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HERE ARE TODAY’S CATEGORIES Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

HERE ARE TODAY’S CATEGORIES Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

Fast Facts Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

Fast Facts Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

ESSA Alignment Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

ESSA Alignment Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

WIOA Alignment Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

WIOA Alignment Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

New Definitions Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

New Definitions Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

New Definitions 2 Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

New Definitions 2 Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

Removed Definitions Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

Removed Definitions Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence


FAST FACTS ESSA ALIGNMENT WIOA ALIGNMENT NEW DEFINITIONS 2 REMOVED DEFINITIONS $100 $100 $200 $200 $300 $300 $400 $400 $500 $500 FINAL JEOPARDY Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

July 1, 2019 GO TO ANSWER (question) Start Timer Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo

July 1, 2019 GO TO ANSWER (question) Start Timer Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What is the date Perkins V goes into effect? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo

What is the date Perkins V goes into effect? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

25 GO TO ANSWER (question) Start Timer Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

25 GO TO ANSWER (question) Start Timer Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

How many new definitions are there in Perkins V? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo

How many new definitions are there in Perkins V? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

6 years - until June 30, 2025 GO TO ANSWER (question) Start Timer Theme

6 years - until June 30, 2025 GO TO ANSWER (question) Start Timer Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

How many years of the program does Perkins V authorize? Theme Timer Lose Cheer

How many years of the program does Perkins V authorize? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

Perkins V: The Official Guide by Alisha Hyslop GO TO ANSWER (question) Start Timer

Perkins V: The Official Guide by Alisha Hyslop GO TO ANSWER (question) Start Timer Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What book is an excellent Perkins V reference? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What book is an excellent Perkins V reference? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

ESSA, WIOA, and The Indian Self. Determination and Education Assistance Act GO TO ANSWER

ESSA, WIOA, and The Indian Self. Determination and Education Assistance Act GO TO ANSWER (question) Start Timer Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What other federal laws are widely referenced in Perkins V? Theme Timer Lose Cheer

What other federal laws are widely referenced in Perkins V? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

(5) This updated definition specifies that content must be aligned with state academic standards

(5) This updated definition specifies that content must be aligned with state academic standards (secondary) or rigorous academic standards (postsecondary) GO TO ANSWER (question) Start Timer Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What is “Career and Technical Education” ? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What is “Career and Technical Education” ? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

(15) A program offered by a partnership between at least one institution of higher

(15) A program offered by a partnership between at least one institution of higher education and at least one district where a high school student can enroll in postsecondary courses and earn credit GO TO ANSWER (question) Start Timer Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What is “Dual or Concurrent Enrollment Program” ? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What is “Dual or Concurrent Enrollment Program” ? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

(16) Another name for a high school partnering with an institution of higher education

(16) Another name for a high school partnering with an institution of higher education that allows students to simultaneously complete diploma requirements and earn not less than 12 credits towards a postsecondary degree GO TO ANSWER (question) Start Timer Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What is an “Early College High School” ? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What is an “Early College High School” ? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

(45) Combining ESSA and CTE language, this definition includes activities that are sustained, intensive,

(45) Combining ESSA and CTE language, this definition includes activities that are sustained, intensive, data-driven, and are designed to promote the integration of academic knowledge and skills with technical knowledge and skills GO TO ANSWER (question) Start Timer Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What is “Professional Development” ? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What is “Professional Development” ? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

(46) A term meaning school counselors, social workers, and psychologists; as well as other

(46) A term meaning school counselors, social workers, and psychologists; as well as other qualified professional personnel such as nurses, librarians, and speech language pathologists GO TO ANSWER (question) Start Timer Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What is “Specialized Instructional Support Personnel” ? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What is “Specialized Instructional Support Personnel” ? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

(8) Combinations of high-quality education that include: • alignment with the needs of local

(8) Combinations of high-quality education that include: • alignment with the needs of local industry • attainment of high school diploma and at least one postsecondary credential • entry or advancement within a specific occupation GO TO ANSWER (question) Start Timer Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What are “Career Pathways” ? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What are “Career Pathways” ? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

(26) An industry that either has a substantial current or potential impact on the

(26) An industry that either has a substantial current or potential impact on the State, regional, or local economy; or an occupation that currently has or is projected to have a number of positions in an industry that has a significant impact on the State, regional, or local economy GO TO ANSWER (question) Start Timer Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What is “In-Demand Industry Sector or Occupation” ? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What is “In-Demand Industry Sector or Occupation” ? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

(29) A workforce collaborative partnering with a State or local board, that organizes key

(29) A workforce collaborative partnering with a State or local board, that organizes key stakeholders in an industry cluster and focuses on the shared goals and personnel needs of that industry cluster GO TO ANSWER (question) Start Timer Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What is “Industry or Sector Partnership” ? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What is “Industry or Sector Partnership” ? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

(35) An individual not attending school, who is between 16 and 24, and is

(35) An individual not attending school, who is between 16 and 24, and is 1 or more of the following: – – – – a school dropout a school-aged youth who has not attended school in the most recent quarter a low-income graduate also Sped or EL in the justice system homeless / aged out of Foster Care pregnant or parenting a youth with a disability a low-income youth requiring help to enter or complete education/secure employment GO TO ANSWER (question) Start Timer Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What is an “Out-of-School Youth” ? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What is an “Out-of-School Youth” ? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

(43) A credential consisting of: • an industry-recognized certificate or certification • completion of

(43) A credential consisting of: • an industry-recognized certificate or certification • completion of an apprenticeship • a license recognized by the State or Federal Government, or • an associate or baccalaureate degree GO TO ANSWER (question) Start Timer Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What is “Recognized Postsecondary Credential” ? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What is “Recognized Postsecondary Credential” ? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

