Unit 9 Is Our Climate Changing Treat the

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Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing? Treat the earth well: it was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. Ancient proverb 1

Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing? 10

Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing? WMO(World Meteorological Organization): 세계기상기구 UNEP(the United Nations Environment Program): 유엔환 경프로그램 12

Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing? 원문 : http: //www. ipcc. ch/publicatio ns_and_data/publications_an d_data_reports. htm#1 �보고서 14

Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing? � 5차 특별보고서 2014년 발표예정 20

Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing? 1/2 �atmosphere : 대기, 분위기 �carbon dioxide : 이산화 탄소; carbon fiber : 탄소 섬유 �breathe out = exhale ↔ inhale(breathe in) �fossil fuels : 화석연료 �coal : 석탄 �gasoline : 휘발유(petrol) �absorb : 흡수하다 �food : 양분 �ppm : parts per million의 약칭 22

Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing? 4 �for decades to come : 앞으로 수 십년 동안 �keep + 목적어 + from + ~ing �cut : 줄이다(reduce) �to a minimum : 최소한도로 �adapt to A : A에 적응하다 25

Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing? 5 �The Greenhouse Gases : 온실가스 �release : 배출하다 �contribute to A : A의 원인이 되다 �methane : 메탄 �nitrous oxide : 아황산 질소 �matter : 중요하다 �It doesn't matter. 그것은 중요하지 않다. �warm : 따뜻하게 하다, 데우다 �let A through : A를 통과시키다 �block : 차단하다 �bottom line : 최종결과, 가장 중요한 점 26

Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing? 6 �for decades to come : 앞으로 수 십년 동안 �keep + 목적어 + from + ~ing �cut : 줄이다(reduce) �to a minimum : 최소한도로 �adapt to A : A에 적응하다 27

Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing? �Some Predictions and Results of Climate Change 1/2 �land mass : 땅덩어리, 대륙 �of : ~에서(~로부터) �Incheon is within 1 hour of Seoul. 인천 은 서울에서 한 시간 거리에 있다. �equator : 적도 �The farther north you go, the warmer and drier it will become. : ‘북쪽으로 가면 갈수록 더욱더 따뜻해지고 건조해질 것이다. ’ �harsh : 황량한 28

Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing? �Changes in the Qori Kalis Glacier, Quelccaya Ice Cap, Peru, are shown between 1978 (top) and 2002. The glacier retreat during this time was 1, 100 meters. 30

Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing? �READING TWO Climate Change: Making Informed Decisions 31

Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing? 1 �informed : 정보에 근거한 �debate : 토론 �about whether our planet is heating up and whose fault it is : ‘지구가 더워지 고 있는지 어떤지 그리고 그것이 누구의 잘못인 지에 대해서’ �deliver : 전달하다; deliver a speech : 연 설하다 �cause : 원인; cause and effect : 원인과 결과 �argue : 주장하다 �issue : 쟁점 32

Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing? 3 �They present evidence (that) they say proves that the Earth is going through a normal heating and cooling cycle. 39

Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing? 3 �They present evidence (that) they say proves that the Earth is going through a normal heating and cooling cycle. �① They present evidence. 그들은 증거를 제시한다. �② They say the evidence proves that the Earth is going through a normal heating and cooling cycle. 그들은 그 증거가 지구가 냉열 사이클을 겪고 있다는 것을 증명한다고 말한다. 40

Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing? 3 → They present evidence that they say proves that the Earth is going through a normal heating and cooling cycle. 그들은 지구가 냉열 사이클 을 겪고 있다는 것을 증명한다고 그들이 말하 는 증거를 제시한다. 41

Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing? 4 �Who = Whom �reach A : A에 도달하다 �educated : 지식(경험)에 근거한 �scientific claims : 과학적 주장들 �scare : ~에게 겁을 주다 �they : things(상황들); by making things bigger and more dangerous than they really are : ‘현 상황을 실제 보다 더욱 크고 위험하게 만듦으로써’ 42

Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing? 5 �$2 million = 대략 23억 원 정도 �support : 지원하다 �동격의 ‘of’; discredit the idea of global warming : 지구 온난화라는 생 각을 믿지 않다 �watchdog : 감시인, 감시견 �The Royal Society : 왕립협회 �academy : 학술원 �accuse A of B : A를 B의 혐의로 고발 하다 �confuse : (사람을) 혼란시키다 43

Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing? 4~5 �도대체 누구 말을 믿어야 하는가? � IPCC <-> the governments and companies that disagree with it - it : a link between humans and climate change 44

Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing? 4 �it is important to think about the people who make scientific claims and what their purposes may be. - about A and B - what their purposes may be : ‘그들의 목적들이 무엇일지’ 【설명】‘about’의 목적어로서 ‘what’으로 이 끌어지는 간접의문문이 사용되었다. 46

Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing? 5 ‘of’; discredit the idea of global warming : 지구 온난화라는 생각을 믿지 않 다 �동격의 �accuse A of B : A를 B의 혐의로 고발하다 If it is not downright true, I will accuse you of perjury. 만약 그것이 전적으로 사실이 아니라면 너를 위 증죄로 고소하겠다. 47

Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing? 6 �good judgement : 훌륭한 판단력 �interpret : 해석하다 48

Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing? a few simple suggestions for the United States been mentioned by Noam Chomsky 1) accept the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (국제형사재판 소) and the World Court(상설 국제 사법재 판소) 2) sign and carry forward the Kyoto protocols 3) let the UN take the lead in international crises 4) rely on diplomatic and economic measures rather than military ones in confronting terror 50

Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing? 5) keep to the traditional interpretation of the UN Charter 6) give up the Security Council(유엔안전 보장이사회) veto and have "a decent respect for the opinion of mankind, " as the Declaration of Independence advises, even if power centers disagree 7) cut back sharply on military spending and sharply increase social spending. 51

P. 172 1. International Panel on Climate Change 2. Limits for gas emissions 3. To get attention and money for research 4. To support groups that discredit the idea of global warming 5. They think Exxonmobile tries to confuse with incorrect and dishonest information. 52

P. 174 -5 2. fossil fules 8. atmosphere 3. limited 9. energetic 4. link 10. carbon dioxide 5. escaped 11. adapt 6. sign 12. reduce 7. evidence 13. climate 53

P. 176 �http: //firebird. tistory. com/169 참조 54

P. 177 1. A: Sea levels may/might/could rise from seven inches to two feet. 2. It may/might/could be warm and comfortable. 3. They may/might/could be. 4. They may/might/could stop rising in 100 years. 5. Will coastal areas flood? 6. Are some places going to be colder? 7. They may/might/could get up to Category 5 ½. 55

P. 178 1. International Panel on Climate Change 2. Limits for gas emissions 3. To get attention and money for research 4. To support groups that discredit the idea of global warming 5. They think Exxonmobile tries to confuse with incorrect and dishonest information. 56
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