ABLE to design: – Highway and Cross Street TCLP (4 hour closures, stoppages etc) – Detours for Cross Streets and Lougheed HWY/Maryhill Bypass • Note: Manage K/F’s Liability due to the speed and volume on Hwy 1 2021 -06 -04 43

2011 Traffic Auditing • Traffic Control Design audits will be audited by Devin Duranleau

2011 Traffic Auditing • Traffic Control Design audits will be audited by Devin Duranleau just like they have in the past • Each critical record in the MESL design process will need to be provided for the K/F process as well such as: – – Comment Forms Site Queries Design Criteria TAF forms 2021 -06 -04 44

Method’s to Reduce Costs • Develop thorough work plans prior to initiating work to

Method’s to Reduce Costs • Develop thorough work plans prior to initiating work to ensure that all the necessary equipment is available • Planning work properly with the CPM to ensure that the workload for Detour design can be accomplished • • • Plan your work and be ENGAGED Complete the Concept Development Checklist TCIF 003 for each concept created: Don’t forget construction access! 2021 -06 -04 45

2011 Detour Design workload • Staging – 33 - Detours IFC’s were completed –

2011 Detour Design workload • Staging – 33 - Detours IFC’s were completed – 15 – Traffic Control Layouts were completed – 7 – projects are on the books presently for IDR by the end of Feb. Key to the Detour sections success will be advance notification of upcoming work “PLANNING” 2021 -06 -04 46

Minimum MESL Cost of a Detour • The below cost and hours are what

Minimum MESL Cost of a Detour • The below cost and hours are what is required to complete a basic detour design and field review it: – Management • • (16. 5 hrs) Plan Design Assign design team K/F Liaison Weekly Design Submission and Final QC Check – Engineering Analysis (3. 5 hrs) • Field Engineering Review • Engineering review and drawing stamp – Design ( 7 hrs) • Design/ Review/ QC – CAD • (27 hrs) Produce and Detail Drawings Total Cost 2021 -06 -04 54 Hours $4500. 00 48

K/F Detour Design Costs • The below cost and hours are what is required

K/F Detour Design Costs • The below cost and hours are what is required to complete a basic detour design and field review it: – Management (12 hrs) • Plan Design / Concept • K/F Liaison Weekly • Design Submission and Final QC Check – Engineering Analysis (3. 5 hrs) • Field Engineering Review • Engineering review and drawing stamp – Design (7 hrs-internal segemnt) • Design/ Review/ QC – CAD (27 hrs) • (15 -24 hrs) Produce and Detail Drawings Total 37. 5 -46. 5 Hours Cost $2300 -3000. 00 2021 -06 -04 Confidential 49

2011 Milestones and Goals “What are you thinking? ” Daryl Sarauer 2021 -06 -04

2011 Milestones and Goals “What are you thinking? ” Daryl Sarauer 2021 -06 -04 Confidential 50

Questions? ? • Group Discussion 2021 -06 -04 51

Questions? ? • Group Discussion 2021 -06 -04 51

Upcoming Detours 2021 -06 -04 Confidential 52

Upcoming Detours 2021 -06 -04 Confidential 52

Segment 2 Detour Milestones: CD-0 XX Name Location Implementation CD-009 Hwy 1 & Woolridge

Segment 2 Detour Milestones: CD-0 XX Name Location Implementation CD-009 Hwy 1 & Woolridge around Existing King Ed Hwy 1 @ King Ed and King Ed Spring 2011 CD-025 A Mary Hill WB Bulge to TCH WB – Phase 1 Bulge – Mary. Hill on-ramp Winter 2011 CD-026 A Hwy 1 WB Lougheed EB Bulge - Hwy 1 WB off-ramp to LHH Winter 2011 CD-055 -Stage 5 2678 Demo Mary Hill (2678) Summer 2011 CD-019 E King Ed Closure King Ed + United + Taft Spring 2011 CD-051 Why 1 Bulge Phase 2 Hwy 1 - Bulge Winter 2011 CD-034 “the unicorn” or “the King Coleman ramp to S DB to N DB Cobra” (LHH EB + Hwy 1 + Ramps) 2021 -06 -04 Confidential Fall/Winter 2011 53

Segment 2 Detour Design Remaining • 20 Remaining New Detours; • 3 - Big

Segment 2 Detour Design Remaining • 20 Remaining New Detours; • 3 - Big ($60 K) • 14 - Medium ($40 K) • 3 - Small ($20 K) • 11 In Progress Detours; • 2 Ridiculous (> $100 K) • 5 Big ($60 K) • 4 Medium ($40 K) 2021 -06 -04 Confidential 54

202 Detour #2 • Implementation date: April 2011 • Purpose: Enables construction of the

202 Detour #2 • Implementation date: April 2011 • Purpose: Enables construction of the eastbound bridge and on ramps. • 3 Stages – First stage – Move westbound traffic to completed westbound bridge – Second stage – Move eastbound traffic to westbound bridge, leave the 200 th onramp in place – Third stage – Join the 200 th onramp with the eastbound traffic crossing the bridge 2021 -06 -04 Confidential 55

