existential sentences Thing place Place thing Place thing

![聽起來, 看起來 It sounds as if [sentence]. It looks as if [sentence]. 聽起來, 看起來 It sounds as if [sentence]. It looks as if [sentence].](https://slidetodoc.com/presentation_image_h/3196312e9bfecf3a51e1751c8bbe1f31/image-33.jpg)

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existential sentences Thing 在 place. 老�在�行. Place 是 thing. 桌子上是一�支票 Place 有 thing. 教室里有三个学生

3: existential sentences Thing 在 place. New information is the location. 我的老家在芝加哥。 My family home is in Chicago.

existential sentences Place 是 thing. New information is “the thing”, which is often definite. 學校對面是書店。 What is across from the school is the bookstore. Place 有 thing. “The thing” must be indefinite. 活動中心左邊有一條(usually there is a MW)河。 To the left of the activity center there is a stream.

Place V-著 Nu-MW-N (this is also a variation of Existential Pattern) 門前種著什麼 東西? 門前種著一些 花

Speaking of “着”, there is another important function… S V 1 -著 V 2 Do V 2 while V 1 -ing 吃著飯看報�身体不好 Read the paper while eating is not good for your health.

“着” Vs “在” While “着” is normally used to indicate continuing state, “在” is to indicate continuing action. Also, “在” emphasizes “right in middle of doing something”. A: 学生�在做什么 ? B: 他�在上�.

“着” VS “一� ”…”一� ” Most of the time it doesn’t equal “一� ”…”一� ”, . This is again because ““着” ” is about a continuing state, while “一 � ”…”一� ”, is about two actions going on at the same time. 我喜�开着�睡�. *我喜�一�开�一�睡�.

S V 1 -著 V 2 Whatcha doing, nuttin, chillin at the Holiday Inn 黃小姐洗澡 黃小姐唱著歌 洗澡

3: 練習 Describe a place to your classmates, using relative location of things as much as you can within your vocabulary. Ideas: Apartment Home town Campus
![聽起來 看起來 It sounds as if sentence It looks as if sentence 聽起來, 看起來 It sounds as if [sentence]. It looks as if [sentence].](https://slidetodoc.com/presentation_image_h/3196312e9bfecf3a51e1751c8bbe1f31/image-33.jpg)
聽起來, 看起來 It sounds as if [sentence]. It looks as if [sentence].

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