Welcome Report Writing Plan now Write great reports

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Welcome! Report Writing Plan now. Write great reports. Get recognized.

Welcome! Report Writing Plan now. Write great reports. Get recognized.

Write this down! Reports are due Friday, March 10, 2017 Must be postmarked by

Write this down! Reports are due Friday, March 10, 2017 Must be postmarked by this date Copies to send: 2 copies to Georgia PTA 1 copy to District Director 1 copy to Council President Keep a copy in your President and Secretary binders. Give one to your Principal!

Please Remember… Use the 2016 -2017 version of the Leadership Resource Guide as the

Please Remember… Use the 2016 -2017 version of the Leadership Resource Guide as the Report Forms have had changes made to them! Available on the Georgia PTA website, on your USB drive, or via email from your District Director/Council President.

Why write reports? • They document and evaluate your year. • They let Georgia

Why write reports? • They document and evaluate your year. • They let Georgia PTA, your District, and Council know what you’ve been doing at your Local Unit. • They allow you to receive recognition and validate your hard work. • They leave a guideline for the next officers.

Why think about it now? • Know what is expected • Start checking off

Why think about it now? • Know what is expected • Start checking off those checklists • Begin collecting the documentation • Make sure someone is taking photos all year long

Who writes the reports? • If your officers write them, you have consistency of

Who writes the reports? • If your officers write them, you have consistency of information, control over the content and it saves time. • Divide and conquer! Split up the reports so one person is not doing them all. • Find someone who LOVES to write and is detail oriented. Report Writing should NOT have to all fall entirely on the shoulders of the PTA President!

Reports List • Outstanding Local Unit • Merit Award (previously known as Charter Seal)

Reports List • Outstanding Local Unit • Merit Award (previously known as Charter Seal) • The Model PTA Certificate • Outstanding Local Unit PTA • Georgia PTA Hearst Family-School Partnership Awards • • • Birney Butler Outstanding Educator Outstanding Principal Outstanding School Nurse Visionary Award Best Ideas (submit as many as you like)

Reports Trasmittal Cover Form • • • This is the top page of your

Reports Trasmittal Cover Form • • • This is the top page of your bundle of reports. This streamlines the process for the check-in of reports so we know what is being included for each school. Page 224 of the 2016 -2017 Leadership Resource Guide All forms in the 2016 -2017 Leadership Resource Guide are fillable. Just put your cursor in there and type!

Outstanding Local Unit Highest level of award a local unit can achieve. Includes three

Outstanding Local Unit Highest level of award a local unit can achieve. Includes three checklists, a written narrative (max. 8 pages), and documentation (max. 10 pages). Read page 225 in the LRG carefully. It has all the instructions you need!

Cover Sheet Be thorough and include the dates! This report is based on an

Cover Sheet Be thorough and include the dates! This report is based on an accumulation of points. You will not receive ALL of the points without a date included. Remember, your school is competing only against schools in their category: Elementary 750 and below, Elementary 750 and above, Middle, High.

OLU – Advocacy Checklist Some of these items require you to show documentation. You

OLU – Advocacy Checklist Some of these items require you to show documentation. You will not receive full credit if you do not include the documentation.

OLU – Membership Checklist Achieving 2% Increase OR Target membership gets 40 points. What

OLU – Membership Checklist Achieving 2% Increase OR Target membership gets 40 points. What is Target Membership Number? Student enrollment at the end of first full week of school + number of certified teachers at the end of first week of school = Target Membership #

OLU – Programs Checklist These are things you make sure to cover in your

OLU – Programs Checklist These are things you make sure to cover in your 8 pages of narrative.

Writing Your Narrative Clearly define your unit’s goals and describe your unit’s most significant

Writing Your Narrative Clearly define your unit’s goals and describe your unit’s most significant work in the following two areas during the school year: • Increasing family engagement • Increasing student achievement Describe any data used to identify the needs of your school community (surveys, review of School Improvement with administration, graduation rates, etc. ) Discuss how your unit incorporated the National Standards for Family-School Partnerships into its programs. Describe how your unit recruits volunteers (including non-traditional volunteers), assigns duties, trains them, and recognizes their work.

