Lesson 5 Gravity http video search yahoo comvideoplay

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Lesson 5: Gravity http: //video. search. yahoo. com/video/play; _ylt=A 0 LEVu 6_uwt. Vm. UMAp. TIPx. Qt. ; _ylu=X 3 o. DMTB 0 dm. Ribmhw. BHNl. Yw. Nz. Yw. Rjb 2 xv. A 2 Jm MQR 2 d. Glk. A 1 l. IUz. Aw. MV 8 x? p=billy+nye+objects+motion+in+night+sky&tnr=21&vid=9434 C 1202477 B 8 B 9 B 8 EB& l=114&turl=http%3 A%2 F%2 Fts 3. mm. bing. net%2 Fth%3 Fid%3 DUN. 608040517764711354%26 pid%3 D 15. 1&sigi=11 rquldgl&rurl=https%3 A %2 F%2 Fwww. youtube. com%2 Fwatch%3 Fv%3 D 6 f 6 maa 9 x. PDM&sigr=11 bdupbp 7&tt=b&tit=Bill+Nye+The+Science+Guy+on+Planets+%26 +Moons+%28 Full+Clip%29&sigt=11 n 0 tbfve&back=http%3 A%2 F%2 Fus. yhs 4. search. yahoo. com%2 Fyhs%2 Fsearch%3 Fp%3 Dbilly%2 Bnye% 2 Bobjects%2 Bmotion%2 Bin%2 Bnight%2 Bsky%26 ei%3 DUTF 8%26 type%3 Ddsites_14_10_ie%26 param 1%3 D 1%26 param 2%3 Dcd%253 D 2 Xzuy. Et. N 2 Y 1 L 1 Qzu 0 Bzz 0 A 0 Cy. C 0 F 0 Czyzyzy 0 Et. Ct. By. Dt. Dy. Dt. N 0 D 0 Tzu 0 Sy. Bzyzyt. N 1 L 2 Xzut. Bt. Ft. Czzt. Ft. Bt. Ft. Dt. N 1 L 1 Czut. Cy. Et. Dt. At. Dy. D 1 V 1 Tt. N 1 L 1 G 1 B 1 V 1 N 2 Y 1 L 1 Qzu 2 Sy. Bt. At. Dy. Dzz 0 E 0 B 0 Dt. Gt. D 0 Dy. Dt. At. Gy. Ct. Bt D 0 At. G 0 C 0 Ey. Ct. Dt. Gy. Ct. Bt. Azz 0 Ft. Ay. Ct. At. D 0 Fzzt. C 2 Qt. N 1 M 1 F 1 B 2 Z 1 V 1 N 2 Y 1 L 1 Qzu 2 Sy. Et. Bt. A 0 A 0 Dt. Bt. G 0 Czzy. Bt. Gy. Ct. Bt. A 0 Ct. G 0 D 0 E 0 Ezzt. Gy Ey. Bt. A 0 Ft. B 0 Azz 0 Ay. C 0 C 0 D 2 Q%2526 cr%253 D 1941297316%2526 ir%253 D 140305_a%2526 elng%253 Den%2526 elcl%253 Dus%2526 a%253 Ddsites_14_10_ie%2526 f%253 D 4%2526 cat%253 Dweb%2526 ulng%253 Den. US%2526 sid%253 D 609 dc 7 b 9 e 5 f 82 b 7 a 20597842 ec 5 cd 529%2526 stype%253 Ddsites_14_10_ie%2526 sesid%253 D 3689 b 515 a 9 c 7 f 530 b 3 f 6 f 058 cb 78 bc 84%2526 csr%253 D 0%2526 ipblock%253 D 0%2526 b%253 DIE%2526 bv%253 D 11. 0%2526 os%253 DWindows%252 B 7%2526 cc%25 3 Dus%2526 ip%253 D 162. 224. 134. 54%2526 pa%253 Dmysearchdial%26 hsimp%3 Dyhsfullyhosted_003%26 hspart%3 Diry&sigb=1 pieop 0 lm&hspart=iry&hsimp=yhs-fullyhosted_003 Bill Nye on Planets and Moons

Lesson 5: Gravity Standard S 6 E 1. e Explain that gravity is the force that governs the motion in the solar system.

Lesson 5: Gravity A pulling force that attracts objects to one another. All objects have a gravitational pull on other objects. Gravity’s strength depends on 2 factors: Product of the masses of the objects Distance between the objects

Drawing for Gravity Gravitational Pull

Lesson 5: Gravity Ex. If mass increases, then the pull of gravity will increase. If distance increases, then the pull of gravity will decrease.

