- Slides: 72
HERE ARE TODAY’S CATEGORIES Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
I got mad Skillz Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
Umpire calls it “Safe!” Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
Signs of Vitality Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
Movement Mania Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
Measurement Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
Care Considerations Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
I got mad Skillz Umpire calls it “Safe!” Signs of Vitality Movement Mania Measurement Care Considerations $100 $100 $200 $200 $300 $300 $400 $400 $500 $500 FINAL JEOPARODY Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
During this skill you must lock the bed and wheelchair brakes to ensure the resident’s safety GO TO RESPONSE Start Timer Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
What is Ambulation with a Gait Belt? Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
The candidate is free to position the resident in a manner acceptable to perform this skill (weak side first) but NEVER sits the resident on the side of the bed GO TO RESPONSE Start Timer Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
What is Dressing the Bedridden Resident? Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
During this skill you must position the resident in an upright position of at least 45 degrees and the candidate is within 25% of solids and 30 m. L of fluids consumed GO TO RESPONSE Start Timer Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
What is Feeding the Dependent Resident? Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
During this skill the candidate turns the resident to a side lying position to avoid choking or aspiration GO TO RESPONSE Start Timer Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
What is Mouth Care of the Comatose Resident? Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
During this skill the candidate must provide for resident privacy by pulling the privacy curtain, directing the RN test observer to stand on the opposite side of the bed for safety, and clean top to bottom, clean 3 sides, wiping vagina to rectum GO TO RESPONSE Start Timer Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
What is Perineal Care of the Female? Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
A major safety and health hazard we work hard to avoid GO TO RESPONSE Start Timer Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
What is Infection? Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
Gloves, gowns, hair & shoe covers, and masks GO TO RESPONSE Start Timer Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
What is Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)? Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
Never promising to keep a “secret” and reporting abuse and suicidal/homicidal ideation to the proper authorities GO TO RESPONSE Start Timer Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
What is being a Mandatory Reporter? Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
The simplest form of reducing the spread of infection GO TO RESPONSE Start Timer Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
What is Hand Hygiene? Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
Where you are told how to use the substance, how to clean up a spill or leak, and how to dispose of the substance GO TO RESPONSE Start Timer Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
What is a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)? Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
Considered to be the 5 th Vital Sign, recorded rating/10, and is what the patient says it is GO TO RESPONSE Start Timer Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
What is Pain? Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
Candidate differentiation allowance of 6/8 mm. HG SBP/DBP from the RN test observer GO TO RESPONSE Start Timer Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
What is Blood Pressure? Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
98. 6 degrees Oral, 78 HR, 18 RR, 99% Sa. O 2, and BP 118/78 GO TO RESPONSE Start Timer Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
What is normal vital signs? Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
Confusion, Pale, 135 HR, 32 RR, BP 80/45, cap refill >5 sec GO TO RESPONSE Start Timer Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
What is Shock? Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
The pneumonic we use to assess for Stroke and what each letter stands for GO TO RESPONSE Start Timer Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
What is FAST (Face, Arms, Speech, Time)? Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
Extensive Assistance: This weight requires 2 -3 Staff members and a frictionreducing device for safe movement GO TO RESPONSE Start Timer Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
What is the person that weighs less than 200 lb. ? Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
Turning a person as a unit, in alignment, with one motion, requiring at least 3 staff members GO TO RESPONSE Start Timer Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
What is Logrolling? Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
Used if the resident can bear some or all of their weight, is cooperative and can follow directions, and can assist with the transfer GO TO RESPONSE Start Timer Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
What is a Stand Pivot Transfer? Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
Identified by OSHA as this for the nursing team taking into account force, repeating action, awkward postures, and heavy lifting GO TO RESPONSE Start Timer Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
What is MSD Risk Factors? Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
*Using good body mechanics *Asking a co-worker for help *Explaining the procedure to the person *Placing pillows for support and alignment GO TO RESPONSE Start Timer Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
What is how to safely position a person? Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
The amount of water an adult needs daily to survive GO TO RESPONSE Start Timer Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
What is 1500 m. L? Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
Amount of water intake for the day 1 oz=30 m. L GO TO RESPONSE Start Timer Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
What is 770 m. L? Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
Food intake =eaten GO TO RESPONSE Start Timer Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
What is 75%? Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
Urine Output GO TO RESPONSE Start Timer Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
What is 350 m. L of clear, amber urine? Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
Fluid intake for the Day Still in cylinder GO TO RESPONSE Start Timer Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
What is 850 cc/m. L? Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
During this skill the candidate must position the resident supine and not cause discomfort or pain (must ask) and force the joint beyond free movement GO TO RESPONSE Start Timer Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
What is Range of Motion Hip & Knee? Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
Residents use this to provide balance and support, can be single or quad tipped, and should be held on the strong side of the body GO TO RESPONSE Start Timer Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
What is a cane? Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
Pressure Ulcers, UTI’s, blood clots, pneumonia, and atropy GO TO RESPONSE Start Timer Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
What are complications from bedrest? Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
During this skill the candidate directs the observer to stand on the opposite side of the bed for resident safety atleast twice GO TO RESPONSE Start Timer Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
What is making an occupied bed? Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
*Turning our residents every 2 hrs *Placing the call light within reach *Checking residentifiers every time we provide care GO TO RESPONSE Start Timer Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
What are things we do to keep residents safe? Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
*Usually superficial *Irregular border *Reddish-blue in color *Moderate to severe LE edema GO TO PROMPT (RESPONS E) Start Timer Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
What is Venous Insufficiency? Correct Wrong Cheer Boo Silence
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