UserFriendly Church UserFriendly Church Any church that allows

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“User-Friendly Church”

“User-Friendly Church” Ø Any church that allows visitors to think they are saved, when they are not, is not user-friendly! Ø Any congregations that allows members to remain in sin or in sinful relationship – is not user-friendly. Ø Any church that does not teach people what the word of God truly says is not being user-friendly.

“User-Friendly Church” Ø Any church that does not warn people about the reality of hell is not user-friendly. Ø Any church that does not preach the whole counsel of God is not being user-friendly (Acts 20: 27)

“User-Friendly Churches” Ø Seeks to be in subjection to the Head on all matters and faithfully relates Jesus’ will to all who will hear Ø Makes known God’s truth and defends it – 1 Timothy 3: 15 Ø Any church that presents a standard different from Jesus’ expectations is not being user-friendly- Galatians 1: 69

“User-Friendly Churches” Ø Make sure the lost find out, without much delay, that they are indeed lost and need a Savior – Acts 2: 37; 8: 36 Ø Something is wrong if I can attend a congregation for years and be unaware that I am even lost.

“User-Friendly Churches” Ø Avoiding doctrinal topics or discussions about sin or judgment as non-offensive preaching is FALSE! Ø Isaiah 30: 10 “prophesy deceits” Ø Jeremiah 6: 13, 14 “peace, peace where there is no peace. ” Ø Romans 16: 18 “smooth words & flattering speech” Ø 2 Timothy 4: 3 “because they have itching ears”

John, Apostles and Jesus John the Baptist – “REPENT!” Matthew 3: 2; Matthew 3: 12 Ø Jesus preached the same message of repentance – Mark 1: 15; Matthew 5 -7 Ø The apostles where uncompromising in their preaching: Ø Crooked generation doomed – Acts 2: 40 Ø Drastic action needed – Acts 2: 38 Ø Rebuked rebellious generation – Acts 7: 51 Ø Jesus the only way to God – Acts 4: 12 Ø Judgment Day is a reality – Acts 17: 30; 22 Ø

God Consulted with No one when He Authored the Bible Ø No poll, marketing survey or attempt to find out what “the unchurched” thought they needed Ø Jeremiah 10: 23 “not in man who walks to direct his own steps” Ø Proverbs 16: 25 “way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death. ” Ø The gospel not designed to meet perceived needs – it was designed to address real spiritual deficiencies – James 4: 1 ff

“User-Friendly Churches” ØAnanias and Sapphira – Acts 5 Ø Immediate result was they were afraid – 5: 11 Ø Fear came upon everyone who heard about the event – 5: 11 Ø Some unbelievers did not want to be a part of them – 5: 13

Lessons to be Learned Ø Lots of insincere people give money under false pretenses Ø Death penalty was God’s reaction Ø Must love truth, even when it gives a personal or social disadvantage Ø God’s people need to take God seriously, and treating Him as holy means obeying Him – sin in the camp will not be tolerated

Lessons to be Learned Ø Acts 5: 13 “but the people esteemed them highly” Ø They admired the standards, expectations, and that sin was taken seriously Ø Good and honest people expect a church to be strict and have high standards Ø No apologies, no advertisements in the paper, no retractions and no clarifications

Lessons to be Learned Ø Acts 5: 14 “And believers were increasingly added to the Lord, multitudes of both men and women” Ø Events like this quickly weed out the curiosity seekers & focuses in on only those who are prepared to pay the cost of true, life changing, and rewards discipleship – Luke 14: 26 ff Ø Let’s share the soul saving truth in season & out of season -2 Timothy 4: 2
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