Peer Pressure Peer Pressure A peer is a

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Peer Pressure

Peer Pressure § § A “peer” is a person of equal standing; one’s own age or social circle “Peer pressure” is persuasion exerted by family, friends, neighbors or culture

Peer Pressure Peer pressure is seen in… § § § § Dress, talk Dishonesty Violence, gangs Sexual immorality Material possessions Alcohol, tobacco, drugs Disobedience, rebellion Condoning sin and error

OT Bible Examples Who gave in to peer pressure? § § § Adam (Gen. 3: 17 -19) Aaron (Ex. 32: 21 -24) Israel (1 Sam. 8: 5) Saul (1 Sam. 15: 1 -24) Rehoboam (1 K. 12: 4 -11)

NT Bible Examples Who gave in to peer pressure? § § Jews (Jn. 12: 42 -43) Pilate (Lk. 23: 23 -24) Peter (Lk. 22: 54 -62; see Mt. 26: 73) Peter and Barnabas (Gal. 2: 11 -15)

Instructions Given to Old Testament Israel § § § Ex. 23: 1 -3, 32 -33 Warning: do not follow a multitude to evil Deut. 12: 29 -32 Warn of evil influence 2 Kings 17: 7 -17 Warning fulfilled

Principles Applied to All Evil § § § Psa. 1: 1 -2 Prov. 1: 10 f Prov. 4: 10 f • • § Avoid evil, seek God’s law Impact of evil enticement Avoid way of evil ones Applied to adultery (Prov. 5: 7 ff; 6: 20 ff) Applied to angry person (Prov. 22: 24 -25) Prov. 13: 20; 23: 17 -21; 24: 1 -2 General principle restated

Instructions Given to the New Testament Church § § § Romans 12: 1 -2 Be not conformed 1 Cor. 15: 32 Evil companions corrupt 2 Cor. 6: 14 f Come out from it 1 Tim. 5: 22 General principle stated 1 Pet. 4: 1 -4 Think you are “strange”

Peer Pressure § § § Influence of immoral people Influence of the bitter & angry people Influence of corrupt speech Influence of denominational ideas Influence of error among Christians

Positive Peer Pressure § § Peer pressure can be good or bad Christians need to be a positive peer pressure for good (Mt. 5: 16; Phil. 2: 15; 1 Pet. 2: 12) • • • You set the standard for others You teach the Bible to others You reprove them (Eph. 5: 11)
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