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TYPES OF FRIENDSHIPS v Acquaintances are people you know but who are not your

TYPES OF FRIENDSHIPS v Acquaintances are people you know but who are not your close friends v Good Friends are people you see often. You spend enough time with them to know each other quite well v Close Friend/Best Friend are usually only a few people in your life

WHAT IS A FRIEND? v What qualities do you look for in a friend?

WHAT IS A FRIEND? v What qualities do you look for in a friend? v In order for a friendship to develop both people must have similar traits for the friendship to grown • • • Someone with whom you can talk Someone who accepts you Someone who supports you Someone you can trust Someone who is open

WHY DO YOU NEED FRIENDS? v Friendships take time and commitment to develop. v

WHY DO YOU NEED FRIENDS? v Friendships take time and commitment to develop. v Benefits of Friendship • • Helps you to mature intellectually, emotionally and socially Get to know yourself better Source of companionship Contribute to personal development

WHY DO YOU NEED FRIENDS? v Can help you know and understand your own

WHY DO YOU NEED FRIENDS? v Can help you know and understand your own thoughts and feelings v Help you to accept yourself as a person and increase your self-esteem v Helps you develop empathy (an emotion in which you feel what another is feeling) v Increase you communication skills v Learn how to work cooperatively v Satisfy the need for companionship v Prepare for future lone-term relationships

DEVELOPING A CLOSE FRIENDSHIP v How do you develop a friendship? v What qualities

DEVELOPING A CLOSE FRIENDSHIP v How do you develop a friendship? v What qualities do you have for building a friendship? v What qualities are you looking for in a friend?

DEVELOPING A CLOSE FRIENDSHIP v Be Friendly v Develop Rapport • An atmosphere in

DEVELOPING A CLOSE FRIENDSHIP v Be Friendly v Develop Rapport • An atmosphere in which the other person feels comfortable and wants to talk v Share Yourself v Build Trust • Most relationship MUST have • For trust to develop and grow, both people must believe the other person is honest • Both must believe information share will not be used against them in any way

DEVELOPING A CLOSE FRIENDSHIP v Respond with empathy v Be open to growth •

DEVELOPING A CLOSE FRIENDSHIP v Respond with empathy v Be open to growth • Blind spots – your blind spot are factors that you did not know about yourself

THE GOAL OF A CLOSE RELATIONSHIP v Experience fulfillment through sharing in the areas

THE GOAL OF A CLOSE RELATIONSHIP v Experience fulfillment through sharing in the areas of intellectual, emotional, spiritual or physical v A friendships may provide a few of the areas but a marriage can provide in all these areas v Commitment

PEER RELATIONSHIPS v Your peers are at the same stage of their life path

PEER RELATIONSHIPS v Your peers are at the same stage of their life path as you

HANDLING NEGATIVE PEER PRESSURE v Passive- go along with what is said or the

HANDLING NEGATIVE PEER PRESSURE v Passive- go along with what is said or the group v Aggressive behavior – yelling, calling names, criticizing, etc. will often lead to more intense violence v Assertive- letting peers know what you think and feel by using good communication skills, this is the best way to respond

HANDLING BULLYING v Using aggressive behavior to intentionally harm another person is called bullying

HANDLING BULLYING v Using aggressive behavior to intentionally harm another person is called bullying v Bullying is a sing of social immaturity because bullies are not concerned about the well-being of others

BULLYING 1. Physical Bullying – punching, poking, hair-pulling, beating 2. Emotional Bullying – rejecting,

BULLYING 1. Physical Bullying – punching, poking, hair-pulling, beating 2. Emotional Bullying – rejecting, defaming, humiliation, blackmailing, manipulation friends, isolating, pressuring peers 3. Sexual Bullying – exhibitionism, requests for sexual activities, sexual harassment, abuse involving physical contact and assault 4. Verbal Bullying – name calling, teasing, gossip

CYBERBULLYING v Using technology such as internet or cell phones to send hurtful or

CYBERBULLYING v Using technology such as internet or cell phones to send hurtful or threating messages to another person 1. Spreading lies or rumors through e-mail or instant message 2. Registering another person form something online without permission 3. Posting pictures with the subject’s permission



FACTORS INFLUENCING FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS v How well do family members know each other? v

FACTORS INFLUENCING FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS v How well do family members know each other? v How much time do family members spend together? v What common interest do family members share? v What kind of communications occur in the family? v Does acceptance and support exist in the family? v Does love and concern exist in the family?

UNDERSTANDING YOUR PARENT’S POINT OF VIEW v Your parent’s point of view v Cultural

UNDERSTANDING YOUR PARENT’S POINT OF VIEW v Your parent’s point of view v Cultural role expectations v Providing for the family v Support network v Protect the well-being of the family

PARENT-TEEN CONFLICT v Adjusting to changes such as teen’s independence v Different point of

PARENT-TEEN CONFLICT v Adjusting to changes such as teen’s independence v Different point of view

NEGOTIATING SOLUTIONS v Shows a positive attitude v Good communication skills

NEGOTIATING SOLUTIONS v Shows a positive attitude v Good communication skills

RELATIONSHIPS WITH SIBLINGS v Encourage each other v Sibling rivalry v With a close

RELATIONSHIPS WITH SIBLINGS v Encourage each other v Sibling rivalry v With a close sibling relationship it can be the core of a strong support group



RELATIONSHIPS WITH SIGNIFICANT ADULTS v Significant Adults • Grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers, youth leaders,

RELATIONSHIPS WITH SIGNIFICANT ADULTS v Significant Adults • Grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers, youth leaders, religious leaders, coaches • Relationships is usually less stressful than with parents

WORK RELATIONSHIPS v Customer Relations • Friendly services v Relating to Fellow Employees v

WORK RELATIONSHIPS v Customer Relations • Friendly services v Relating to Fellow Employees v Relationship with Supervisors

RELATIONSHIPS WITH PEOPLE OF OTHER CULTURES v Multiculturalism – a society with people of

RELATIONSHIPS WITH PEOPLE OF OTHER CULTURES v Multiculturalism – a society with people of different cultural backgrounds v Diversity – the unique qualities of people form different cultural backgrounds

ACCEPTING DIFFERENCES v Getting to know people v Meeting people of other cultures v

ACCEPTING DIFFERENCES v Getting to know people v Meeting people of other cultures v Take the initiative to introduce yourself and be friendly