Career Tech Basics Intended for the EMIS professional
Career Tech Basics Intended for the EMIS professional who completes the EMIS/Career Technical reporting for your district. Basic terminology, EMIS element descriptions. Best practices suggestions to organize the collections and reporting of the CTE EMIS elements will be discussed. Teri Belt tbelt@mvctc. com
What is “CTE”? § CTE is an acronym for § § When did Career Tech start? § § Career Technical Education In November, 1968 – a constitutional amendment was voted and approved by Ohio voters which provided the issuance of $100 million in bonds for vocational, technical and higher education. What is the mission of Career Technical Education in Ohio? § The Ohio Career Technical and Adult Education mission is to provide quality programs and services to meet the lifelong career education need of Ohio’s youth and adults. The system creates, maintains and empowers the workforce of today and tomorrow and is critical to the economic future of Ohio.
What is Ohio Career Tech? CTE is the umbrella term for all courses, programs and initiatives that are part of career-tech, including Ohio. Means. Jobs K 12, Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS), Career-Based Intervention (CBI) and High Schools That Work (HSTW). Typically, Ohio career tech refers to high school juniors and seniors enrolled in programs leading to careers in such areas as engineering, construction, health and agriculture. Emphasis is on workforce development to meet the needs of Ohio’s top industries. But Ohio career tech is much more. Career tech students, as early as Grade 7, can be enrolled in career field programs. https: //education. ohio. gov/Topics/Career-Tech/CTE-FAQ
What is a Workforce Development Program? Curriculum that combines academics and concentrated study in specific career fields and prepares students for college and careers. There are 16 Career Fields: Agricultural and Environmental Systems Arts and Communication Business and Administrative Services Construction Technologies Engineering and Science Technologies Education and Training Government and Public Administration Finance Health Science Hospitality and Tourism Human Services Information Technology Law and Public Safety Manufacturing Technologies Marketing Transportation Systems
CTE Program Delivery Ohio has over 650 individual secondary school districts and each must belong to one of the 91 CTPD’s under a formal agreement to offer CTE programs that meet state and federal requirements. Programs may be offered at: A central location (at a JVS/CTC) Satellite programs Middle school delivery Compact/Comprehensive districts (43 in Ohio)
What is a CTPD? Career Technical Planning District Local education agency configuration (comprehensive, compact, contract or joint vocational school district) that meets the minimum requirements of law and subsequent standards to offer state sanctioned careertechnical programming. The CTPD Plan and the school district membership of a CTPD must be approved by the State Board of Education.
Role of the CTPD The Career Technical Planning District: Ensure students are offered a wide variety of programs Act as fiscal agent for federal funding Report student achievement/data Guidance to member districts planning/implementation of CTE programs
CTE-26 Career Technical Education • 1 st step to complete when: • New Program Initiated • Change current CTE program • Not funded prior year • Work with Tech Prep Consortium to garner relationships with Post. Secondary Institutions Student Information EMIS • Course Master • Student Demographics • Student Schedule • Student Memberships • Correlation and Mapping Tables • Program/Area of Concentration • Student Assessment Results • ODE Reports in Data Collector • Communication between districts using ODEX/SCR • Performance Report goals • LRC - CTPD/Local District Performance Data Relationships • ODE/CTE Override Request
CTE-26 An Application for Preliminary Approval to the Ohio Department of Education for a Career Technical Program/Workforce Development program. Complete when: A new program is started Building IRN has changed for a program If you were not funded the prior year but want to offer the program for funding Five-year program approval has expired Program design must meet Administrative Rule criteria Who should complete the CTE-26? The person(s) who best understand the curriculum Usually an administrator and teacher team
CTE-26 Web Based Application accessed through your SAFE Account You want to ensure your staff has the correct OEDS roles assigned for access to the system ODE has information and resources available on their website https: //education. ohio. gov/Topics/Career-Tech/CTE-26 Application-and-Resources CTE-26 Resources FY 2019 List of CTE Assurances CTE-26 Renewal Schedule CTE-26 and CTE Program Review Career-Technical Education Login Roles Ohio College Tech Prep Regional Center Contacts CTE-26 Directions Tech Prep CTE-26 Checklist CTPD Flow Chart CTE Tech Prep CTE-26 Application Creation
CTE EMIS Elements What are the CTE elements? What tools or resources should I use? Where do I find information, or who do I get it from?
