Skype Pros and Cons In peertopeer networking a

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Skype Pros and Cons • In peer-to-peer networking, a supernode works as one of that network's relayers and proxy servers, handling data flow and connections for other users. This usually requires a fairly fast Internet connection with a lot of bandwidth and a modest amount of CPU time, as a lot of data will invariably pass through the supernode and needs to be processed. • Some peer-to-peer designs allow for the user to choose whether they ever want to be treated as supernodes; others do not. Skype by default is configured as a supernode, an issue that has caused controversy. • http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/

Bandwidth and Proxy Server • In computer networking and computer science, digital bandwidth or just bandwidth often refers to a data rate measured in bits/s • In computer networks, a proxy server is a server (a computer system or an application program) which services the requests of its clients by forwarding requests to other servers • http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/

SKYPE’S CONS • The protocols and security used by Skype are unknown and at best “guessed” by those who investigate the client’s software. • Concerns: • Target for hackers: Supposedly “totally secure” is like a “prize” for those interested in refuting this. • Closed community: Skype does not use standard signalling protocols and it is incompatible with other software. • Voice traffic: Is routed thorugh unknown machines on the internet (supernodes). At this point Skype’s encrytion is “unbreakable” but this might change in the future.

SKYPE’S CONS • No peer review: Other encryption schemes, such as AES, have been reviewed. Skype has not! • Rapid spread of malicious files: Skype users can only talk to Skype users. Closed encryption and protocols may allow for the rapid spread of virus’ and other malicious content. • Network security bypass: The ease with which Skype bypasses network security such as NAT and firewalls, is worrying to IT security experts [2]. Skype supernodes allow a new and different way into networks that hackers can take advantage of

SKYPE’S CONS • Inability to determine the atuthenticity of some article on Skype, whether they be for or against: Rumors that Skype had been reverse engineered worried users. • Lack of end-to-end service quality: Skype as other services which traverse the internet can not guarante high service quality, much less when the service crosses continents. • Skype is not free: Although fares are competitive, they could go up.

SKYPE’S CONS • Skype requires the internet to function: Other standards based software Vo. IP clients can communicate without access to the Internet, e. g. X -Lite.

SKYPE’S PROS • Easy to install and works without much configuration: Works great for relatives living abroad that are not technically literate. • Works behind typical network security devices: e. g. firewalls, NAT. Users in coroporate network do not need IT staff to configure anyhting for Skype to work. • Call quality is stated to be superior to other computer based Vo. IP software clients: An IEEE technical article states that Skype has no better call quality than MSN Messenger. • Large community: Friends and family are propmot to join. • Popularity: People know it works well! • http: //information. anu. edu. au/daisy/infoservices/945. html