What Map Use Geographers Vs Do Using a

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What Map Use Geographers Vs. Do! Using a Globe Potpourri Key Terms Map Reading

What Map Use Geographers Vs. Do! Using a Globe Potpourri Key Terms Map Reading 5 pt 5 pt 10 pt 10 pt 15 pt 15 pt 20 pt 20 pt 25 pt 25 pt A Little This & A Little That! A review of the Previous 4 categories

When reading a map, this term means a change in the accuracy of both

When reading a map, this term means a change in the accuracy of both its shapes and distances



An imaginary line, which circles the globe in a north to south direction. In

An imaginary line, which circles the globe in a north to south direction. In reality, it measures distance eastwest of Prime Meridian

What is LONGITUDE? Greenwich indicates the prime meridian, which is zero degrees longitude

What is LONGITUDE? Greenwich indicates the prime meridian, which is zero degrees longitude

In its most basic term, geography is the study of

In its most basic term, geography is the study of

What is Earth? Geography is the study of our planet Earth.

What is Earth? Geography is the study of our planet Earth.

This is the section of the map which explains symbols for the map

This is the section of the map which explains symbols for the map

What is a KEY? Although these are examples of a map key, straight above

What is a KEY? Although these are examples of a map key, straight above is an example of a compass rose, which shows the cardinal directions of north, south, east and west.

This map feature shows the four cardinal directions of north, south, east and west

This map feature shows the four cardinal directions of north, south, east and west



The purpose of latitude and longitude on a map or globe

The purpose of latitude and longitude on a map or globe

What is help geographers identify or find an absolute location?

What is help geographers identify or find an absolute location?

Robinson map projection is popular and used in most texts because of this reason

Robinson map projection is popular and used in most texts because of this reason

What is the most accurate way to show Earth’s continents and its bodies of

What is the most accurate way to show Earth’s continents and its bodies of water? Robinson map projection

One reason distortion affects a map

One reason distortion affects a map

What is it may change the shape of some landmasses?

What is it may change the shape of some landmasses?

This is one reason flat maps were made

This is one reason flat maps were made

What is impossible to make a globe complete enough to use ?

What is impossible to make a globe complete enough to use ?

This is a sizeable reason to create and use flat maps

This is a sizeable reason to create and use flat maps

What is globes are not convenient enough to carry on a trip?

What is globes are not convenient enough to carry on a trip?

This is what geographers learn when they study human-environment interaction

This is what geographers learn when they study human-environment interaction

What is how people and the environment affect each other?

What is how people and the environment affect each other?

This is a pair of questions which guide geographers

This is a pair of questions which guide geographers

What are: Where are things located? And, Why are they there?

What are: Where are things located? And, Why are they there?

These are the five themes which guide geographers

These are the five themes which guide geographers

What are location, regions, place, movement, and humanenvironment interaction?

What are location, regions, place, movement, and humanenvironment interaction?

This is something that geographers study

This is something that geographers study

What is how people and Earth affect each other?

What is how people and Earth affect each other?

Landforms and their location

Landforms and their location

What are studied by geographers?

What are studied by geographers?

Tip for writing an essay answer

Tip for writing an essay answer

What is Write answer in complete sentences?

What is Write answer in complete sentences?

Since globes are round and somewhat bulky, maps are a better choice for use

Since globes are round and somewhat bulky, maps are a better choice for use in this type of transportation

What is a car, van, truck, hike, or bus? And you may have your

What is a car, van, truck, hike, or bus? And you may have your own choices, as well.

When writing an essay answer, it is smart to do this with the final

When writing an essay answer, it is smart to do this with the final sentence

What is have a strong conclusion? In other words, wrap up your statement based

What is have a strong conclusion? In other words, wrap up your statement based on the facts given in the previous sentences.

Along with it being convenient to carry, this is another important reason that a

Along with it being convenient to carry, this is another important reason that a map is the better choice for traveling in a car

What is a map is more complete to use? In other words, maps can

What is a map is more complete to use? In other words, maps can give exact locations of a city, state or features of the world.

For the most part, a map does a better job than a globe. Yet,

For the most part, a map does a better job than a globe. Yet, there is one way a globe performs better than a map.

What is distortion in a map? Distortion may change the shape of some land

What is distortion in a map? Distortion may change the shape of some land masses. It can also change the accuracy of shapes and distances.

Robinson map projection is popular and used in most texts because of this reason

Robinson map projection is popular and used in most texts because of this reason

What is the most accurate way to show Earth’s continents and its bodies of

What is the most accurate way to show Earth’s continents and its bodies of water? Robinson map projection

This is what geographers learn when they study human-environment interaction

This is what geographers learn when they study human-environment interaction

What is how people and the environment affect each other?

What is how people and the environment affect each other?

In its most basic term, GEOGRAPHY is the study of

In its most basic term, GEOGRAPHY is the study of

What is Earth? Geography is the study of Earth.

What is Earth? Geography is the study of Earth.

A pair of questions which guide geographers

A pair of questions which guide geographers

What are: Where are things located? And, Why are they there?

What are: Where are things located? And, Why are they there?

These are the five themes which guide geographers

These are the five themes which guide geographers

What are location, regions, place, movement, and humanenvironment interaction?

What are location, regions, place, movement, and humanenvironment interaction?