South African Weather Service Presentation to the Portfolio

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South African Weather Service Presentation to the Portfolio Committee Presented by Bruce Tashe 5

South African Weather Service Presentation to the Portfolio Committee Presented by Bruce Tashe 5 September 2006 We Save Lives

SAWS Operational Areas Gough Marion SANAE We Save Lives

SAWS Operational Areas Gough Marion SANAE We Save Lives

SAWS Vision “To be a world-class meteorological organization that contributes to the sustainable development

SAWS Vision “To be a world-class meteorological organization that contributes to the sustainable development of South Africa and beyond our borders. ” We Save Lives

SAWS Mission Our mission is to collect, process and provide meteorological data, products and

SAWS Mission Our mission is to collect, process and provide meteorological data, products and services for the use of all South Africans and beyond our borders. We Save Lives

SAWS Mission will be achieved through: * Excellence in forecasting processes * Cutting edge

SAWS Mission will be achieved through: * Excellence in forecasting processes * Cutting edge technology * Accessing the international observations networks * Research and innovation aimed at improving and developing our products and services * Facilitating co-operation with regard to observation networks We Save Lives

Strategic Objectives STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES FOR THE FINANCIAL YEARS 2006/9 Strategic Objective 1: (SO 1)

Strategic Objectives STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES FOR THE FINANCIAL YEARS 2006/9 Strategic Objective 1: (SO 1) Ensure financial viability and sustainability Strategic Objective 2: (SO 2) Ensure corporate governance and strategic leadership Strategic Objective 3: (SO 3) Ensure SAWS becomes a learning organization Strategic Objective 4: SO 4) Create a client-centric organization Strategic Objective 5: (SO 5) Improve internal business processes We Save Lives




STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE : 1 ENSURE FINANCIAL VIABILITY AND SUSTAINABILITY Performance Targets KPA KPI Baseline Manage operational costs Increase revenue base Infrastructure modernization Year 1 2006/07 Year 2 2007/08 Year 3 2008/09 Year 4 2009/10 Evidence of performanc e/ Indicator Ensure spending against budget (R 3. 5 m) R 1. 5 m variance R 1 m variance / R 1 m variance Variance Reduction in identified operational costs R 10 m R 9 m R 9 m Reduction in operational costs Increased revenue from cost recovery services R 151 m R 162 m[1] R 177 m R 180 m R 190 m % revenue growth from baseline Increased revenue from Commercial Services R 6 m R 7 m[2] R 12 m R 19 m R 23 m % revenue growth from baseline Increase innovation funds and alternate research funds R 500 k R 600 k R 800 k R 1. 2 m % increase in additional funds Investigate the possibility of ringfencing SAWS owned commercial products and services 0 100% completion of business case Implement Business Case Business case for ring fencing implemented Formalise partnerships with revenue generation potential 0 1 cum 3 cum 5 cum 8 cum Number of agreements/ contracts concluded Maintain and grow Capex in accordance with the recapitalisation plan R 11. 4 m R 26. 1 m[3] R 109 m R 98 m R 72 m Approved funds against capital investment plan We Save Lives

Financial Results We Save Lives

Financial Results We Save Lives

Projected Income & Expenditure We Save Lives

Projected Income & Expenditure We Save Lives

Cash Flow Summary We Save Lives

Cash Flow Summary We Save Lives

Balance Sheet Data We Save Lives

Balance Sheet Data We Save Lives

2006 Financial Results We Save Lives

2006 Financial Results We Save Lives

2006 Financial Results AWS and Aviation 12. 5 % We Save Lives

2006 Financial Results AWS and Aviation 12. 5 % We Save Lives

2006 Financial Results Note: 2005 – Reduction in Aviation income due to tariff adjustments

2006 Financial Results Note: 2005 – Reduction in Aviation income due to tariff adjustments retrospectively We Save Lives

2006 Financial Results We Save Lives

2006 Financial Results We Save Lives

2007 Quarter One Results R million Note: Employee benefits – vacancy and new posts,

2007 Quarter One Results R million Note: Employee benefits – vacancy and new posts, budget spread. We Save Lives

First Quarterly Report 2006 We Save Lives

First Quarterly Report 2006 We Save Lives

Corporate Governance • Board Meetings • EXCO • Committees: * Commercial * Finance *

Corporate Governance • Board Meetings • EXCO • Committees: * Commercial * Finance * HR & Remuneration * Programmes * Risk & Audit We Save Lives

Internal Business Process Perspective Internal Communication • Breaking down of silos • Promotion of

Internal Business Process Perspective Internal Communication • Breaking down of silos • Promotion of dialogue between management structures * Extended executive management committee * Management Forum * Forecasting Forum We Save Lives

Internal Business Process Perspective External Stake Holders • Collaboration with various national and international

Internal Business Process Perspective External Stake Holders • Collaboration with various national and international bodies: * World Meteorological Organization * International Civil Aviation Organization * National and Provincial Disaster Management Structures We Save Lives

Internal Business Process Perspective Observation Platforms • A Camera was installed over the Outeniqua

Internal Business Process Perspective Observation Platforms • A Camera was installed over the Outeniqua Mountains • Automatic Weather Stations • Automatic Rain Gauge Systems • Hogen Hydrogen Generators • Upper air sounding equipment * Intermet Africa Systems * Tellumat We Save Lives

Internal Business Process Perspective Focused Research • Hail detection and analysis • Integrated rainfall

Internal Business Process Perspective Focused Research • Hail detection and analysis • Integrated rainfall information system • Indigenous knowledge • Flash flood warning system • Establishment of a Research fund We Save Lives

