Chapter 8 Peer Relationships Lesson 1 n Safe

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Chapter 8 Peer Relationships

Chapter 8 Peer Relationships

Lesson 1 n Safe and Healthy Friendships

Lesson 1 n Safe and Healthy Friendships

Peer Relationships Personality is developing and strengthening during adolescence n Identity is influenced by

Peer Relationships Personality is developing and strengthening during adolescence n Identity is influenced by many factors including peers. n As you get older, social groups expand n

Friendships n n n Many different kinds of friendships are formed throughout you life

Friendships n n n Many different kinds of friendships are formed throughout you life In addition to spending time together, friends care, respect, trust and show consideration for each other. Friendships several characteristics: ] ¨ Similar values, interests, beliefs and attitudes ¨ Open and honest communication ¨ Mutual respect, caring and support ¨ Concern about each other’s safety and well-being

Casual and Close Friendships n n n Casual friend- someone w/ whom you share

Casual and Close Friendships n n n Casual friend- someone w/ whom you share interests but not deep emotional bonds Close friends have strong emotional ties to each other Close friends offer support and encouragement, listens to concerns w/o judging, feel comfortable about talking about problems that may arise in the friendship

Platonic Friendship n Friendship with a member of the opposite gender in which there

Platonic Friendship n Friendship with a member of the opposite gender in which there is affection but the two people are not considered a couple.

Online Friendships n Remember: ¨ Don’t share personal information or pictures of yourself ¨

Online Friendships n Remember: ¨ Don’t share personal information or pictures of yourself ¨ Don’t offer your phone number or street address ¨ Never arrange a face to face meeting ¨ Always tell a trusted adult if an online friend suggests you do something that makes you feel uncomfortable.

Building Strong Friendships n n Friendships may become complex when friends grow closer and

Building Strong Friendships n n Friendships may become complex when friends grow closer and share more serious thoughts and feelings Healthy relationships are based on: ¨ ¨ n Mutual respect Caring Honesty Commitment Additional traits of a positive friendship: ¨ ¨ ¨ Empathy Fairness Shared Interests Acceptance Support Loyalty

Recognizing Problems in Friendships are positive when they offer encouragement and support n Friendships

Recognizing Problems in Friendships are positive when they offer encouragement and support n Friendships can be negative when they influence you to engage in harmful activities. (ex: cyberbullying) n Recognize and resolve problems that arise to avoid unhealthy friendships. n

Cliques Small circle of friends, usually with similar backgrounds or tastes, who exclude people

Cliques Small circle of friends, usually with similar backgrounds or tastes, who exclude people viewed as outsiders. n Cliques can provide a sense of belonging n Cliques can also exclude others by showing predjudice n

Managing Feelings of Envy or Jealousy n If you feel jealous of a friend

Managing Feelings of Envy or Jealousy n If you feel jealous of a friend ask yourself: ¨ What is making me feel jealous? ¨ Is my friend deliberately trying to make me feel this way? ¨ What can I do to manage or reduce these feelings? How can I feel better about myself? ¨ Are these feelings of jealousy more important that our friendship? ¨ What positive qualities make this person a good friend?

When Friendships Change n n Develop new interests Grow apart from each other Becoming

When Friendships Change n n Develop new interests Grow apart from each other Becoming harmful Reasons for ending a friendship: ¨A friend pressures you to do something that is unsafe or goes against your values ¨ A friend says hurtful or insulting things to you ¨ A friend constantly tries to get you to change your beliefs or actions