Specific CTE EMIS Elements GQ – Student Program Record FN – Student Area/Program of Concentration GV – CTE Workforce Development Follow-Up Record CV – Career Technical Education Correlated Class Record CM – Mapped Local Classroom Code Record FA – Student Assessment Record
GQ – Student Program Record Student Membership (Program) Codes Career Technical Student Organization Examples: BPA – Business Professionals of America FFA – formerly Future Farmers of America Skills USA – formerly VICA You will want to also track for each student in a CTSO the Career. Technical Student Organization Participation Level Local, Regional, State, National level participation This is reported for each concentrator who left secondary education in “D” March Follow-Up reporting
GQ – Student Program Record Academic Intervention program codes CTE Single Parent, use program code 305010 – CTE Single Parent Subgroup Married parent - male or female Single pregnant student Career Assessment Information on student Program Codes EMIS Manual 2. 9, Chapter Two, section 9, Student Program Record (GQ) Reported in “S” initial, mid, and final. Check out the chart in the EMIS Manual
FN – Student Area & Program of Concentration One of the most important elements to get correctly reported for each student Inaccuracies can lead to Federal Accountability Issues Local Report Card Issues Program Review Issues Definitions – basic and simple Participant: a student who has earned credit in a CTE course Concentrator: a student who has completed half of a CTE Career Field Pathway and has enrolled in the next portion of the Pathway Resources EMIS Manual Section 2. 6 Program and Assessment Matrix
CTE Program Area Ø Program Area Definition: Ø The primary CTE Workforce Development Program for which a student has met the requirements to be considered a concentrator. Ø This is generally known as the Career Field Pathway Code Ø The district that employs the teacher is responsible for identifying and reporting this element CTE Program of Concentration Ø Program of Concentration Definition: Ø The primary CTE Workforce Development Program for which a student has met the requirements to be considered a concentrator.
GV – CTE Workforce Development Follow-Up Record Also referred to as “D” March EMIS Manual and the Career Tech website have information about this collecting in detail Collects the following information for Concentrators who left secondary education within six months of leaving school Reporting period for students who were CTE Concentrators in any previous year and who left secondary education the prior year (including students reported the prior year with a diploma date or withdrawal reason 47, 71, 72, 73, 74 or 75) If students reported as leaving school the prior year are found to be enrolled in an Ohio school district in the current year, they are not included in follow-up reporting.
GV – CTE Workforce Development Follow-Up Record Ensure you follow the ODE/Perkins guidelines when reporting and asking student questions. On ODE website – search for “Follow Up” this will provide guidance, strategies and samples The best resources are the instructors Fields in March Reporting Apprenticeship Related Apprenticeship Non-Related Employed Non Related Military Non-Related Postsecondary Non-Related Status Unknown Deceased Not Reported Diploma Status Unknown Earned GED Not earned Diploma Earned Industry Certificate or Licensure Earned Incorrectly reported as a Concentrator
CV – Correlated Class Record Used to indicate a relationship between CTE Program and: Associated technical related class (V 3) Associated CBI V 3 technical classes One or more classes can be correlated to a CTE program No longer correlate (VA) Applied Academic courses to the CTE Program ODE has checks in place to verify these VA students are enrolled in a CTE Program (VN, VT, VC) References: EMIS Manual 4. 5
CM – Mapped Local Classroom Record (CM) This process should be used when: Only used for CTE classes One instructor teaches same students Classes must have same: Subject Code Employee Id Curriculum Delivery Method Educational Option Student Population Only Semester or Year classes are eligible for mapping Types of Mapping Map two classes from same semester Map first and second semester classes together Combination mapping necessary to combine two first semester classes into one class, also combine two second semester classes into one class, and then map the combined classes into a single all year class
FA – Student Assessment Record For CTE purposes only concerned with the GY and GW records The Student Assessment Record (GY) is required to assess any secondary student who is in the last class of a series of career technical classes. These students are considered Concentrators. Testing is typically referred to as Web. Xam, tests are administered through Ohio State University, CETE Office Test results are uploaded from OSU to your ITC, ITC downloads results to your database – it is your responsibility to verify Reported in “A” Career Tech Accountability Assessment Collection and March “D” Follow Up RULE OF THUMB: TEST EVERY STUDENT
FA – Student Assessment Record GW records are industry, technical or state licensing assessments developed by industry associations. Students may take assessments during or after completion of the CTE Program Reported in “S” Final or “D” March Follow-up
CTE Best Practices How do I keep all this straight between teachers, students, testing coordinators, data entry staff, supervisors, administration, scheduler, post secondary partners, ODE? ? Myself? ? At MVCTC we have implemented a “Curriculum Plan” Document broken out into three areas: Web. Xam Industry Credentials/Certifications College Credits Instructors work with their Supervisor to complete this form in Spring before the next school year begins Share document with EMIS, Testing Coordinator, Director of Curriculum, Scheduler
Where do I find CTE Answers?
Where do I find CTE answers? ODE Website: www. ode. state. oh. us EMIS Manual Career Tech portal CTE Assessments, Industry Credentials CTE Assessments Program Matrix CTE Communications CTE Fact Sheets, CTE Publications CTE Performance, Data, and Accountability CTE EMIS Reporting, Secondary Workforce Development, Tech Prep CTE Tech Prep, Licensure
Where do I find CTE answers? ODE CTE Career Field Consultant Your CTPD Lead District Curriculum Supervisor, EMIS Coordinator Your ITC EMIS Support Department Tech Prep Consortium Post Secondary Partners Read, Read – keep in the loop ODE CTE Website, ODE, CTE Webinars, Ohio and National ACTE Newsletters & Website
Thank you for attending today’s session. We hope you find the information presented helpful. Questions ? ?
Miami Valley Career Technology Center “Your 21 st Century JVS” We are dedicated to providing premier educational choices and advanced employment preparation for youth, adults, and organizations of the Miami Valley.
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