Narrative – Tell Us! • A page is standard 8. 5” by 11” paper.

Narrative – Tell Us! • A page is standard 8. 5” by 11” paper. • Print size must be 12 point Times New Roman. • Use one side only, double-spaced, with 1” margins. • Pages must be numbered excluding the cover sheet. • Do not submit reports in a protective cover. Staple 3 places along left hand margin.

Narrative – Tell Us!

Narrative – Tell Us!

Documentation – Show Us! • Be sure to include documentation that is specifically required

Documentation – Show Us! • Be sure to include documentation that is specifically required per the checklists. • Documentation can be reduced in size. • Label the documentation if necessary. • Number your pages. No more than 10! • Use color and be creative!

Documentation Sample

Documentation Sample

Documentation Sample

Documentation Sample

Documentation Sample

Documentation Sample

Documentation Sample

Documentation Sample

Documentation Sample

Documentation Sample

Model PTA The Purposes of The Model PTA: • Encourages and directs the local

Model PTA The Purposes of The Model PTA: • Encourages and directs the local unit PTA to fulfill the requirements to be “In Good Standing”. • Provides a framework and defines an effective process for family engagement, advocacy and partnership in the school community. All local units are encouraged to achieve Model PTA status.

How to achieve Model PTA To achieve The Model PTA status, the Local Unit

How to achieve Model PTA To achieve The Model PTA status, the Local Unit PTA: • Complete thirteen (13) of the fifteen (15) Administrative Guidelines. • Complete the Operational Guidelines. • Complete the Model PTA Award Cover Sheet OR submit the Outstanding Local Unit Report and receive a minimum score of 275.

13 out of 15 Suggestion: Keep a copy of this document in the front

13 out of 15 Suggestion: Keep a copy of this document in the front of your binder, taped inside your calendar or pasted up on the wall of your PTA room.

Part 2 of the Model PTA Please make sure you are using the 2016

Part 2 of the Model PTA Please make sure you are using the 2016 - 2017 LRG!! This is different from last year. See pages 233 - 235.

Hearst Family School Partnership Award Successful applications will demonstrate their understanding of PTA’s National

Hearst Family School Partnership Award Successful applications will demonstrate their understanding of PTA’s National Standards for Family-School Partnerships through policies, programs, and/or activities implemented. The strongest applications will show systemic change and will be able to quantify their impact. See page 236 in the LRG for complete details.

Hearst Family School Partnership Award 1. State the goal for the standard and describe

Hearst Family School Partnership Award 1. State the goal for the standard and describe the data driven reasons for choosing this goal. 2. Describe in detail one or two activities, programs, or policies your school implemented to address the stated goal. What role did the PTA play? What role did the school and/or community play? (Please identify different activities, programs, or policies for each standard. ) 3. Describe the measurable results of the activities, programs, or policies identified in question #2. What attitudes or behaviors changed as a result of your efforts? How did you measure results (e. g. , surveys, observation, and informal feedback)? Please report the number of students (ages 0 -18) impacted. Describe how this effort supported student achievement, as a result of family school partnerships.

National PTA Standards Standard 1: Welcoming all families into the school community Standard 2:

National PTA Standards Standard 1: Welcoming all families into the school community Standard 2: Communicating effectively Standard 3: Supporting student success Standard 4: Speaking up for every child Standard 5: Sharing power Standard 6: Collaborating with community

Other Reports • • Birney Butler Outstanding Educator Outstanding Principal Outstanding School Nurse Visionary

Other Reports • • Birney Butler Outstanding Educator Outstanding Principal Outstanding School Nurse Visionary Award (demonstrates an “above and beyond” approach to addressing and resolving community issues and concerns) • Best Ideas

Helpful Hints • Proofread! Have someone else proofread it, too. • Be accurate and

Helpful Hints • Proofread! Have someone else proofread it, too. • Be accurate and honest. • Print nice color copies of the documentation. It makes a big difference!

Questions? Tracy Thompson District Director District 13 Georgia PTA 404 -374 -9827 d 13

Questions? Tracy Thompson District Director District 13 Georgia PTA 404 -374 -9827 d 13 gapta@gmail. com www. georgiapta. org every child. one voice.