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Persepsi l Proses yang kita gunakan untuk menginterpretasikan data-data sensoris (Lahlry, 1991). Data sensoris

Persepsi l Proses yang kita gunakan untuk menginterpretasikan data-data sensoris (Lahlry, 1991). Data sensoris sampai kepada kita melalui 5 indra kita.

Persepsi : 2 jenis l PENGARUH ¡ Aspek-aspek STRUKTURAL fisik rangsangan yang sampai ke

Persepsi : 2 jenis l PENGARUH ¡ Aspek-aspek STRUKTURAL fisik rangsangan yang sampai ke kita l PENGARUH ¡ Faktor-faktor FUNGSIONAL psikologis yang mempengaruhi persepsi subjektivitas ke dalam proses

PERSEPSI Faktor 2 yang mempengaruhi persepsi : 1. Faktor eksternal • • • Kontras

PERSEPSI Faktor 2 yang mempengaruhi persepsi : 1. Faktor eksternal • • • Kontras Perubahan intensitas Repetition Sesuatu yg baru (novelty) Sesuatu yg mjd perhatian orng banyak • • • Pengalaman/pengetahuan Harapan/expectation Kebutuhan Motivasi Emosi Budaya 2. Faktor internal

Dalam mempersepsi objek pengamatan, stimulus akan diorganisasikan berdasarkan hukum-hukum pengelompokan • Hukum kedekatan (proximity)

Dalam mempersepsi objek pengamatan, stimulus akan diorganisasikan berdasarkan hukum-hukum pengelompokan • Hukum kedekatan (proximity) • Hukum kesamaan (similarity) • Hukum kesederhanaan (simplicity) • Hukum keteraturan bentuk (good figure) • Hukum kesinambungan (continuation) • Hukum kesempurnaan (law of closure) • Hukum kesenasiban (law of common fate)



Kalau dikelompokkan, kemampuan orang dalam membaca keadaan dapat digolongkan menjadi dua yaitu: • Kemampuan

Kalau dikelompokkan, kemampuan orang dalam membaca keadaan dapat digolongkan menjadi dua yaitu: • Kemampuan membaca Tangible materials (materi yang bisa dilihat dan disentuh) • Kemampuan membaca Intangible materials (materi yang tidak kasat mata dan tidak dapat tersentuh)



DEFINISI MOTIVASI • Dari Bahasa Latin : “to move” • Kekuatan yg menggerakkan kita

DEFINISI MOTIVASI • Dari Bahasa Latin : “to move” • Kekuatan yg menggerakkan kita utk berperilaku ttt. • Sekelompok fenomena yg mempengaruhi sifat, kekuatan, & ketetapan tingkah laku manusia (Quinn, 1995) • Interaksi antara pelaku dng lingkungannya shg akan meningkatkan, menurunkan atau mempertahankan perilaku (John Elder, et al, 1998)

Beberapa pendekatan dlm mempelajari MOTIVASI 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Pendekatan Intrinsik Pendekatan Pemuasan

Beberapa pendekatan dlm mempelajari MOTIVASI 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Pendekatan Intrinsik Pendekatan Pemuasan Kebutuhan Pendekatan Insentif Pendekatan Arousal Pendekatan Kognitif

TEORI MOTIVASI • CONTENT THEORY Cara untuk menganalisis kebutuhan • PROCESS THEORY Memahami proses

TEORI MOTIVASI • CONTENT THEORY Cara untuk menganalisis kebutuhan • PROCESS THEORY Memahami proses berpikir

TEORI MOTIVASI 1. Teori Kepuasan (Content theory) • Pengertian dan Model Motivasi • Teori

TEORI MOTIVASI 1. Teori Kepuasan (Content theory) • Pengertian dan Model Motivasi • Teori hirarki kebutuhan Maslow • Teori dua faktor Frederick Herzberg • Teori kebutuhan Mc. Clelland • Alderfer’s ERG theory 2. Teori Motivasi Proses (Process theory) • Teori Harapan (Expectancy Theory) • Teori Keadilan (Equity Theory) • Teori Pengukuhan (Reinforcement Theory)

Teori hirarki kebutuhan Maslow “That people’s needs depend on what they already have. In

Teori hirarki kebutuhan Maslow “That people’s needs depend on what they already have. In a sense, then, a satisfied needs isn’t a motivator. Human needs, organized in a hierarchy of importance, are physiological, safety, belongingness, esteem, and self actualization” Source : Gibson

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Self actualization Esteem Social / Belongingness Safety Physiological Source :

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Self actualization Esteem Social / Belongingness Safety Physiological Source : Stephen P. Robbins

TEORI DUA FAKTOR FREDERICK HERZBERG View that job satisfaction results from the presence of

