Final Review Ryan Zack Kristiyan Jeffery Alok Topics

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Final Review Ryan, Zack, Kristiyan, Jeffery, Alok

Final Review Ryan, Zack, Kristiyan, Jeffery, Alok

Topics 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Git TDD & JUnit Makefile Unix

Topics 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Git TDD & JUnit Makefile Unix Shell Scripting Ant & XML Java Logging API Profiling



Git Things you should know ● What is git? ● What is distributed version

Git Things you should know ● What is git? ● What is distributed version control? o What is centralized version control? ● What is a push? ● What does a “staged file” mean? ● General git commands

Git ● ● ● ● git status o Gives the status of all of

Git ● ● ● ● git status o Gives the status of all of the modified, newly added or newly removed files in the local files git log o Prints a log of all the recent git commands git add o Stages a file to be committed git remove o Removes a tracking of a file git commit o Makes all the staged changes git push o Puts all of the changes to a remote repo git pull o Gets all the changes from a remote repo

Git Visualized

Git Visualized

TDD & JUnit

TDD & JUnit

Test Driven Development ● JUnit is a tool for Test Driven Development [TDD] ●

Test Driven Development ● JUnit is a tool for Test Driven Development [TDD] ● In TDD, tests are written before the software itself. ● You must understand the system before writing tests for it! ● Regression testing -> change to code = build project + run tests

Unit Testing ● What is a unit? o Unit is a single method! You

Unit Testing ● What is a unit? o Unit is a single method! You are testing individual methods (units) from the class they belong to! ● Why should you use Unit Testing? o increased productivity o goal driven-code o and more. . . ● Why you should not use it? o Does NOT test the full software o Consumes too much time o etc. .

And now JUnit itself! ● JUnit is a widely used framework for unit (remember

And now JUnit itself! ● JUnit is a widely used framework for unit (remember what this is? ) testing of Java software! ● JUnit: o Define and execute tests and test suites § Test Suites has many tests! o Write and debug code o and more…

JUnit Terminology ● Test fixture sets up the data needed to run tests. ●

JUnit Terminology ● Test fixture sets up the data needed to run tests. ● Unit Test - A piece of code written by developer that executes a particular part of the code being tested. ● Test case - Tests the response of a single method to a particular set of inputs. ● Test suite - Collection of test cases. ● Test runner - Software that runs your tests. ● Integration test - how well classes work together. Not good in JUnit. http: //www. vogella. com/tutorials/JUnit/article. html <- Useful source! http: //ieng 6. ucsd. edu/~cs 15 u/lab 3/page 3. html <- More info there!

● Test in JUnit that returns without failing or throwing an exception is considered

● Test in JUnit that returns without failing or throwing an exception is considered pass. ● Failure happens when JUnit assertion fails. ● Goal for perfect implementation is to pass all tests, and for imperfect is to fail at least one test.

Other Frameworks ● ● JUnit - JAVA cpp. Unit - C++ PHPUnit - PHP

Other Frameworks ● ● JUnit - JAVA cpp. Unit - C++ PHPUnit - PHP NUnit -. NET ● All have: 1. Test Runner 2. Test Cases 3. Test fixtures 4. Test suites 5. Test Execution



Makefiles Questions you should know the answer to about Makefiles ● What is the

Makefiles Questions you should know the answer to about Makefiles ● What is the point of a Makefile? o Why don’t we just compile it again? o Why don’t we just use a shell script? ● What is the format of a Makefile? ● How do we define variables in Makefiles? ● How do we make in a subdirectory?

