Welcome to Union Hospital and Triangle Health Alliance

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Welcome to Union Hospital and Triangle Health Alliance Pre-Orientation Information Pre-Orientation

Welcome to Union Hospital and Triangle Health Alliance Pre-Orientation Information Pre-Orientation

Welcome to Union Hospital and Triangle Health Alliance. We are glad you made the

Welcome to Union Hospital and Triangle Health Alliance. We are glad you made the decision to join our team. We wish you the best of luck and success in your career. Pre-Orientation

Pre-Orientation Purpose: • The following information will enable you to learn more about Union

Pre-Orientation Purpose: • The following information will enable you to learn more about Union Hospital and Triangle Health Alliance. You will receive additional information through your unit/department orientation. • You are required to attend the next Hospital Orientation session. Pre-Orientation

VALUES • Caring and Compassion • Integrity • Leadership • Shared Learning Pre-Orientation

VALUES • Caring and Compassion • Integrity • Leadership • Shared Learning Pre-Orientation

CARING and COMPASSION • We treat everyone with dignity and respect without judgment •

CARING and COMPASSION • We treat everyone with dignity and respect without judgment • We anticipate the needs of others and respond with a personal touch • We give our undivided attention and practice presence in all of our interactions • We listen with empathy and understanding Pre-Orientation

INTEGRITY • We tell the truth • We take responsibility for our actions and

INTEGRITY • We tell the truth • We take responsibility for our actions and words • We have the courage to do what is right • We follow through on our commitments Pre-Orientation

LEADERSHIP • We are role models of our organizational values • We create solutions

LEADERSHIP • We are role models of our organizational values • We create solutions • We are proactive and take initiative • We are open-minded and embrace change Pre-Orientation

SHARED LEARNING • We actively listen and take initiative to learn and grow •

SHARED LEARNING • We actively listen and take initiative to learn and grow • We share knowledge, skills, and experiences across departments and within our community • We encourage and support each other’s learning Pre-Orientation

Service Excellence Strategic Vision To be known for world class excellence in dedicated service

Service Excellence Strategic Vision To be known for world class excellence in dedicated service to our patients, our community and each other. Pre-Orientation

Infection Prevention Your Role in the Prevention & Control of Infection … • CDC’s

Infection Prevention Your Role in the Prevention & Control of Infection … • CDC’s Guidelines for Isolation/Precautions: • Standard Precautions + Contact, Droplet, and Airborne isolation • OSHA’s Bloodborne Pathogen Standard, Exposure Control: 3 -components • Precautions Infectious Waste: Each state has different policies • Confidential Occupational Reporting of Needle stick/Exposures Policy • Must go to the ED within 1 hour of injury or exposure Pre-Orientation

The foundation of Infection Prevention is hand hygiene Pre-Orientation

The foundation of Infection Prevention is hand hygiene Pre-Orientation

Hand Hygiene • Monitored on a daily basis • Reported to compliance to state

Hand Hygiene • Monitored on a daily basis • Reported to compliance to state • Pump in / Pump out • Hand washing vs. Hand gel • Must wash hands after using the bathroom, blowing your nose, caring for a c-diff patient, or if your hands are visibly soiled. Can use gel for any other situation • Before and after gloving • After contact with patient or patient environment • After handling contaminated items • After eating, smoking, coughing, or sneezing Pre-Orientation

Proper Hand Washing • Wet your hands with clean, running water (warm or cold),

Proper Hand Washing • Wet your hands with clean, running water (warm or cold), and apply soap • Lather your hands by rubbing them together with the soap. Be sure to lather the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails • Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds. Need a timer? Hum the "Happy Birthday" song from beginning to end twice • Rinse your hands well under clean, running water • Dry your hands using a clean towel or air dry them http: //www. cdc. gov/handwashing/when-how-handwashing. html Pre-Orientation

Employee Exposure • Two different types of exposures: Bloodborne Pathogen and Infectious Disease •

