Alton C Crews Middle School Gwinnett County Georgia

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Alton C. Crews Middle School Gwinnett County, Georgia

Alton C. Crews Middle School Gwinnett County, Georgia

Did You Know? Ø 96% of Gwinnett County students never have a discipline referral.

Did You Know? Ø 96% of Gwinnett County students never have a discipline referral. Ø Of the 4% that have a discipline referral, only 1% repeat that behavior.

You will learn. . . Ø When and where the rules apply Ø What

You will learn. . . Ø When and where the rules apply Ø What consequences can be given if a rule is broken, and Ø What each rule means (Examples will be given. )

The rules apply during the regular school day.

The rules apply during the regular school day.

The rules apply at ALL school activities.

The rules apply at ALL school activities.

School rules apply to and from school.

School rules apply to and from school.

Consequences ØAdministrative Detention ØISS ØOSS ØDiscipline Panel An administrator can choose from a range

Consequences ØAdministrative Detention ØISS ØOSS ØDiscipline Panel An administrator can choose from a range of consequences when a rule is broken. Refer to your discipline handbook for examples.

Administrative Detention ØAfter school detention Ø 4: 00 – 5: 30

Administrative Detention ØAfter school detention Ø 4: 00 – 5: 30

In-school Suspension Ø Isolation from regular classes Ø Work provided by teachers

In-school Suspension Ø Isolation from regular classes Ø Work provided by teachers

Out-of School Suspension Ø You may not attend any school activity or come on

Out-of School Suspension Ø You may not attend any school activity or come on any school campus Ø Your parents may pick up work to be completed

Discipline Panel Ø You are suspended for 10 days pending the Discipline Panel’s decision

Discipline Panel Ø You are suspended for 10 days pending the Discipline Panel’s decision Ø The panel may decide to return you to school or suspend you for a full calendar year

Gwinnett County Public Schools Students Conduct Behavior Code

Gwinnett County Public Schools Students Conduct Behavior Code

RULE 1–Disruption and Interference with School Ø Pull fire alarm Ø Disrupt class Ø

RULE 1–Disruption and Interference with School Ø Pull fire alarm Ø Disrupt class Ø Refuse to identify yourself Ø Encourage another student to break a rule Ø Be on a school campus without permission Ø Inappropriate dress

Class disruption

Class disruption

Some school problems must be reported to the police.

Some school problems must be reported to the police.

Encourage others to break a rule. ? ? ?

Encourage others to break a rule. ? ? ?

Pull a fire alarm

Pull a fire alarm

RULE 2 – Damage or Destruction of School Property Ø Damage of school property

RULE 2 – Damage or Destruction of School Property Ø Damage of school property Ø Steal school property Ø Alter or misuse school computers

RULE 3 – Damage or Destruction or Misuse of Private Property Ø Damage or

RULE 3 – Damage or Destruction or Misuse of Private Property Ø Damage or theft of employee’s private property Ø No personal property may be bought or sold on school grounds

RULE 4 - Abuse, Threats, Intimidation, Assault or Battery on a School Employee Ø

RULE 4 - Abuse, Threats, Intimidation, Assault or Battery on a School Employee Ø Symbolic gesture, oral threat, or written threat Ø Rude and disrespectful conduct Ø Insult Ø Profanity Ø Ethnic, racial, sexual, or religious slur Ø Harassment Ø Physical injury or behavior that could cause physical injury

The principal or assistant principal may ask you to empty your book bag or

The principal or assistant principal may ask you to empty your book bag or may look in your locker if she feels you may have something at school that is dangerous to other students.

Students must notify the principal, assistant principal or a teacher if someone has a

Students must notify the principal, assistant principal or a teacher if someone has a dangerous or illegal item at school.

RULE 5 - Abuse, Threats, Intimidation, Assault or Battery by a Student on Another

RULE 5 - Abuse, Threats, Intimidation, Assault or Battery by a Student on Another Student or to any other Person not Employed by the School Ø Symbolic gesture, oral threat, or written threat Ø Disrespectful conduct Ø Insult Ø Profanity directed towards another student Ø Ethnic, racial, sexual, or religious slur Ø Harassment/Bullying Ø Arguing or posturing to fight Ø Physical injury or behavior that could cause physical injury

RULE 6 Ø Weapons such as a knife, gun, toy gun, or look alike

RULE 6 Ø Weapons such as a knife, gun, toy gun, or look alike gun Ø Explosives/fireworks Ø Projectiles Ø Lighters

RULE 6 continued…

RULE 6 continued…

RULE 7–Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco Ø Alcohol or intoxicant Ø Illegal drugs Ø Prescriptions

RULE 7–Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco Ø Alcohol or intoxicant Ø Illegal drugs Ø Prescriptions Ø Over-the-counter stimulants Ø Solicitation of a substance Ø Look-alike substance (Pretending have the real thing. ) to

Pocket pagers for students are against the law at school.