Information Communication Technology • Improvement of forecasting workstations at all forecasting offices, by upgrading

Information Communication Technology • Improvement of forecasting workstations at all forecasting offices, by upgrading the PCGrids software to the new 32 -bit version. • Purchased an NEC Super computer which facilitates the implementation of the UK Met Unified model We Save Lives

Customer Perspective Issued invitations to bid for : * Marketing Strategy * Media strategy

Customer Perspective Issued invitations to bid for : * Marketing Strategy * Media strategy We Save Lives

Community Outreach To increase our drive to educate learners, educators and members of the

Community Outreach To increase our drive to educate learners, educators and members of the general public about weather, SAWS participated in the following community outreach programmes: * * * “Bring a girl child to work campaign” Science Week exhibitions in Phalaborwa and Secunda SASOL science festival We Save Lives

Community Outreach * * * The Grahamstown Science festival and career exhibition Hosting of

Community Outreach * * * The Grahamstown Science festival and career exhibition Hosting of over 240 learners by Bethlehem Weather Office during the local Science Expo Scheduled visits on an ongoing basis by university students and schools to the Cape Town GAW Laboratory. We Save Lives

Modernisation Plan We Save Lives

Modernisation Plan We Save Lives

Introduction • A significant number of people in South Africa are living in areas

Introduction • A significant number of people in South Africa are living in areas vulnerable to extreme weather events. • Timely, quality, understandable, value-added and interpreted information is essential for sound decision making. • Modern infrastructure is required to provide the data on which weather warning service are based. We Save Lives

ASGISA • The construction of roads, housing, schools, clinics, sports facilities, water supply are

ASGISA • The construction of roads, housing, schools, clinics, sports facilities, water supply are all weather sensitive activities. • Weather conditions can and will influence the building and improvement of the 10 stadiums that will be used during the 2010 FIFA World Cup. • Of particular importance is that although only 4% of all flights in the world are over Africa, 28% of all accidents occur over this continent. We Save Lives

2010 FIFA World Cup • Accurate and reliable weather forecasts and warnings of severe

2010 FIFA World Cup • Accurate and reliable weather forecasts and warnings of severe and changing weather conditions for the fixtures at different stadiums will be of prime importance. We Save Lives

Socio Economic Benefits • The SAWS helps to: * Increase food security by providing

Socio Economic Benefits • The SAWS helps to: * Increase food security by providing timely advice to farmers on likely climate and weather conditions. * Protect lives and property by providing realtime information to water resource managers for flood control activities. * Mitigate or minimize threats posed by desertification, ozone layer depletion, acid rain, air pollution and climate change. We Save Lives

Saving lives SAWS helps to: • According to Newspaper reports more that 500 people

Saving lives SAWS helps to: • According to Newspaper reports more that 500 people died from 2000 to 2005 in South Africa of weather related causes. • Improve the safety and efficiency of traveling by air land sea. • Save lives and property by providing risk management information for disaster management. • In a flash flood in 1995 near Pietermaritzburg, 173 people were killed. We Save Lives

Weather Related Natural Disasters We Save Lives

Weather Related Natural Disasters We Save Lives

Job Creation • Up to 60% of all production losses in the agricultural sector

Job Creation • Up to 60% of all production losses in the agricultural sector are weather related. • Agriculture alone consumes 50% of the country`s water resources including for irrigation as production is constrained by uneven spatial and temporal distribution of rainfall. We Save Lives

Radar network • The weather radar network systems will be renewed with more sophisticated

Radar network • The weather radar network systems will be renewed with more sophisticated systems that are available in the market. • These systems will provide: * Improved rainfall estimates * Detect the transition between rain and snow We Save Lives

Radar network * * * Track storm movements and intensity more accurately Allow earlier

Radar network * * * Track storm movements and intensity more accurately Allow earlier detection of precursors of severe weather development such as tornado`s, severe thunderstorms, large hail etc. Information on microbursts and wind shear We Save Lives

Weather Radar Network New S band 2 nd hand S Band in SADC countries

Weather Radar Network New S band 2 nd hand S Band in SADC countries C Band New S Band towards end of period We Save Lives

Aviation Weather Service Graphic demonstration of a down burst We Save Lives

Aviation Weather Service Graphic demonstration of a down burst We Save Lives

Lightning Detection Network (LDN) • A lightning detection network, consisting of 19 lightning sensors

Lightning Detection Network (LDN) • A lightning detection network, consisting of 19 lightning sensors was deployed. • There are roughly 2000 thunderstorms in progress around the world at any one time, producing about 30 to 100 cloud-to-ground flashes each second or about five million flashes a day. We Save Lives

Lightning Detection System We Save Lives

Lightning Detection System We Save Lives

Benefits of LDN • According to newspaper reports at least 40 persons died in

Benefits of LDN • According to newspaper reports at least 40 persons died in 2005 due to lightning. • Lightning related insured-claims damage can be as high as R 500 million per annum. We Save Lives

Conclusion • Early warnings of impending disasters and their effective dissemination are key factors

Conclusion • Early warnings of impending disasters and their effective dissemination are key factors to successful disaster prevention, mitigation and preparedness. • Adequate, integrated weather observation networks are essential for all high quality weather forecasts and warnings. • Linked to climate change, weather-related disasters in Southern Africa are increasing at an alarming rate due to increases in the vulnerability of all our people. We Save Lives

Questions and Clarities !!! Thank You We Save Lives

Questions and Clarities !!! Thank You We Save Lives