Universal Tier 1 Reading Instruction Nicole Fenty Ph

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Universal (Tier 1) Reading Instruction Nicole Fenty, Ph. D University of Louisville

Universal (Tier 1) Reading Instruction Nicole Fenty, Ph. D University of Louisville

Today • Response to Intervention (Three Tier Model): Tier 1 Academic Instruction • Core

Today • Response to Intervention (Three Tier Model): Tier 1 Academic Instruction • Core Programs – Curricula – Characteristics – Grouping • Five Key Components of Reading – Sample strategies

Multi-tier Model

Multi-tier Model

Tier 1 • School wide efforts where ALL students are involved – Universal screening

Tier 1 • School wide efforts where ALL students are involved – Universal screening of academic skills – Instruction supported by scientifically based research • Effective Instruction • Differentiated Instruction • Effective Classroom Management Copyright © 2008 Mississippi Department of Education

Tier 1: Effective Instruction • Research-based effective teaching principles include: – active engagement of

Tier 1: Effective Instruction • Research-based effective teaching principles include: – active engagement of students, – direct instruction – scaffolded instruction, – instruction in the organizing, storing, & retrieving of info, – strategic instruction, – explicit instruction, and – instruction that teaches across subjects. Copyright © 2008 Mississippi Department of Education

Example of Tier Level Interventions Reading Tier I Time 90 Curricular Focus 5 areas

Example of Tier Level Interventions Reading Tier I Time 90 Curricular Focus 5 areas Curricular Breadth Core Frequency of Progress Monitoring Every 6 -8 weeks

Sample Common Core Reading Curricula • • Harcourt Trophies Rigby Literacy Scott Foresman Voyager

Sample Common Core Reading Curricula • • Harcourt Trophies Rigby Literacy Scott Foresman Voyager Universal Literacy

Characteristics of Effective Core Reading Programs • Research-based instructional strategies that explicitly teach strategies

Characteristics of Effective Core Reading Programs • Research-based instructional strategies that explicitly teach strategies and skills; • Systematic and sequential instruction that moves children from simple to more complex skills and strategies; • Ample practice opportunities that allow children to practice skills and strategies in reading and writing text; • Assessment tools for diagnosing children's needs and monitoring progress; and • Provide professional development that will ensure teachers have the skills necessary to implement the program effectively and meet the needs of their children. ednews. org

Characteristics of the Core Reading Block Minimum of 90 minutes daily Uninterrupted and protected

Characteristics of the Core Reading Block Minimum of 90 minutes daily Uninterrupted and protected Teaching is dispersed across 5 days Writing and spelling are considered part of the core reading block if the objectives and lessons relate to one of the critical components • Varied grouping patterns used • Initial instruction and intervention for some students when needed • • 9

General Overview • Whole group instruction (Introduction of lesson, initial skill instruction, review for

General Overview • Whole group instruction (Introduction of lesson, initial skill instruction, review for all) • Small group instruction (centers) – Homogeneous (Teacher led for targeted instruction, students have similar abilities) – Heterogeneous (Student led, center activities planned to practice skills previously taught, students have varied abilities) • Independent work (practice skills, assess skills) • Whole group instruction (Teacher reviews, makes connections, read alouds) 10

Whole Group • Engages teachers and students in shared learning experiences • Allows inclusion

Whole Group • Engages teachers and students in shared learning experiences • Allows inclusion of every student Read alouds Shared writing Author’s chair Speaking/performances Class discussions Modeling Introduction of new concepts Texas Education Agency: Second Grade Teacher Reading Academies

Read Alouds • Children’s literature • Varied genres Increases vocabulary Adult fluent model Promotes

Read Alouds • Children’s literature • Varied genres Increases vocabulary Adult fluent model Promotes oral language development Demonstrates reading for a purpose/enjoyment Fountas & Pinnell, 1996

Shared Reading • Enlarged texts – Big books – Poems Word by word correspondence

Shared Reading • Enlarged texts – Big books – Poems Word by word correspondence Improves student participation Opportunities to participate Fountas & Pinnell, 1996

Small Group Meets individual students’ needs Maximizes opportunities for students to express what they

Small Group Meets individual students’ needs Maximizes opportunities for students to express what they know and to receive feedback Center/station activities Practice concepts with immediate feedback Focus on targeted skills

Forming Groups Based on Assessment Data • Review data sources – Standardized measures –

Forming Groups Based on Assessment Data • Review data sources – Standardized measures – Curriculum-based measures – Progress monitoring – Informal information (classroom data, observations) • Identify at-risk students using data • Determine targeted areas for instruction • Students may have multiple areas of need Sample Screeners DIBELS AIMSWEB MAPS Scantron Assessment T-Pro 15

