Greek Gods Greek Gods and Roman Equivalents English

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Greek Gods (Greek Gods) and Roman Equivalents English 9 A Chipmania™ Production ©Chipman 2010 Adapted by Ms. Carter

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Domain sky; all things; ruler of mankind Picture/Symbols ZEUS Characteristics -Powerful -Wise & Fair -A player -Can be cruel -Cocky Mnemonic: Roman Jupiter Jove

Poseidon Domain the Sea; horses; Earthquakes; storms Symbols Characteristics -Powerful -Creator of storms -Unpredictable -Violent -Holds grudges Mnemonic: *SEI is sorta like SEA *imagine him posed by Neptune Roman Neptune

Domain Hera Marriage, women, children, fertility Symbols Characteristics -Powerful -Beautiful -Dignified/Solemn -JEALOUS!!! -Holds grudges Mnemonic: “D’you know where my husband is? ” Roman Juno

Athena Domain wisdom; war strategy Picture/Symbols Mnemonic: It takes “nerve” to be a warrior Characteristics -Intelligent -Loves peace -Integrity -Virgin -Strong/Good fighter -Popped from Zeus’ head, fully grown (from 1 st wife, Metis) Roman Minerva

Apollo Domain sun; light; healing; Fine Arts (music, poetry) Picture/Symbols Characteristics -Twin -Son of Zeus by Leto -Gift of Prophecy -Associated with Oracle at Delphi -“Pretty Boy” -“Rock Star” Mnemonic: His name is a twin, too. Roman Apollo

Artemis Domain Characteristics moon, hunt, forest -Twin -Daughter of Zeus by Leto -Virgin animals -Loved Adventure Symbols -Huntress -The original “Tomboy” Mnemonic: Artemis’ famous hunting quote: “DIE, ANImals!” Roman Diana

Domain WAR Ares (& Slaughter) Symbols Mnemonic: When Mars aligns with March, Ares MARCHES his troops to war. Characteristics -Violent -Bully (Coward) -Not a good fighter on his own -Likes to watch others suffer -Son of Hera (by Zeus? ) Roman Mars

Hephaestus Domain Characteristics -Lame -- damaged forge; fire; volcano; -Good-natured blacksmith -UGLY!!! Picture/Symbols -Skilled crafter -Faithful-Married to Aphrodite -Makes lightning bolts Mnemonic: Vulcans have ‘the -Son of Hera fastest’ blacksmiths. Roman Vulcan

Aphrodite Domain Love (Passion) Beauty Symbols Mnemonic: Venus wore an ‘up-do’ not an Afro. Characteristics -Came full-grown from the sea -Beautiful!!!! -Vain/Selfish/Shallow -Unfaithful flirt -Ever-the-Virgin Roman Venus

Hermes Domain Messenger; trade; thieves; Symbols Caduceus Characteristics -Clever -Curious -Inventive -Wears winged sandals -Son of Zeus by Maia Mnemonic: Gofer Me. Her. MEs and MErcury. Roman Mercury

Hestia Domain home and hearth Symbols Mnemonic: Hestia, She’s the Besta Vesta. Characteristics -Kind -Productive -Virgin (Vestal Virgins) -Lovely -Scandal -Everyone’s “Favorite Spinster Aunt” Roman Vesta

Demeter Domain agriculture and grains Symbols (corn) Characteristics -Powerful -Good Mother -Nurturing -Reasonable Mnemonic: She gets out d’meter stick to measure grain for her cereal Roman Ceres

Domain HADES Underworld; the Shades of the Dead; wealth Symbols Mnemonic: Mickey and Hades both have dogs (think Pluto). Characteristics -Gloomy $$ RICH $$ -Powerful -Stern -Wants more than he has Roman Pluto

Dionysus Domain Wine and Festivities Picture/Symbols Characteristics -Friendly -Cheerful -Son of Semele (by Zeus) -The “Partier” Mnemonic: If Bacchus keeps drinking margaritas, he’ll ‘Die on Ices” Roman Bacchus sounds like rackus

Eros Domain Love (infatuation) Symbols Mnemonic: Cupid has Eros’ arrows. Characteristics -Son of Aphrodite -Leader of Cherubs -Bow and Arrow-shot through a person’s heart to make them fall in love (by Ares) Roman Cupid

Herakles Characteristics Domain Eldest of Zeus’ -Son of Zeus by Alcmene -Amazing strength-killed Demigods Picture/Symbols Club Lion skin cloak (the Nemian Lion) Mnemonic: serpents as a baby -12 Labors -Name: Herakles: curse of or bane of -Hera tormented Roman Hercules

Medusa • • One of the Gorgon sisters Had snakes instead of hair Used to be beautiful but cursed by Athena Anyone who looked on her turned to stone

satyr (faun) • Half human, half beast • Horns of a goat • Usually associated with Dionysus • Pan was a well-known satyr & god of the wild

Centaur • Half human and half horse

Minotaur • • Part man, part bull Lived in the maze/labyrinth Youth were sacrificed to him Eventually killed by Theseus

The 9 Muses Domain The Arts and Sciences Picture/Symbols Mnemonic: Anything that ends up in a museum, comes from the Muses. Characteristics -Daughters of Zeus by Mnemosyne (Memory) -Given Pegasus by Athena to inspire others to create -Apollo’s groupies Roman Muses

The Muses preside over the arts and sciences, inspire all artists, especially poets, philosophers, and musicians. Calliope: epic poetry Clio: history Euterpe: lyric poetry Melpomene: tragedy Erato: love poetry Polyhymnia: sacred poetry Urania: astronomy Thalia: comedy Terpsichore: choral songs and the dance

The Moirai Domain Destiny: “Spin, Measure, Cut” Picture/Symbols Characteristics -Klotho: Spinner -Lakhesis: Apportioner of Lots (measurer of life span) -Atropos: Cutter of the String of Life (“She-who-can’t-be-influenced”) -Controlled the Erinyes (Furies) Mnemonic: -Daughters of Zeus by Nyx (Night) Roman The Fates

Nymphs Domain Nature Picture/Symbols Usually scantily clad females—no pictures allowed. Mnemonic: The “Secret of NIMH” is about rats, not beautiful girls. Characteristics -Beautiful female children of minor gods -Some are immortal -Defended their portion of Nature Roman Nymphs

Driades Domain Forests & Trees Picture/Symbols Usually scantily clad females—no pictures allowed. Characteristics -Nymphs who live in forests -20 hunted with Artemis Mnemonic: Dry wood is the best wood for Dryads. Roman Dryads

Nereids Domain the Sea Picture/Symbols Usually scantily clad females—no pictures allowed. Mnemonic: Nereids live near the beautiful ocean beaches. Characteristics -50 daughters of Poseidon -Live in the Sea -Show up in many epics Roman Nereids


• This is the end of the lesson… • …applause would be appropriate now… • …make sure you copied down all the information you need.
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