Ag Market Outlook Dec 5 2018 Chad Hart

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Ag Market Outlook Dec. 5, 2018 Chad Hart Associate Professor/Crop Marketing Specialist chart@iastate. edu

Ag Market Outlook Dec. 5, 2018 Chad Hart Associate Professor/Crop Marketing Specialist chart@iastate. edu 515 -294 -9911 Extension and Outreach/Department of Economics

U. S. Corn Supply and Use 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 88. 0 94.

U. S. Corn Supply and Use 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 88. 0 94. 0 90. 2 89. 1 92. 0 Area Planted (mil. acres) Yield (bu. /acre) 168. 4 174. 6 176. 6 178. 9 176. 5 Production (mil. bu. ) 13, 602 15, 148 14, 604 14, 626 14, 930 Beg. Stocks (mil. bu. ) 1, 731 1, 737 2, 293 2, 140 1, 736 Imports (mil. bu. ) 67 57 36 50 50 Total Supply (mil. bu. ) 15, 401 16, 942 16, 934 16, 816 16, 716 Feed & Residual (mil. bu. ) 5, 120 5, 470 5, 298 5, 500 5, 575 Ethanol (mil. bu. ) 5, 224 5, 432 5, 605 5, 650 5, 700 Food, Seed, & Other (mil. bu. ) 1, 422 1, 453 1, 480 1, 490 Exports (mil. bu. ) 1, 898 2, 294 2, 438 2, 450 2, 425 Total Use (mil. bu. ) 13, 664 14, 649 14, 793 15, 080 15, 190 Ending Stocks (mil. bu. ) 1, 737 2, 293 2, 140 1, 736 1, 526 3. 61 3. 36 3. 60 3. 90 Season-Average Price ($/bu. ) Source: USDA-WAOB, w/ adjustment for Nov. reports Extension and Outreach/Department of Economics

U. S. Soybean Supply and Use 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Area Planted (mil.

U. S. Soybean Supply and Use 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Area Planted (mil. acres) 82. 7 83. 4 90. 1 89. 1 82. 5 Yield (bu. /acre) 48. 0 52. 0 49. 3 52. 1 50. 0 Production (mil. bu. ) 3, 926 4, 296 4, 411 4, 600 4, 090 Beg. Stocks (mil. bu. ) 191 197 302 438 955 Imports (mil. bu. ) 24 22 22 25 25 Total Supply (mil. bu. ) 4, 140 4, 515 4, 734 5, 063 5, 070 Crush (mil. bu. ) 1, 886 1, 901 2, 055 2, 080 2, 075 Seed & Residual (mil. bu. ) 122 146 112 128 127 Exports (mil. bu. ) 1, 936 2, 166 2, 129 1, 900 2, 075 Total Use (mil. bu. ) 3, 944 4, 214 4, 296 4, 107 4, 277 Ending Stocks (mil. bu. ) 197 302 438 955 793 Season-Average Price ($/bu. ) 8. 95 9. 47 9. 33 8. 60 8. 75 Source: USDA-WAOB, w/ adjustment for Nov. reports Extension and Outreach/Department of Economics

Projected Corn Yields Top: 2018 Yield Estimate Bottom: Change from last month Units: Bushels

Projected Corn Yields Top: 2018 Yield Estimate Bottom: Change from last month Units: Bushels per acre Source: USDA-NASS Extension and Outreach/Department of Economics

Projected Soybean Yields Top: 2018 Yield Estimate Bottom: Change from last month Units: Bushels

Projected Soybean Yields Top: 2018 Yield Estimate Bottom: Change from last month Units: Bushels per acre Source: USDA-NASS Extension and Outreach/Department of Economics

World Corn Production Source: USDA-WAOB Extension and Outreach/Department of Economics

World Corn Production Source: USDA-WAOB Extension and Outreach/Department of Economics

World Soybean Production Source: USDA-WAOB Extension and Outreach/Department of Economics

World Soybean Production Source: USDA-WAOB Extension and Outreach/Department of Economics

Extension and Outreach/Department of Economics

Extension and Outreach/Department of Economics

Arable land Extension and Outreach/Department of Economics

Arable land Extension and Outreach/Department of Economics

Extension and Outreach/Department of Economics

Extension and Outreach/Department of Economics

U. S. Meat Production & Prices Source: USDA-WAOB Extension and Outreach/Department of Economics

U. S. Meat Production & Prices Source: USDA-WAOB Extension and Outreach/Department of Economics

Corn Export Sales Source: USDA-FAS Extension and Outreach/Department of Economics

Corn Export Sales Source: USDA-FAS Extension and Outreach/Department of Economics

Corn Export Shifts Source: USDA-FAS Extension and Outreach/Department of Economics

Corn Export Shifts Source: USDA-FAS Extension and Outreach/Department of Economics

Soybean Export Sales Source: USDA-FAS Extension and Outreach/Department of Economics

Soybean Export Sales Source: USDA-FAS Extension and Outreach/Department of Economics

Soybean Export Shifts Source: USDA-FAS Extension and Outreach/Department of Economics

Soybean Export Shifts Source: USDA-FAS Extension and Outreach/Department of Economics

Soybean Market Shares Sales for 2018 2017 crop Sales for 2016 crop Source: USDA-FAS

Soybean Market Shares Sales for 2018 2017 crop Sales for 2016 crop Source: USDA-FAS Extension and Outreach/Department of Economics

Soybean Meal Export Shifts Source: USDA-FAS Extension and Outreach/Department of Economics

Soybean Meal Export Shifts Source: USDA-FAS Extension and Outreach/Department of Economics

Ethanol Production Source: EIA Extension and Outreach/Department of Economics

Ethanol Production Source: EIA Extension and Outreach/Department of Economics

Ethanol Exports Source: EIA Extension and Outreach/Department of Economics

Ethanol Exports Source: EIA Extension and Outreach/Department of Economics

Current Corn Futures 4. 05 3. 74 Source: CME Group, 12/4/2018 Extension and Outreach/Department

Current Corn Futures 4. 05 3. 74 Source: CME Group, 12/4/2018 Extension and Outreach/Department of Economics

Current Soybean Futures 9. 45 8. 92 Source: CME Group, 12/4/2018 Extension and Outreach/Department

Current Soybean Futures 9. 45 8. 92 Source: CME Group, 12/4/2018 Extension and Outreach/Department of Economics

2018/19 Crop Margins Based on futures prices Extension and Outreach/Department of Economics

2018/19 Crop Margins Based on futures prices Extension and Outreach/Department of Economics

2019/20 Crop Margins w/ 2018 Costs Based on futures prices Extension and Outreach/Department of

2019/20 Crop Margins w/ 2018 Costs Based on futures prices Extension and Outreach/Department of Economics

Iowa Corn Prices vs. Costs Based on USDA prices and ISU costs Extension and

Iowa Corn Prices vs. Costs Based on USDA prices and ISU costs Extension and Outreach/Department of Economics

Iowa Soybean Prices vs. Costs Based on USDA prices and ISU costs Extension and

Iowa Soybean Prices vs. Costs Based on USDA prices and ISU costs Extension and Outreach/Department of Economics

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Want to provide feedback on my presentation? https: //www. surveymonkey. com/r/Chad. Hart Extension and Outreach/Department of Economics

Thank you for your time! Any questions? My web site: http: //www 2. econ.

Thank you for your time! Any questions? My web site: http: //www 2. econ. iastate. edu/faculty/hart/ Iowa Farm Outlook: http: //www 2. econ. iastate. edu/ifo/ Ag Decision Maker: http: //www. extension. iastate. edu/agdm/ Extension and Outreach/Department of Economics