TEORI DUA FAKTOR FREDERICK HERZBERG View that job satisfaction results from the presence of intrinsic motivators and that job dissatisfaction stems from not having extrinsic factors Source : Gibson

Traditional and Herzberg Views of Satisfaction-Dissatifaction I. Traditional High job dissatisfaction High job satisfaction

Traditional and Herzberg Views of Satisfaction-Dissatifaction I. Traditional High job dissatisfaction High job satisfaction II. Herzberg’s two-factor view Low job satisfaction High job satisfaction (motivator) Low job dissatisfaction High job satisfaction (hygiene) Source : Gibson

Teori Kebutuhan Mc. Clelland Learned Needs Theory that proposes that a person with a

Teori Kebutuhan Mc. Clelland Learned Needs Theory that proposes that a person with a strong need will be motivated to use appropriate behaviors to satisfy the need. A person’s needs are learned from the culture of a society Thematis Apperception Test (TAT) Projective test that uses a person’s analysis of picture to evaluate such individual differences as need for achivement, need for power, and need for affiliation Source : Gibson

The theory focus on three needs 1. Need for achievement The drive to excel,

The theory focus on three needs 1. Need for achievement The drive to excel, to achieve in relation to a set of standards, to strive to succeed 2. Need for power The need to make others behave in a way that they wouldn’t have behaved otherwise 3. Need for affiliation The desire for friendly and close interpersonal relationships

Tiga Kebutuhan (motif) Sosial David Mc. Cleland • Kebutuan berprestasi (need for achevement) •

Tiga Kebutuhan (motif) Sosial David Mc. Cleland • Kebutuan berprestasi (need for achevement) • Kebutuhan berkuasa (need for power) • Kebutuhan afiliasi (need for affiliation)

need for power • Mempengaruhi dan mengatur orang lain • Senang memberi nasehat •

need for power • Mempengaruhi dan mengatur orang lain • Senang memberi nasehat • Memperhatikan reputasi dan posisi • Mengumpulkan objek prestise • Aktif berorganisasi • Mencari dan mempergunakan informasi untuk mempengaruhi orang lain

need for affiliation • Menciptakan persahabatan • Menyenangi suasana yang kooperatif • Tidak senang

need for affiliation • Menciptakan persahabatan • Menyenangi suasana yang kooperatif • Tidak senang sendirian • Perhatian terhadap orang lebih dari terhadap pekerjaan • Menekankan hal-hal yang bisa diterima orang lain

Need for achievement • Mengungguli orang lain • Inovatif • Menetapkan sasaran yang moderat

Need for achievement • Mengungguli orang lain • Inovatif • Menetapkan sasaran yang moderat • Bertanggung jawab • Mencari umpan balik • Memilih berteman dengan para ahli

Alderfer’s ERG theory Theory developed and tested by Alderfer that categorized needs as existence,

Alderfer’s ERG theory Theory developed and tested by Alderfer that categorized needs as existence, related-ness and growth Existence; needs satisfied by such as food, air, water, pay and working conditions Related-ness; needs satisfied by meaningful social and interpersonal relationship Growth; needs satisfied by an individual making creative or productive contributions Source : Gibson

ERG Theory Relationships among Frustration, Importance and Satisfaction of Needs Frustration of growth needs

ERG Theory Relationships among Frustration, Importance and Satisfaction of Needs Frustration of growth needs Importance of growth needs Satisfaction of growth needs Frustration of relatedness needs Importance of relatedness needs Satisfaction of relatedness needs Frustration of existence needs Importance of existence needs Satisfaction of existence needs Source : Gibson

A graphic Comparison of Four Content Theories of Motivation Maslow (need hierarchy) Self-actualization Higher

A graphic Comparison of Four Content Theories of Motivation Maslow (need hierarchy) Self-actualization Higher order Esteem needs Belongingness, social and love Physiological Basic needs Herzberg (two factor theory) The work itself - Responsibility - Advancement Motivators - Growth Alderfer Mc Clelland Growth Need for achievement Relatedness Need for power Existence Need for affiliation Achievement Recognition Quality of interpersonal relations among peers, with Hygiens supervisor, with conditions subordinates Job security Working conditions Salary

MOTIVASI UTK BERPERILAKU SEHAT • Skill deficit pelatihan • Performance deficit reinforcement utk meningkatkan

MOTIVASI UTK BERPERILAKU SEHAT • Skill deficit pelatihan • Performance deficit reinforcement utk meningkatkan perilaku, sanksi utk menurunkan perilaku

PERILAKU SEHAT SULIT ? • Dampak tidak cepat • Mungkin tidak berdampak thd penyakit,

PERILAKU SEHAT SULIT ? • Dampak tidak cepat • Mungkin tidak berdampak thd penyakit, tp hanya mencegah • Memotivasi orang sehat lbh sulit drpd memotivasi orang sakit. • Lingkungan sangat berpengaruh