The Makefile Format The format is just something you should memorize. Dependencies can be

The Makefile Format The format is just something you should memorize. Dependencies can be files. If a dependency is more recent, than the target will be made. Format: target: dependencies action Basic Example: default: javac *. java clean: rm *. class new: clean, default

The Makefile Format Real Example: CXX DEFINES CXXFLAGS $(DEFINES) INCPATH = g++ = -DQT_NO_DEBUG

The Makefile Format Real Example: CXX DEFINES CXXFLAGS $(DEFINES) INCPATH = g++ = -DQT_NO_DEBUG -DQT_WIDGETS_LIB -DQT_GUI_LIB = -pipe -std=c++11 -O 2 -Wall -W -D_REENTRANT -f. PIE = -I/software/common/qt-5. 0. 1/mkspecs/linux-g+ boggleutil. o: boggleutil. cpp boggleutil. h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o boggleutil. cpp

Declaring Variables For makefiles, we can define by simply creating a variable in all

Declaring Variables For makefiles, we can define by simply creating a variable in all caps (by convention) and setting it equal to a string. When we use the variable, it will be replaced by the string we set it to. Basic Example: COMPILE SRC = javac = *. java $(COMPILE) $(SRC) Real Example: DEFINES CFLAGS = -DQT_NO_DEBUG -DQT_WIDGETS_LIB -DQT_GUI_LIB = -pipe -O 2 -Wall -W -D_REENTRANT -f. PIE $(DEFINES)

Making in a directory To make in a subdirectory do: make -C directory/ target

Making in a directory To make in a subdirectory do: make -C directory/ target As an example there is: make -C lib/ new So in a makefile it may look like clean: make -C lib/ clean make -C bin/ clean rm *. class

Unix/Shell Scripting

Unix/Shell Scripting

Piping/Filtering ● A pipe is a way to send the output of one command

Piping/Filtering ● A pipe is a way to send the output of one command to another; the output of the first becomes the input of the second o To make a pipe, put a vertical bar ‘|’ on the commandline between two commands ● Examples: o ls -l | grep Apr o ls | wc -l o man ksh | grep "history" | wc -l ● A filter is a program that takes input from another program and transforms it in some way

Shell Scripting ● Lines starting with # are comments, but the first line #!

Shell Scripting ● Lines starting with # are comments, but the first line #! is not a comment; it indicates the location of the shell that will be run ● Quote characters o “ double quote: if a string is enclosed in “ “ the references to variables will be replaced with their values o ‘ single quote: taken literally o ` back quote: treated as command § echo “Date is: ” `date`

Shell Scripting (declarations) ● Array declarations: o y=(Hello hi hey) o To access declared

Shell Scripting (declarations) ● Array declarations: o y=(Hello hi hey) o To access declared variables, use $ and braces § echo ${y[0]} → Hello is printed ● Declarations must not include spaces around equals sign

Shell Syntax ● Instead of using braces {} to control logic flow and statement

Shell Syntax ● Instead of using braces {} to control logic flow and statement blocks, shell uses terminating words: o if, then/ fi for i in {1. . 10} o case / esac do o for, done if [ $[i % 2] = 1 ]; o while, done then echo $i “is odd” else echo $i “is even” fi done

Examples for (( c=1; c<=5; c++ )) do echo "Welcome $c times" done _____________

Examples for (( c=1; c<=5; c++ )) do echo "Welcome $c times" done _____________ c=0 while [ $c -lt 10 ] do echo The counter is $c let c=c+1 done echo “Enter read fruit case $fruit apple) echo ; ; banana) echo ; ; *) echo ; ; esac a fruit: ” in “Apple” “Banana” “Something else”

http: //www. dreamsyssoft. com/unix-shell-scripting/ifelse-tutorial. php

http: //www. dreamsyssoft. com/unix-shell-scripting/ifelse-tutorial. php

Examples (more) ls | while read line do echo “Hello ${line}!” done ____________ filename=$1

Examples (more) ls | while read line do echo “Hello ${line}!” done ____________ filename=$1 while read line do echo “Hello ${line}!” done < “$filename” filename=$1 cat $filename | while read line do echo “Hello ${line}!” done

What you should know ● ● ● Know the difference between echo and cat

What you should know ● ● ● Know the difference between echo and cat Variable declarations How to call variables How strings “”, ``, ‘’ work in bash How to use simple constructs like if statements, for loops, etc Commands like cd, rm, mv, cp, etc Site to test: http: //www. compileonline. com/execute_bash_online. php

XML & Ant

XML & Ant

XML ● Sibling of HTML ● <tag></tag> and <title></title> and <midterm></midterm> ● XML Data