Size Comparison of our Sun & other Stars: “Star Size Comparison HD” http: //video. search. yahoo. com/video/play; _ylt=A 2 KLq. IR 5 Qgp. V 4 Ac. ALsc 0 n. Il. Q; _ylu=X 3 o. DMTBzc. TEzc. HZx. BHNl. Yw. Nzcg. R zb. Gs. Ddmlk. BHZ 0 a. WQDBGdwb 3 MDMj. M? p=why+do+the+stars+and+sun+appear+to+change+positi ons+in+night+sky+video&vid=eaaa 59 aada 38748644 ae 7294 95 df 1592&l=2%3 A 34&turl=http%3 A%2 F%2 Fts 3. mm. bing. n et%2 Fth%3 Fid%3 DVN. 607996563069731022%26 pid%3 D 15. 1&rurl=https%3 A%2 F%2 Fwww. youtube. com%2 Fwatch%3 F v%3 DHEheh 1 BH 34 Q&tit=Star+Size+Comparison+HD&c=22 &sigr=11 bfqbet 3&sigt=10 nlvolef&sigi=11 rk 9 g 9 dt&age=123 4142299&fr 2=p%3 As%2 Cv%3 Av&fr=yhs-iryfullyhosted_003&hsimp=yhsfullyhosted_003&hspart=iry&type=dsites_14_10_ie&tt=b

Orbits In our solar system, planets revolve around the sun, and moons revolve around the planets. Their paths are called orbits. Earth travels in an orbit around the sun. The Moon travels in an orbit around the Earth.

2 nd Drawing for Gravity (increase in distance) Gravitational Pull

Which will have a greater gravitational pull? Gravitational Pull

Which will have a greater gravitational pull? Distance

Orbit drawing Orbitt Earth

Orbit Shape *Orbits are not circles. * Orbits are slightly egg-shaped, which is called an ellipse, or elliptical orbit.

Orbit shape drawing Ellipse

Inertia The tendency of objects to keep doing what they are already doing. If an object is already in motion, it will stay in motion at that same speed and direction unless an outside force acts on it. This is called Newton’s first law of motion.

Inertia would cause a planet to keep moving in a straight path, but an outside force must act on it in order for it to stay in orbit. • This outside force is gravity. • The gravitational pull of the sun pulls the planet inward while the planet’s speed and directions pushes it outward. • When these are in balance, the planet remains in a curved path around the sun.

Inertia drawing Inertia would keep planet moving in a straight path. Earth Gravity keeps the planet in orbit.

Lesson 4 Object’s Motion in the Sky

Lunar Eclipse Tonight

Lunar Eclipse

Get out all notes on the solar system: Introduction to the Universe Motion of Objects in the Night Sky Comets, Meteors, Asteroids, Planets

Lesson 4: Object’s Motion in the Sky Standard S 6 E 1. d Explain the motion of objects in the day/night sky in terms of relative position.

Lesson 4: Object’s Motion in the Sky • The Earth spins from west to east. • Therefore, objects in the sky (planets, the sun, stars) appear to rise in the east and set in the west. • Revolution and rotation cause our view of the night sky to appear to change throughout the year. • Certain constellations might appear to change position in the night sky or look like they disappear.

Lesson 4: Object’s Motion in the Sky 1. What 2 words describe the motion of the Earth? Rotation & revolution 2 Define rotation. ( spinning) 3. Define revolution. (movement of one object around another) 4. How long does it take for the Earth to make one revolution? 365 days

Lesson 4: Object’s Motion in the Sky 5. How long does it take for the Earth to make one rotation? 24 hours 6. A day and night is one complete ______rotation______. 7. A year is one complete ____revolution_________. 8. The Earth is tilted on a ___axis________ at an angle of ____23. 5*_______.

Lesson 4: Object’s Motion in the Sky Standard S 6 E 1. d Explain the motion of objects in the day/night sky in terms of relative position.

Video showing Constellation Changes in Night Sky http: //video. search. yahoo. com/video/play; _ylt=A 2 KL q. IHt. Qwp. Vz. AUARGo 0 n. Il. Q; _ylu=X 3 o. DMTBy. YXI 3 cn. Iw. B HNl. Yw. Nzcg. Rzb. Gs. Ddmlk. BHZ 0 a. WQDBGdwb 3 MDNA-? p=animation+of+constellations+change+with+seaso ns&vid=1289 a 420 c 572 f 6 a 8988 d 250707 a 6 effe&l=2%3 A 45&turl=http%3 A%2 F%2 Fts 2. mm. bing. net%2 Fth%3 Fid%3 DVN. 608024390155243301%26 pid%3 D 15. 1&ru rl=https%3 A%2 F%2 Fwww. youtube. com%2 Fwatch%3 Fv%3 Dk. Mj. Si. J 7 V 2 Xc&tit=Seasonal+Constellations&c=3 &sigr=11 b 36 oifv&sigt=10 njdaosj&sigi=11 r 6 bruls&age =1233789204&fr 2=p%3 As%2 Cv%3 Av&hsimp=yhsfullyhosted_003&hspart=iry&tt=b

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