Employee Exposure • Two different types of exposures: Bloodborne Pathogen and Infectious Disease • Orange section on Intranet gives step by step instructions on what to do • Always notify manager of exposure Pre-Orientation

Emergency Preparedness • Disasters can happen at anytime • Everyone has a role. Your

Emergency Preparedness • Disasters can happen at anytime • Everyone has a role. Your assignment may be different from your ordinary job • Ask your supervisor for more details and a copy of your department’s Continuation of Operations Plans (COOP) Pre-Orientation

Employee Exposure What is the acronym for the steps in our Fire Response procedures

Employee Exposure What is the acronym for the steps in our Fire Response procedures and what does it stand for? R escue, A larm, C ontain, E xtinguish Each department will have their own guidelines and procedures for emergency situations. Please discuss specific guidelines with your supervisor. Each employee must know location of fire extinguishers, pull stations, and med gas shut off valves. Pre-Orientation

What types of Safety Events must be reported? The following are basic guidelines for

What types of Safety Events must be reported? The following are basic guidelines for reportable occurrences: • Physical impairments, both permanent and temporary, arising during hospitalization of a patient • Occurrences that are not consistent with routine patient care when viewed against accepted standards; even if outcome to patient is inconsequential • Deviation from established policies or procedures that involve patient care • Unexpected adverse events affecting patients. Therapeutic misadventures, iatrogenic injuries or other adverse occurrences involving both acts of commission and omission that result insignificant patient harm or prolongation of the hospital stay Pre-Orientation

How do I report a Safety Event? Event Reporting System on the UHCC Intranet:

How do I report a Safety Event? Event Reporting System on the UHCC Intranet: • Reports should be made electronically through the UHCC Intranet link to the Quantros Event Reporting System • The person reporting should provide complete information to assist the reader in obtaining an understanding of all relevant aspects of the situation • Please Note: Event reports can be submitted anonymously at the discretion of the submitter. Providing contact information facilitates follow-up if additional information is needed to investigate the event. Pre-Orientation

Quantros Features • Log on using your single sign on ID and Password, so

Quantros Features • Log on using your single sign on ID and Password, so if you get interrupted you can come back at any time. You can also see the progress of the event after submitting. • Most events are placed in Safety Event. If you have a “complaint or grievance” about a safety issue, then it would be placed under the SEM-Safety Event Manager. Please use Feedback Manager for patient/family compliments, complaints, or suggestions. Pre-Orientation

Additional resources to support Safety Event reporting: • SAFE Line x 7233 • Speak

Additional resources to support Safety Event reporting: • SAFE Line x 7233 • Speak Up & Be Safe is available to all employees, providers, patients & family members • Please Note: Events can be reported anonymously at the discretion of the submitter. Pre-Orientation

Hospital Codes Pre-Orientation

Hospital Codes Pre-Orientation

Human Resources • • • Terry Lovell, Vice President, Ext 2662 Michelle Twum-Danso, HR

Human Resources • • • Terry Lovell, Vice President, Ext 2662 Michelle Twum-Danso, HR Director, Ext 3715 Susan Guarnieri, HR Assistant, Ext 2672 Genea Jett, Benefits Coordinator, Ext 3743 Diane Moore, HR Generalist, Ext 3759 Carrie Testa, HR Generalist, 443 -245 -3988 or 410 -392 -2666 Nurse Recruitment • Patty Munzert, Clinical Staff Recruiter, Ext 2670 • Patrice Bailey, HR Employment Specialist, Ext 3751 Pre-Orientation

Thank you for choosing Union Hospital and Triangle Health Alliance. Pre-Orientation

Thank you for choosing Union Hospital and Triangle Health Alliance. Pre-Orientation

Quiz • Please follow the link below to take the Pre-Orientation quiz. You must

Quiz • Please follow the link below to take the Pre-Orientation quiz. You must obtain 100% in order to pass or you will be required to retake the quiz. http: //www. surveygizmo. com/s 3/2838778/Pre-Orientation-Quiz Pre-Orientation