SAPOS Public Satellite Positioning Service in Germany Development
SAPOS® Public Satellite Positioning Service in Germany Development and Realisation of a Joint Project of the Working Committee of the Surveying Authorities of the States of the Federal Republic of Germany (Ad. V) Robert Winter, LGN SAPOS, Germany European CGSIC Meeting December 5 and 6, 2002 1
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Lower Saxony Federal Republic of Germany 16 federal states SAPOS, Germany European CGSIC Meeting December 5 and 6, 2002 5
Surveying and Cadastal Administration Ministry of Interior Responsibility for state territory Regional Administrative Body State Survey and Geospatial Basic Information local responsibility Surveying and cadastral Authority real estate cadastre property surveys valuation of property land organisation SAPOS, Germany Licensed Surveyor Fundamental survey Topography cartography (topographical map series) IT- Development Involved in tasks of real estate cadastre European CGSIC Meeting December 5 and 6, 2002 6
Land registration Land is recorded in a two tiered system Registration of land parcels / real estate cadastre land register l The real estate cadastre has the task to describe the facts of the individual parcels of land (real estate), l while the land register (Grundbuch: register of title) provides information on the legal aspects (status of ownership etc. ) SAPOS, Germany European CGSIC Meeting December 5 and 6, 2002 7
The real estate map contains primarily the graphic representation of l l l individual parcels of land their boundaries buildings topographic features results of land valuation nature of land use and boundaries SAPOS, Germany European CGSIC Meeting December 5 and 6, 2002 8
Example for real estate map SAPOS, Germany European CGSIC Meeting December 5 and 6, 2002 9
Example for real estate index SAPOS, Germany European CGSIC Meeting December 5 and 6, 2002 10
Geospatial basic data Fundamental reference Uniform reference of position, height and gravity - Topographical features without buildings Topography Land use and vegetation Territorial responsibilities relief parcels Real estate ownership buildings Restrictions SAPOS, Germany Restriction of land use and results of soil assessment European CGSIC Meeting December 5 and 6, 2002 11
Uniform reference of position, height and gravity Topographical features without buildings Land use and vegetation ALKIS Territorial responsibilities official real estate information system Relief parcels ownership buildings Restrictions on land use and results of soil assessment SAPOS, Germany European CGSIC Meeting December 5 and 6, 2002 AFIS official reference information system ATKIS authoritative topographic cartographic information system 12
Concept of SAPOS® • Full 24 -hour DGPS-service • Real time and post-processing data • Replacement of the necessary second RTKGPS receiver • High accurate reference frame • Broadcasting of data via various communication media SAPOS, Germany European CGSIC Meeting December 5 and 6, 2002 13
SAPOS® - Hamburg Reference Station Hamburg-Mitte SAPOS, Germany European CGSIC Meeting December 5 and 6, 2002 14
Standard SAPOS® - RTK Configuration GPS Receiver u u u u GPS Receiver Rover Radio GPS Antenna Radio Antenna Survey Controller and bracket Pole Batteries for 7 hours work Belt Pouch and 2 cables SAPOS, Germany European CGSIC Meeting December 5 and 6, 2002 15
SAPOS® - HEPS 1 -2 cm Surveying by Real Time Data Corrections SAPOS, Germany European CGSIC Meeting December 5 and 6, 2002 16
SAPOS® - HEPS 1 -2 cm Data Communication via GSM-Telefone SAPOS, Germany European CGSIC Meeting December 5 and 6, 2002 17
SAPOS® - Graphic Fieldbook SAPOS, Germany European CGSIC Meeting December 5 and 6, 2002 18
Partnership LGN & Panasonic Reference-CD available SAPOS, Germany European CGSIC Meeting December 5 and 6, 2002 19
SAPOS® - Data Communication GSM-Telefone Broadcast Receiver / Decoder SAPOS, Germany European CGSIC Meeting December 5 and 6, 2002 20
SAPOS® EPS-RASANT 1 -3 m UKW - Radio Data Service SAPOS, Germany European CGSIC Meeting December 5 and 6, 2002 21