Also an ESSA reference, definition (25) is the name for a secondary school that

Also an ESSA reference, definition (25) is the name for a secondary school that grants a diploma and includes, at least, grade 12 GO TO ANSWER (question) Start Timer Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What is a “High School” ? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What is a “High School” ? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

(12) A student who has completed: • Secondary - at least 2 courses in

(12) A student who has completed: • Secondary - at least 2 courses in a single CTE program of study or CTEPS • Postsecondary – at least 12 credits within a CTE program, or completed a program containing fewer than 12 credits total GO TO ANSWER (question) Start Timer Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What is a “CTE Concentrator” ? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What is a “CTE Concentrator” ? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

(13) An individual who completes not less than one course in a CTE program

(13) An individual who completes not less than one course in a CTE program or CTEPS – (this is no longer part of accountability) GO TO ANSWER (question) Start Timer Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What is a “CTE Participant” ? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What is a “CTE Participant” ? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

(11) Formal agreement between secondary and postsecondary institutions that grants students transcripted postsecondary credit

(11) Formal agreement between secondary and postsecondary institutions that grants students transcripted postsecondary credit which may include: • dual or concurrent enrollment • articulated credit • credit granted on the basis of performance on technical and academic assessments GO TO ANSWER (question) Start Timer Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What is a “Credit Transfer Agreement” ? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What is a “Credit Transfer Agreement” ? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

(41) Coordinated, non-duplicative sequence of academic and technical content at the secondary and postsecondary

(41) Coordinated, non-duplicative sequence of academic and technical content at the secondary and postsecondary level that includes: • • • state academic standards both academic and technical knowledge alignment with local industry needs courses with progressive specificity multiple entry/exit points GO TO ANSWER (question) Start Timer Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What is a “Program of Study (CTEPS)” ? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What is a “Program of Study (CTEPS)” ? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

(42) Nonprofit (may be part of an industry partnership) with expertise in building, sustaining

(42) Nonprofit (may be part of an industry partnership) with expertise in building, sustaining and measuring partnerships with employers, schools, postsecondary institutions, etc. to broker services, resources and supports to youth and organizations serving youth including: • designing CTE programs • delivering professional development • connecting students to work-based learning • connecting employers to classrooms GO TO ANSWER (question) Start Timer Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What is a “Qualified Intermediary” ? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What is a “Qualified Intermediary” ? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

(51) Sustained student interactions with industry or community professionals in real workplace settings or

(51) Sustained student interactions with industry or community professionals in real workplace settings or simulated environments that foster in-depth engagement with the tasks required of a given career field GO TO ANSWER (question) Start Timer Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What is “Work-Based Learning” ? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What is “Work-Based Learning” ? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

(48) This definition adds categories for: • • • homeless youth in or who

(48) This definition adds categories for: • • • homeless youth in or who have aged out of foster care youth with a parent who is an active duty member of the armed forces GO TO ANSWER (question) Start Timer Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What is “Special Populations” ? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What is “Special Populations” ? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

(53) Recognized governing body of any Indian tribe; any legally established organization of Indians

(53) Recognized governing body of any Indian tribe; any legally established organization of Indians controlled, sanctioned, or chartered by such governing body or which is democratically elected by adult members of the Indian community to be served … and includes the maximum participation of Indians in all phases of its activities GO TO ANSWER (question) Start Timer Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What is “Tribal Organization” ? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What is “Tribal Organization” ? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

This is the primary unit of analysis for Perkins V accountability requirements GO TO

This is the primary unit of analysis for Perkins V accountability requirements GO TO ANSWER (question) Start Timer Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What is a “(12) CTE Concentrator” ? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What is a “(12) CTE Concentrator” ? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

School Dropout – this definition was removed and replaced with what definition? GO TO

School Dropout – this definition was removed and replaced with what definition? GO TO ANSWER (question) Start Timer Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What is “Out-of-School Youth” ? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What is “Out-of-School Youth” ? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

Definitions were removed surrounding this term, defunct since Congress defunded the program July 1,

Definitions were removed surrounding this term, defunct since Congress defunded the program July 1, 2011 GO TO ANSWER (question) Start Timer Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What is “Tech Prep” ? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What is “Tech Prep” ? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

Replacement language for “Displaced Homemaker” GO TO ANSWER (question) Start Timer Theme Timer Lose

Replacement language for “Displaced Homemaker” GO TO ANSWER (question) Start Timer Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What is “(10) Out-of-Workforce Individual” ? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What is “(10) Out-of-Workforce Individual” ? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

This Term replaces the removed NCLB-era term “Scientifically Based Research” GO TO ANSWER (question)

This Term replaces the removed NCLB-era term “Scientifically Based Research” GO TO ANSWER (question) Start Timer Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What is “(23) Evidence Based” Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What is “(23) Evidence Based” Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

The section for “permissive uses of funds” is removed - all expenditures must now

The section for “permissive uses of funds” is removed - all expenditures must now be connected to this new process defined in section 134(c) GO TO ANSWER (question) Start Timer Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What is “Comprehensive Needs Assessment” ? Section 134(c) Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What is “Comprehensive Needs Assessment” ? Section 134(c) Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

No longer listed in Perkins V, this program was defunded by Congress July 1,

No longer listed in Perkins V, this program was defunded by Congress July 1, 2011 GO TO ANSWER (question) Start Timer Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What is “Tech Prep” ? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence

What is “Tech Prep” ? Theme Timer Lose Cheer Boo Silence