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Emotie A reusi
Emotie A reusi Bucuria faptelor bune
Emotie A reusi Bucuria faptelor bune Ceea ce conteaza cu
table of contents / project description / general results / / vision & mission / communication / objectives / timeline / target audience / online community / partnerships / milestones evaluation / next stage proposals / / general awareness / brand awareness / effects on brands / participants satisfaction / learning area / benchmarking / proposals / evolving financial data / / project costs / next stage
project description / vision / / environnemental education, involvement and awareness through interactive games and activities; mission / / introducing and strengthening the basic concepts of ecology, explaining the role of protecting the nature and the resources, and the impact of human activity on the environment. / management of environmental protection missions and demonstration of the achievements (photo and story)
project description / objectives / / promoting sustainability and ecological education / engaging 10, 000 children in the pilot project (June to October = 4 months) / raising awareness for the partners involved in the project: / gaining media support and coverage without media buying / partnering with school inspectors, schools, ALPAB and central authorities (Ministry of Education, Ministry of Labor, Family and Social Protection) / multiplication of the messages through schools, media and social networking
timeline / March Construction of the spaceship Communication (offline and online) Prizes for participating children Developing partnerships Evaluation and awareness April June July August September October
target audience / / primary: children aged 6 to 14 years parents and their families / secundary: Mega Image customers teachers central and local authorities (Ministry of Education, Ministry of Environment, City halls)
general results / 9000 21800 participants engaged users 109 22 5281 school partnerships facebook fans 15. 781 Mega Image stores printed materials 18 222 media partnerships appearances 8. 795. 321 total reach 13 5040 green jobs worked hours PR Award nomin ation 110. 177 budget 12. 4 cost/ user
communication / offline / n; /in store communicatio spaces : parks, al on ti n ve n co n u ed d n / bra ura, /printed lt cu e d a b oa /R rs te n I’Velo ce materials /WOM / media partnerships / website / facebook page / banners online /
PC display in the space ship Bordin gpass
partnerships / media / / 18 media partners / 6 offline and 12 online covering the most important channels dedicated to children and parents number of educational institutions we partnered with / 7 11 educational system / / 22 partnership agreements signed with schools, foundations and associations 4 Schools Associations Orphanages and foundations
milestones / / launching the event – press conference / Tasuleasa Social eco camp – 10 participants / Dorna event – creative workshops for children
evaluation – general awareness / / study conducted by e-research / sample of 800 people, Bucharest and Ilfov County / general awareness 16% up to 22% general awareness / 22% 78% Heard about the project Dind't hear contact channels /
evaluation – general awareness / / the purpose of the project is to: ecologically educate children 85% change adult attitudes towards the environment 58% to entertain children 24%
brand awareness / Dorna Green Revolution 32% 12% Mega Image Assisted 0% 20% Spontaneous 58% 46% 35% 40% 58% 60%
effect on the brands / Dorna Mega Image They Know about Green Bee They didn’t know about Green Bee Brand preference 28. 2% 22. 7% 29. 2% Brand trust 45. 7% 40. 4% 64. 5% 63. 0% 28. 8% 17. 7% 19. 2% 8. 4% 56. 7% 50. 1% 54. 4% 35. 6% Brand reputation Invests in ecological programms for environment protecting Overall satisfactions
participants satisfaction / satisfaction degree / 35% future participation in a similar project / 18% 65% Very satisfied Satisfied Very interested 81% Interested
learnings / / communication – TV appereances and blogging campaigns / enhance signaling / post participation engagement for children / focus on internal communication / increase site usability / events and happenings, so as to attract media / interactivity during the space travels / improve planning
benchmarking / Categories Andrei’s Country Green Bee Attracted public 10, 473 9000 Project period 12 months 4 months Amount (Euro) 552, 000 € 110, 177 € Camp & prices Cost/direct user (euro) Involving social cases yes 44. 6 € 12. 4 € no yes Media buying budget yes no
next stage proposals / / advocacy and educational / partnerships with Ministry of Education and Ministry of Labor, so as to bring eco education in the curricula / partnerships with schools inspectors so as to bring children from all the country / partnerships with general media so as to increase the general awareness / ecology class support materials / offline activation and improvements / technical equipment in the spaceship / organizing events and happenings, so as to attract media (to the spaceship as well as in schools) / creating post participation involvement activities for children / redesigning the website
evolving the project to a higher sustainable future of our children / October 2012 April 2013 October 2013 June 2014 Participants 9. 000 20, 250 33. 000 48. 000 Users 21. 953 50, 453 80. 453 118. 453 Cost/user 12. 4€ 11€ Budget 110, 177 € 150, 000 € 300, 000 € 418, 456€
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