Leadership Seminar Raising New Generational Thinkers through Leadership

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Leadership Seminar: Raising New Generational Thinkers through Leadership Josiah B. Andor

Leadership Seminar: Raising New Generational Thinkers through Leadership Josiah B. Andor

LEADERSHIP Understanding the Concept

LEADERSHIP Understanding the Concept

People of Influence Understanding the Concept of Leadership

People of Influence Understanding the Concept of Leadership

Outline ü Importance of Leadership ü The Concept of leadership ü Qualities of Good

Outline ü Importance of Leadership ü The Concept of leadership ü Qualities of Good Leadership ü Skills needed ü 21 st Century Leadership ü Knowing your Followers 6

The Importance of Leadership : Why the need to develop Leadership?

The Importance of Leadership : Why the need to develop Leadership?

Rebuilding the Walls of Jerusalem After the rebuilding of the Temple, the walls were

Rebuilding the Walls of Jerusalem After the rebuilding of the Temple, the walls were left undone for 70 years. When Nehemiah came, the whole thing was completed in 52 days (Nehemiah 6: 15)

The storyline • • • Nehemiah is at Shushan, the Citadel Hanani and others

The storyline • • • Nehemiah is at Shushan, the Citadel Hanani and others visited from Judah Nehemiah asked questions Jerusalem in a deplorable state Nehemiah weeps, fasts and prays Nehemiah takes strategic Steps toward meeting his goal (Leadership)

Nehemiah: So many lessons on good leadership can be gleaned from work of Nehemiah

Nehemiah: So many lessons on good leadership can be gleaned from work of Nehemiah 11

Nehemiah He proceeded with a plan Strategically We need to be Strategic Thinkers in

Nehemiah He proceeded with a plan Strategically We need to be Strategic Thinkers in order to be Great Leaders 12

Leadership has influence Leadership has the power to direct people ü ü ü toward

Leadership has influence Leadership has the power to direct people ü ü ü toward good or evil Success or failure A good future or a bad one

The Concept of Leadership : What is it all about?

The Concept of Leadership : What is it all about?

What is LEADERSHIP ? 17

What is LEADERSHIP ? 17

LEADERSHIP ü "a process of social influence in which one person can enlist the

LEADERSHIP ü "a process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task" ü “the action of leading a group of people or an organization, or the ability to do this” ü "organizing a group of people to achieve a common goal" 18

A LEADER “somebody whom people follow. ” 20

A LEADER “somebody whom people follow. ” 20

A LEADER ü “somebody who guides or directs others” 21

A LEADER ü “somebody who guides or directs others” 21

A LEADER “Somebody with Influence” 22

A LEADER “Somebody with Influence” 22

Leadership has influence A leader is anyone who can influence another person or group

Leadership has influence A leader is anyone who can influence another person or group to do something, good or bad

A good leader is anyone who can influence another person or group of persons

A good leader is anyone who can influence another person or group of persons to meet a common goal that is for a common good

Better to be a good leader: ü Be Optimistic ü Be tactful ü Be

Better to be a good leader: ü Be Optimistic ü Be tactful ü Be a trainer ü Be a dreamer ü Be a lover 26

A good leader: ü Understands the hopes, dreams and aspirations of followers ü Believes

A good leader: ü Understands the hopes, dreams and aspirations of followers ü Believes in transparent honesty and accountability ü Works towards the greater good ü Tactful, frugal, responsible and responsive ü Does today what others are thinking of tomorrow ü Not afraid of mistakes ü Is a good follower 27

Have the Mind of a Leader idealness 28

Have the Mind of a Leader idealness 28

12 Leadership Skills #1. A mission that matters A dream, vision, or purpose that

12 Leadership Skills #1. A mission that matters A dream, vision, or purpose that drives the leader This helps to inspire people

12 Leadership Skills #2. Big Thinking A visionary capacity to see the potential others

12 Leadership Skills #2. Big Thinking A visionary capacity to see the potential others do not see If you think big, you attract people

12 Leadership Skills #3. High Ethics Actions based on beliefs about what is right

12 Leadership Skills #3. High Ethics Actions based on beliefs about what is right and wrong This Builds trust and loyalty with people