Teacher Led Small Groups • Focus is placed on skill development • Same book

Teacher Led Small Groups • Focus is placed on skill development • Same book or content is usually used with all students in group • Teacher introduces text, previews, predicts, discusses vocabulary, guides students during read, asks students questions following reading, engages in word work

Reading Centers • Implemented during the time that the teacher is teaching in targeted

Reading Centers • Implemented during the time that the teacher is teaching in targeted small groups • Activities planned should provide practice opportunities, not initial instruction • Activities should match the reading objectives

Considerations when planning centers • Objectives (be sure that you have goals for what

Considerations when planning centers • Objectives (be sure that you have goals for what you want students to learn) • Accountability (how will you know the kids did what they were suppose to do? ) • Management (how will you be sure that they remain engaged and on task? ) • Transitions (how will you ensure that students know where to go and how to get there? ) • Amount of time and movement between centers (be sure to plan ahead and take transitions into account)

Keeping Groups Flexible Regroup Often Use class work, informal assessments during instruction, and progress

Keeping Groups Flexible Regroup Often Use class work, informal assessments during instruction, and progress monitoring of at-risk students to regroup students and change instruction Texas Education Agency: Second Grade Teacher Reading Academies

How to manage more than one group at a time • When introducing centers/stations,

How to manage more than one group at a time • When introducing centers/stations, take sufficient time to explain, demonstrate, practice procedures, and clarify expectations one step at a time. • Establish rotation procedures that allow you to work with a small group without interruption. Reading First Initiative: Secretary’s Leadership Academy

What Will Other Students Do While I Teach a Small Group? Reading Corner Word

What Will Other Students Do While I Teach a Small Group? Reading Corner Word Study with a Buddy -- review knowledge of word parts to read words and determine meaning -- where a wide variety of books are organized by topic and reading level, and students can read and reread with a partner, or in a small group Writing Plus Remember--Make students accountable for their work! -- extends all the components of reading through a variety of writing activities, including computers Mixed ability would be okay here Texas Education Agency: Second Grade Teacher Reading Academies 21

Word Work • Manipulate letters and words Develops letter/sound correspondence Provides opportunities practice words

Word Work • Manipulate letters and words Develops letter/sound correspondence Provides opportunities practice words from connected text Fountas & Pinnell, 1996

Independent Work Only allow with material that have been mastered Consider providing ways for

Independent Work Only allow with material that have been mastered Consider providing ways for students to self-assess Increases opportunities for immediate feedback Practice skills Assess skills Promotes individual responsibility

How Do I Teach Students to Work Independently? • Teach independent activity as a

How Do I Teach Students to Work Independently? • Teach independent activity as a separate set of lessons (with modeling and feedback) • Practice, practice Texas Education Agency: Second Grade Teacher Reading Academies

Independent Reading • Read text at independent reading level Practice reading strategies independently Practice

Independent Reading • Read text at independent reading level Practice reading strategies independently Practice re-reading text Fountas & Pinnell, 1996

Independent Writing • Produce text Practice writing words independently Practice writing for different purposes

Independent Writing • Produce text Practice writing words independently Practice writing for different purposes Fountas & Pinnell, 1996

Five Key Components of the Core Reading Program • • • Phonological/Phonemic Awareness Phonics

Five Key Components of the Core Reading Program • • • Phonological/Phonemic Awareness Phonics Fluency Vocabulary Comprehension

Phonological/Phonemic Awareness • Phonological Awareness – The conscious understanding about how speech can be

Phonological/Phonemic Awareness • Phonological Awareness – The conscious understanding about how speech can be broken down into different size parts – The ability to manipulate those parts • Phonemic Awareness – The conscious understanding that spoken words are made up of individual sounds Note: Phonological Awareness is not… the same as phonics - no letter-sound correspondence is involved. It may be an essential skill for phonics instruction to make sense, however.

Phonological Awareness Word Level Syllable Level Onset-Rime Level Phoneme Level

Phonological Awareness Word Level Syllable Level Onset-Rime Level Phoneme Level

Phonemic Awareness Skills • Discriminating: recognizing which pictures in a set of pictures begin

Phonemic Awareness Skills • Discriminating: recognizing which pictures in a set of pictures begin with the same sound ("Bell, bike, and boy all have /b/ at the beginning. ") • Blending: combining, or blending the separate sounds to say the word ("/m/, /a/, /p/– map. ") • Segmenting: breaking, or segmenting a word into its separate sounds ("up – /u/, /p/. "). • Deleting: Children recognize the word part that remains when a phoneme is removed from another word. (“smile – without the /s/ is mile”) • Substituting: Children substitute one phoneme for another to make a new word. (The word is bug. Change /g/ to /n/. The new word is bun).

Activities for Rhyming • Play the willoughby wallaby woo name game. Song: Willoughby wallaby

Activities for Rhyming • Play the willoughby wallaby woo name game. Song: Willoughby wallaby woo, An elephant sat on you! Willoughby wallaby wee, An elephant sat on me! Willoughby wallaby W_______, An elephant sat on _____!