SAPOS® EPS-RASANT 1 -3 m UKW-Radio Broadcast Germany SAPOS, Germany European CGSIC Meeting December 5 and 6, 2002 22
SAPOS® Public Satellit Positioning Service Germany www. sapos. d SAPOS, Germany European CGSIC Meeting December 5 and 6, 2002 24
GREF Reference Stations National German GPSReference Network BKG SAPOS, Germany European CGSIC Meeting December 5 and 6, 2002 25
SAPOS® Reference Stations Germany 257 / 270 RS Total Investment 8. 1 Mill. Euro SAPOS, Germany European CGSIC Meeting December 5 and 6, 2002 26
SAPOS® -EPSRASANT 1 -3 m Radio Stations SAPOS, Germany European CGSIC Meeting December 5 and 6, 2002 27
SAPOS® -EPS / HEPS 2 m-Band-Broadcast Frequencies SAPOS, Germany European CGSIC Meeting December 5 and 6, 2002 28
SAPOS® -EPS / HEPS 2 m-Band-Broadcast Transmitter Stations SAPOS, Germany European CGSIC Meeting December 5 and 6, 2002 29
SAPOS® -HEPS 1 -2 cm Real Time Reference Stations Network SAPOS, Germany European CGSIC Meeting December 5 and 6, 2002 30
SAPOS® -Niedersachsen + Bremen 41 + 3 RS SAPOS, Germany European CGSIC Meeting December 5 and 6, 2002 31
Network GPS-Reference Stations Doppel. Differenz Residuen Mobiler Nutzer Virtuelle Referenzstation oder ganzflächige Parameter Korrekturmodell als Ebene zw. Referenzstation 1 Breite Referenzstation 2 Referenzstation 3 Länge SAPOS, Germany European CGSIC Meeting December 5 and 6, 2002 32
Flächenkorrekturparameter (FKP) Mobiler Nutzer d. Dij Geometrisches und ionosphärisches FKPKorrekturmodell als Ebene zw. Referenzstation 2 Referenzstation 1 Breite Referenzstation 3 Referenzstation 4 Länge Ebenengleichung: d = ax +by +cz SAPOS, Germany European CGSIC Meeting December 5 and 6, 2002 33
SAPOS® Niedersachsen + Bremen 24 Stationen 2 Networks of 45 Reference Stations SAPOS, Germany 21 Stationen European CGSIC Meeting December 5 and 6, 2002 34
SAPOS® Niedersachsen + Bremen + Neighbouring States 3 Networks of 60 Reference Stations SAPOS, Germany European CGSIC Meeting December 5 and 6, 2002 35
Vernetzung mit FKP VRS / FKP Funk Vermessungsstil: FKP GSM Vermessungsstil: VRS 2 m- Band Sender RTCM 2. 1/2. 3 (VRS) RTCM+FKP NMEA GGA / Ad. V FKP: Flächenkorrekturparameter VRS: Virtuelle Referenzstation
Überprüfung der Vernetzungsqualität Genauigkeit: sj = 10, 4 mm sl = 7, 4 mm sh = 17, 4 mm SAPOS, Germany European CGSIC Meeting December 5 and 6, 2002 37
Stationsabhängige Fehler Stationsantennen Kalibrierung, relativ und absolute Bestimmung • Mehrwegeeffekte – Analyse der Stationsumgebung – Bestimmung der Mehrwegeeffekte – Punktverlegung Kalibrierung von Umgebungseffekten der Hannoverschen Referenzstation durch das Institut für Erdmessung, Uni Hannover (V. Böder, 2002) • Gebäudebewegungen – bisher nicht betrachtet SAPOS, Germany European CGSIC Meeting December 5 and 6, 2002 38
Drei Initialisierungen in zwei unabhängigen Aufstellungen SAPOS, Germany European CGSIC Meeting December 5 and 6, 2002 39
SAPOS, Germany European CGSIC Meeting December 5 and 6, 2002 40
Ausbildung der VKB November 2001 Februar -April 2002 • Diverse Schulungen • Im gesamten Landesgebiet • Dezerneten und Truppführer • Theoretische Grundlagen zu GPS und SAPOS® • Hard- und Softwareeinweisung und praktische Messungen SAPOS, Germany European CGSIC Meeting December 5 and 6, 2002 41
Internet (kurz-, mittel- und langfristige Infos) VKV-Intranet Newsletter SAPOSâInformationsdienst ( mittelfristige Infos) E-mail Nutzer SMS (kurzfristige Infos) Hotline Telefon 0511/6460 9 -222
SAPOS, Germany European CGSIC Meeting December 5 and 6, 2002 43
> 300 Teilnehmer aus Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich, Niederlande, Belgien, USA, Bulgarien, Kroatien SAPOS, Germany European CGSIC Meeting December 5 and 6, 2002 44
Inspirations SAPOS, Germany European CGSIC Meeting December 5 and 6, 2002 45
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Thank you for your attention SAPOS, Germany European CGSIC Meeting December 5 and 6, 2002 47
State Survey and Geospatial Basic Information of Lower Saxony Germany robert. winter@lgn. niedersachsen. de www. lgn. de SAPOS, Germany European CGSIC Meeting December 5 and 6, 2002 48
- Slides: 47