12 Leadership Skills #4. Ability to manage Change Anticipating the need for and leading

12 Leadership Skills #4. Ability to manage Change Anticipating the need for and leading in management of needed change This creates opportunities for people

12 Leadership Skills #5. Sensitivity A heightened awareness of people, their values, and issues

12 Leadership Skills #5. Sensitivity A heightened awareness of people, their values, and issues affecting them With this skill, you can build people

12 Leadership Skills #6. Risk taking A willingness to take risks even if it

12 Leadership Skills #6. Risk taking A willingness to take risks even if it means one falls This skill encourages creativity in people

12 Leadership Skills #7. Decision-making Refusing to get caught in the trap of indecision

12 Leadership Skills #7. Decision-making Refusing to get caught in the trap of indecision This releases the potential in people

12 Leadership Skills #8. Wise use of Power The wise and sensitive use of

12 Leadership Skills #8. Wise use of Power The wise and sensitive use of the power inherent in one’s role or person This makes you gain the respect of people

12 Leadership Skills #9. Effective Communication The use of good communication skills so as

12 Leadership Skills #9. Effective Communication The use of good communication skills so as to avoid misunderstanding This Builds productive relationships with people

12 Leadership Skills #10. Team building Welding the skills and values of a group

12 Leadership Skills #10. Team building Welding the skills and values of a group to achieve goals This maximizes the potentials of people

12 Leadership Skills #11. Courage The ability to keep going when the burden is

12 Leadership Skills #11. Courage The ability to keep going when the burden is heavy and no end appears to be in sight This brings out resolve in people

12 Leadership Skills #12. Commitment The inner strength to keep going when everyone else

12 Leadership Skills #12. Commitment The inner strength to keep going when everyone else gives up This instills a work ethic in people

21 st Century Leadership ü Have influence ü Have sense of mission ü Be

21 st Century Leadership ü Have influence ü Have sense of mission ü Be willing to get involved ü Have Respect for superiors/followers ü Be Prayerful ü Make use of proper channels ü Be one with the people ü Set reasonable and attainable goals ü Display self-confidence in facing obstacles ü Be not discouraged by opposition

Common errors to Avoid ü No common Vision ü Failure to plan ü Poor

Common errors to Avoid ü No common Vision ü Failure to plan ü Poor Communication ü “One-man show” ü Delegating without following through ü Handling Criticism poorly ü Ignoring conflicts ü A desire to be served 47

Know your Followers well: A Note on Different Categories of People

Know your Followers well: A Note on Different Categories of People

The Four Temperaments ü Sanguine ü Choleric ü Melancholy ü Phlegmatic 49

The Four Temperaments ü Sanguine ü Choleric ü Melancholy ü Phlegmatic 49

Sanguine ü ü ü Outgoing Responsive Warm and Friendly Talkative Enthusiastic Compassionate ü Undisciplined

Sanguine ü ü ü Outgoing Responsive Warm and Friendly Talkative Enthusiastic Compassionate ü Undisciplined ü Emotionally Unstable ü ü ü Unproductive Egocentric Exaggerates 52

Choleric ü ü ü ü Strong-willed Independent Visionary Practical Productive Decisive Leader ü Cold

Choleric ü ü ü ü Strong-willed Independent Visionary Practical Productive Decisive Leader ü Cold and Unemotional ü ü ü ü Self-sufficient Impetuous Domineering Unforgiving Sarcastic Angry Cruel 53

Melancholy ü ü ü Gifted Analytical Aesthetic Self-Sacrificing Industrious Self-Disciplined ü ü ü ü

Melancholy ü ü ü Gifted Analytical Aesthetic Self-Sacrificing Industrious Self-Disciplined ü ü ü ü ü Moody Self-Centered Persecution-prone Revengeful Touchy Theoretical Unstable Unsociable Critical Negative 54

Phlegmatic ü ü ü ü ü Calm, Quiet Easygoing Dependable Objective Diplomatic Efficient Organized

Phlegmatic ü ü ü ü ü Calm, Quiet Easygoing Dependable Objective Diplomatic Efficient Organized Practical Humorous ü ü ü ü Unmotivated Procrastinator Selfish Stingy Self-Protective Indecisive Fearful Worrier 55

Leadership Good Leadership is Possible!

Leadership Good Leadership is Possible!

Question Time

Question Time