Activities for Onset and Rime Practice • Critter Sitter – Some animals have escaped

Activities for Onset and Rime Practice • Critter Sitter – Some animals have escaped from the zoo – Draw a picture of large cage on the board – We need to catch a /l/…ion. What animal are we trying to catch? (lion) – Put the picture of the lion over the picture of cage – Continue with other animals Honig, Diamond, Gutlohn, 2000 http: //www. clker. com/clipart-23399. html

Activities for Discriminating

Activities for Discriminating

Activities for Blending • Guessing Game – “I’m thinking of something in our classroom.

Activities for Blending • Guessing Game – “I’m thinking of something in our classroom. You can sit on it. It is a /ch/ /ai/ /r/ What am I thinking of? (chair) • Display three pictures or items – Display the pictures – Say the individual sounds in one of the pictures – Ask students to guess the word you are thinking of Honig, Diamond, Gutlohn, 2000 http: //www. balddog. com. au/images/illustration/cartoon_bag. gif

Activities for Deleting • Tell a story, leaving off the initial sound in the

Activities for Deleting • Tell a story, leaving off the initial sound in the last word of each sentence. – After school I go _ome. I then walk my _og. I then take a _ap. – Ask students what is missing – Re-tell the story and have students fill in the missing sounds • Draw a picture with an elkonin box underneath – Ask students to name the picture – Have students name the sounds – Put a sticky note in the first box – Say: “If I cover up the first sound, what is left? What sound is missing? ” Honig, Diamond, Gutlohn, 2000 http: //www. balddog. com. au/images/illustration/cartoon_bag. gif

Phonics • Phonics is the knowledge that letters represent sounds and when these sounds

Phonics • Phonics is the knowledge that letters represent sounds and when these sounds are blended or pronounced, the result is reading words. • Skills – Letter-sound correspondence, blending, onsetrimes/word families, multi-syllable words • Activities used for phonological awareness can also be used for phonics instruction just include letters

Sample Phonics Activity: Phonograms • • -at Brainstorm words that rhyme with cat. Consider

Sample Phonics Activity: Phonograms • • -at Brainstorm words that rhyme with cat. Consider creating sentences to contextualize Print –at on the board Blend and segment –at Practice adding onsets to the rime –at Contextualize with sentences and decodable text Honig, Diamond, Gutlohn, 2000

Components Fluency accuracy speed/rate prosody A reader’s fluency rate depends on the complexity of

Components Fluency accuracy speed/rate prosody A reader’s fluency rate depends on the complexity of the text

Components of Fluency Instruction • Model reading text • Allow opportunities for practice •

Components of Fluency Instruction • Model reading text • Allow opportunities for practice • Frequent progress monitoring Fluency Activity • Super Signals – Choose a piece of text that signals you want students to recognize and understand (e. g. , exclamation marks, question marks, etc). – Use a big book or overhead projector – Read with no expression – Re-read with expression – Discuss the differences between the two readings with students – Allow for practice with text using the signals Johns & Berglund, 2002

Components of Effective Vocabulary Instruction Florida Center for Reading Research, 2004

Components of Effective Vocabulary Instruction Florida Center for Reading Research, 2004

Activities for Vocabulary Word Roots telepathy telegram Prefixes -re, -un, -dis, etc Un- “not

Activities for Vocabulary Word Roots telepathy telegram Prefixes -re, -un, -dis, etc Un- “not or opposite of” undo, unwind, untie television telephone Honig, Diamond, Gutlohn, 2000

Comprehension The process of constructing meaning from text

Comprehension The process of constructing meaning from text

Comprehension • Activate or build background knowledge • Monitor comprehension throughout • After reading

Comprehension • Activate or build background knowledge • Monitor comprehension throughout • After reading – Summarize – Identify main idea/supporting details – Compare/contrast similar text – Identify and use text structures (e. g. , sequencing, cause/effect etc)

Identifying the Main Idea • Explain to students that learning to identify the most

Identifying the Main Idea • Explain to students that learning to identify the most important idea of a passage will make it easier to remember what they read. • Start with short excerpts/paragraphs. – Focus on the main person and on what the main person did. – Think aloud and make use of graphic organizers • Continue practice with several paragraphs Honig, Diamond, Gutlohn, 2000

Resources • www. fcrr. org • Fountas & Pinnell (1996). Guided reading: Good first

Resources • www. fcrr. org • Fountas & Pinnell (1996). Guided reading: Good first teaching for all children. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann • Johns, J. , & Berglund, R. L (2002). Fluency: Strategies and assessments. Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt. • Honig, B. , Diamond, L. , & Gutlohn, L. (2000) Teaching reading sourcebook for kindergarten through eighth grade. Novato, CA: Arena Press.