Artur Ortega AJAX and mobile web Challenges and

Artur Ortega AJAX and mobile web: Challenges and chances for accessibility 2. 0 Funkas Tillgänglighetsdagar Stockholm 14 - 15 April 2010 www. funkanu. se

Who is Artur Ortega? Blind Software Engineer

Who is Artur Ortega?

Introduction "To be surprised, to wonder, is to begin to understand. ” –Jose Ortega y Gasset


Static content

Collaborative knowledge 7

Simple forms 8


Javascript Automatic conversion from simple, accessible data tables to YUI Charts 10

Javascript Easy You. Tube player by Christian Heilmann 11

AJAX Currency converter 12

AJAX Facebook on the new Yahoo! homepage 13

YQL Using YQL to translate Twitter search results into Swedish 14

API Accessible Twitter 15

Mobile Foursquare 16

Mobile Compass 17

Mobile Navigation 18

Mobile Yahoo! Messenger 19

Mobile Other useful applications • • • Starbucks Toiluxe Qype Radar Tube Deluxe London Bus Tesco Clubcard 20


Accessibility After being surprised by the extent to which accessible web and mobile apps can improve independence, we start to wonder what impact an accessible environment has, and we begin to understand the fundamental need for accessibility to create a better tomorrow. 22


Accessibility “Living is a constant process of deciding what we are going to do. ” –Jose Ortega y Gasset

Artur Ortega Accessibility Evangelist Yahoo! Europe Ltd 125 Shaftesbury Avenue London WC 2 H 8 AD United Kingdom ortega@yahoo-inc. com 25

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