The Water Cycle Created by N Urbanski Name

The Water Cycle Created by N. Urbanski

Name the 4 types of precipitation 1. Rain 2. Sleet 3. Snow 4. Hail

What do you call the water that moves in a downward motion on the ground? a. runoff b. groundwater c. condensation d. oceans

What aspect of the water cycle is represented by “D”? Groundwater

What do rain clouds look like? a. white and puffy b. long and straight c. big and dark d. thin and wispy

Name the 3 states of matter. Solid Liquid Gas

An ice cube is an example of which state of matter? a. A solid b. A liquid c. A gas d. All of the above

What aspect of the water cycle is represented by “B”? Precipitation

The steam coming out of a pot of boiling water is an example of which state of matter? a. A solid b. A liquid c. A gas d. All of the above

A glass of water is an example of which state of matter? a. A solid b. A liquid c. A gas d. All of the above

If a bowl of water freezes, it’s state of matter changes from ______ a. A gas to a liquid b. A liquid to a solid c. A solid to a liquid d. A solid to a gas

If an ice cube melts, it’s state of matter changes from ______ a. A gas to a liquid b. A liquid to a solid c. A solid to a liquid d. A solid to a gas

What is the source of energy for the water cycle? a. The ocean b. The sun c. The clouds d. The mountains

If Mrs. Darnley left a pot of water boiling for a long time, what would happen to the amount of water in the pot? a. b. c. d. There would be less water There would be more water The amount of water would stay the same The water would freeze

What aspect of the water cycle is represented by “A”? Condensation

A puddle disappears. This is an example of ____ a. b. c. d. condensation evaporation precipitation run off

Over a period of thousands of years, water cuts away at rock and soil and a valley is formed. This is an example of ____ a. b. c. d. condensation evaporation precipitation erosion

The weather is hot. The water level in Mrs. Darnley’s pool decreases. This is an example of _____. a. b. c. d. condensation evaporation precipitation erosion

Water covers this much of the Earth’s surface. a. b. c. d. ¼ ½ ¾ 100 %

What aspect of the water cycle is represented by “E”? Evaporation

This type of water is found in the oceans. a. b. c. d. Fresh water Drinking water Salt water All of the Earth’s water

Water that is in this state of matter has a definite shape. a. liquid b. gas c. solid

Precipitation, condensation, evaporation, and collection are the four parts of _____ a. b. c. d. The water cycle States of matter Collection Precipitation

What aspect of the water cycle is represented by “C”? Run-off

If it’s below freezing in the clouds and on the ground and starts to precipitate, what would come from the clouds? a. rain b. sleet or hail c. snow

If it’s below freezing in the clouds but above freezing on the ground and starts to precipitate, what would come from the clouds? a. rain b. sleet or hail c. snow

When the sun heats up water in the ocean, the sun is passing ____ to the water. a. b. c. d. kindness precipitation energy water

Rain coming from the sky is an example of _____. a. b. c. d. evaporation condensation erosion precipitation

What is the source of energy for the water cycle? a. The ocean b. The sun c. The clouds d. The mountains

Which part of the water cycle includes the water in the lake, groundwater and run-off? Collection
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