202 Detour #2 • Red arrow shows stage 2 • Blue arrow shows stage

202 Detour #2 • Red arrow shows stage 2 • Blue arrow shows stage 3 2021 -06 -04 Confidential 56

Port Mann/Highway 1 Improvement Project Traffic Communications Presented by Georgia Tsoromocos

Port Mann/Highway 1 Improvement Project Traffic Communications Presented by Georgia Tsoromocos

Port Mann/Highway 1 Improvement Project Importance of Traffic Communications • Notify the right people

Port Mann/Highway 1 Improvement Project Importance of Traffic Communications • Notify the right people • Keep commuters informed • Minimize interruption and maximize predictability • Mitigate problems and manage complaints • Part of our contractual obligations

Port Mann/Highway 1 Improvement Project Notify the right people • Internal notifications • PMH

Port Mann/Highway 1 Improvement Project Notify the right people • Internal notifications • PMH 1 Call Centre 1 -866 -999 -PMH 1 (7641) for MVAs, closures (beginning and end), any other obstructions/events on the roadway that would affect traffic.

Port Mann/Highway 1 Improvement Project Notify the right people • Owner wants and receives

Port Mann/Highway 1 Improvement Project Notify the right people • Owner wants and receives notifications from the Call Centre when you call in for a closure • Need to be off the road as per contract requirements • Everything is documented and reviewed

Port Mann/Highway 1 Improvement Project Call Centre – Lessons Learned • Make mistakes with

Port Mann/Highway 1 Improvement Project Call Centre – Lessons Learned • Make mistakes with location names Ex: Lougheed Highway Low Heat Highway • Record phone numbers incorrectly Tip: Get them to repeat the number back to you • Distribution list issues FYI: We are working on fixing this problem

Port Mann/Highway 1 Improvement Project Keep commuters informed • K/F submits a 3 -week

Port Mann/Highway 1 Improvement Project Keep commuters informed • K/F submits a 3 -week traffic look-ahead schedule each week to the Owner • Shows time and date for closures so commuters can plan ahead • Posted on PMH 1 website www. pmh 1 project. com • Public and media look at it “Accuracy is everything. ”

Port Mann/Highway 1 Improvement Project Traffic Schedule • Two stages of quality checking: segment

Port Mann/Highway 1 Improvement Project Traffic Schedule • Two stages of quality checking: segment level and again, prior to being sent to Owner • Inaccurate information aggravates the Owner and public • Resource tool for commuters “Accuracy is everything. ”

Port Mann/Highway 1 Improvement Project PMH 1 Project Website www. pmh 1 project. com

Port Mann/Highway 1 Improvement Project PMH 1 Project Website www. pmh 1 project. com • Vital information tool • Owner operated • Traffic and construction updates • Frequently Asked Questions • Recently added Web Cams of construction progress

Port Mann/Highway 1 Improvement Project “Minimize interruption, maximize predictability” • Adhere to the traffic

Port Mann/Highway 1 Improvement Project “Minimize interruption, maximize predictability” • Adhere to the traffic schedule • Extenuating circumstances happen • Notify the Owner of a change and explain why • Helps to manage our relationship with the Owner and the public

Port Mann/Highway 1 Improvement Project Mitigate problems and manage complaints • High profile project

Port Mann/Highway 1 Improvement Project Mitigate problems and manage complaints • High profile project – everyone is watching • Public perception is important • Public wants the long-term gain but not the short-term pain “It’s difficult to sell the benefits of change”

Port Mann/Highway 1 Improvement Project Public complaints • Via the PMH 1 Call Centre

Port Mann/Highway 1 Improvement Project Public complaints • Via the PMH 1 Call Centre • Directly to Kiewit/Flatiron • To the Owner, then to Kiewit/Flatiron

Port Mann/Highway 1 Improvement Project Public complaints § Traffic delays § Closures § Detours

Port Mann/Highway 1 Improvement Project Public complaints § Traffic delays § Closures § Detours § Road signs § Debris on the road § Noise § Dust

Port Mann/Highway 1 Improvement Project Manage public complaints • Respond quickly • Provide information

Port Mann/Highway 1 Improvement Project Manage public complaints • Respond quickly • Provide information • Learn from mistakes so we don’t repeat them • Show the Owner how we’re going to prevent mistakes from reoccurring

Port Mann/Highway 1 Improvement Project Public Relations Goals To show the public that: •

Port Mann/Highway 1 Improvement Project Public Relations Goals To show the public that: • We put safety (theirs and ours) first • We are causing the least amount of disruption as possible • We are the best contractor in the business

Port Mann/Highway 1 Improvement Project ? Questions

Port Mann/Highway 1 Improvement Project ? Questions