Pocket pagers for students are against the law at school.

RULE 8 – Disregard of Directions or Commands Ø You must follow reasonable directions.

RULE 8 – Disregard of Directions or Commands Ø You must follow reasonable directions.

RULE 9 -Indecency Ø Obscene gestures Ø Sexual harassment (physical or verbal) Ø Inappropriate

RULE 9 -Indecency Ø Obscene gestures Ø Sexual harassment (physical or verbal) Ø Inappropriate touching Ø Kissing Ø Pornographic materials

RULE 10 – Unexcused Absences Ø Tardy to class or school Ø Skipping class

RULE 10 – Unexcused Absences Ø Tardy to class or school Ø Skipping class or school Ø Unexcused absence Ø Encourage another student to violate this rule

RULE 11 – Other Conduct Which is Subversive to Good Order Ø Trespassing Ø

RULE 11 – Other Conduct Which is Subversive to Good Order Ø Trespassing Ø Plagiarism Ø Foul language Ø Pagers, laser pointers, electronic devices Ø Loitering Ø Gang, hate-related behavior

RULE 12 – Repeated Violations/Misbehavior/ Chronic Disciplinary Problem Students Ø Chronically disrupt Ø Repeatedly

RULE 12 – Repeated Violations/Misbehavior/ Chronic Disciplinary Problem Students Ø Chronically disrupt Ø Repeatedly violate other school rules

Let’s see what you have learned so far. Do you know enough to navigate

Let’s see what you have learned so far. Do you know enough to navigate safely through the rules? See what you have learned so far by reading the questions on the next few slides and answering TRUE or FALSE.

George was not allowed to practice with his football team on any Gwinnett County

George was not allowed to practice with his football team on any Gwinnett County school campus during his suspension.

Julie brought cigarettes to the bus stop. She hid them in the bushes before

Julie brought cigarettes to the bus stop. She hid them in the bushes before she got on the bus. The assistant principal gave her consequences for possession of tobacco.

Jim got in a fight at the Brookwood High School football game on Friday

Jim got in a fight at the Brookwood High School football game on Friday night. On Monday morning, the assistant principal talked with Jim about the fight and gave him consequences.

How are you doing? Have you hit any rocks? Here’s another situation …

How are you doing? Have you hit any rocks? Here’s another situation …

True or False? ØSome school problems must be reported to the police.

True or False? ØSome school problems must be reported to the police.

ØYou are correct. Any school rule that also breaks a law must be reported

ØYou are correct. Any school rule that also breaks a law must be reported to the police. § Pulling a fire alarm when there is no fire would be an example § If a law is broken it would be reported to the school safety resource officer, Mr. Jim Haralson, who would complete a police report.

A student who brings a gun to school will be suspended for one calendar

A student who brings a gun to school will be suspended for one calendar year. This is a state law. JUNE 2002

Steve took candy from his teacher’s desk without permission. Jane watched the hall to

Steve took candy from his teacher’s desk without permission. Jane watched the hall to see if the teacher was coming, but didn’t get any of the candy. Both students got a consequence.

If you said TRUE to all of these, you were absolutely correct! Great Job!

If you said TRUE to all of these, you were absolutely correct! Great Job!

In summary… ü Review the Student Handbook with your parents ü Note Emergency #s

In summary… ü Review the Student Handbook with your parents ü Note Emergency #s on p. 7 ü Sign and return p. 51 to your homeroom teacher

And finally… Thank you for your cooperation in this review of the Discipline Policy

And finally… Thank you for your cooperation in this review of the Discipline Policy of Alton C. Crews Middle School. We want your time at Crews to be a positive experience and urge you to talk with any of our staff whenever you have a concern or question. We’re here to help you.

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Please close this presentation to return to the Electronic Portfolio.