XML ● Sibling of HTML ● <tag></tag> and <title></title> and <midterm></midterm> ● XML Data Components o Elements § Hierarchical structure with open-close tag pairs § Nesting, same names is allowed, order matters § <review mdate=” 2014 -06 -01”. . . > <presenter>Kristiyan Dzhamalov</presenter> </review> o Attributes § named values are not hierarchical, order does NOT matter § mdate=” 2014 -06 -01”

XML Example <review> <presenter name=“Kristiyan” > <topic>Ant</topic> <topic>XML</topic> <topic>JUnit</topic> </presenter> <presenter name=“Zack”> <topic>Makefile</topic> </presenter>

XML Example <review> <presenter name=“Kristiyan” > <topic>Ant</topic> <topic>XML</topic> <topic>JUnit</topic> </presenter> <presenter name=“Zack”> <topic>Makefile</topic> </presenter> … and more… </review>

Ant - Another Neat Tool ● ● ● Tool for automated software builds -

Ant - Another Neat Tool ● ● ● Tool for automated software builds - Very useful in industry with Java dev. Similar to make Uses XML to describe the building process and its dependencies By default the XML file is named build. xml You can obtain the value of a variable using ${property_name} How to make a variable? o <property name=”public. dir” location=”public” />

Ant - Cont. ● Each Ant XML file contains: o 1 project and at

Ant - Cont. ● Each Ant XML file contains: o 1 project and at least 1 target o Targets have multiple tasks ● Projects contain 3 attributes - name, default and basedir o <project name=”Mid. Rev 2” default=”jar” basedir=”. ”> o default means which target to compile if not specified ● Target contains a name and optionally depends and description ● There can be dependencies between targets ● Task represents an action that needs execution ● Read lecture slides and lab

Java Logging API Link to lecture slide

Java Logging API Link to lecture slide

Java Logging API ● Why use it? o The Java Logging API provides a

Java Logging API ● Why use it? o The Java Logging API provides a standardized process of logging statements (automatically recording diagnostic output from a program) o Better than using System. out. println() statements scattered throughout your code o You can leave all logging statements in your code and control which ones are printed out using “logging. properties” file

General Concepts ● Each log message has an associated log Level ● The Level

General Concepts ● Each log message has an associated log Level ● The Level class specifies the importance and urgency of a log message ● Seven standard log levels ranging from FINEST (the lowest priority) to SEVERE (the highest priority).

Severity Levels (Descending order) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. SEVERE: Used for logging fatal

Severity Levels (Descending order) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. SEVERE: Used for logging fatal runtime error events WARNING INFO CONFIG FINE: Usually at the level of object creation, catch clauses for exceptions that do not constitute errors, and so on. 6. FINER: Entering and exiting should be used for tracing method entry and exit; arguments and return values can be specified. 7. FINEST: This level of tracing can be used to track the state of instance variables in a class e. g. before a method call, inside a method or a loop and after a method call.

Tracing ● Tracing involves logging messages which report the state of the application at

Tracing ● Tracing involves logging messages which report the state of the application at different stages of execution ● Useful for following the flow of your program

Loggers and Handlers ● Loggers are objects that allow the application to log without

Loggers and Handlers ● Loggers are objects that allow the application to log without regard to where the output is sent/stored ● Handlers receive the log message from the logger and export it to a certain target. ● Examples of Handlers: o Console. Handler: Write the log message to console o File. Handler: Writes the log message to file



Profiling - Why ? - What ? - How ?

Profiling - Why ? - What ? - How ?

What ? ● ● ● Memory CPU Usage HDD Usage (Swap files etc) Network

What ? ● ● ● Memory CPU Usage HDD Usage (Swap files etc) Network Usage Battery In short, any resource that your application depends on

How ?

How ?



hprof heap=dump|sites|all This option helps in the analysis of memory usage. It tells HPROF

hprof heap=dump|sites|all This option helps in the analysis of memory usage. It tells HPROF to generate stack traces, from which you can see where memory was allocated. heap=dump option, you get a dump of all live objects in the heap=sites, you get a sorted list of sites with the most heavily allocated objects at the top. The default value all gives both types of output.







Thank you ! Have a nice Summer !

Thank you ! Have a nice Summer !