Year 6 SATs meeting 11319 Year 6 SATs

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Year 6 SATs meeting 11/3/19

Year 6 SATs meeting 11/3/19

Year 6 SATs Meeting • • • Welcome SATs week timetable Breakfast Club Format

Year 6 SATs Meeting • • • Welcome SATs week timetable Breakfast Club Format of SATs papers Example questions How we are preparing your children in school How you can help your children at home SATs levels & Teacher Assessment Illness & unforeseen circumstances Questions

2019 SATs Timetable Mon 13 th May Grammar, & Punctuation Test 45 mins Spelling

2019 SATs Timetable Mon 13 th May Grammar, & Punctuation Test 45 mins Spelling Test approx. 20 mins Tues 14 th May Wed 15 th May Thurs 16 h May Reading Test 60 minutes Mathematics Paper 1 Arithmetic 30 mins Mathematics Paper 3 Reasoning 40 mins Mathematics Paper 2 Reasoning 40 mins Fri 17 th May

SATs Breakfast Club (Monday-Thursday) All children encouraged to attend 8: 30 start TBC Toast/

SATs Breakfast Club (Monday-Thursday) All children encouraged to attend 8: 30 start TBC Toast/ cereal/ juice offered

* A relaxing, non-threatening start to the day. * A boost to concentration levels.

* A relaxing, non-threatening start to the day. * A boost to concentration levels.

Format of papers • ENGLISH Reading test (60 mins) - 50 marks Grammar, Vocabulary

Format of papers • ENGLISH Reading test (60 mins) - 50 marks Grammar, Vocabulary & Punctuation test (45 mins) - 50 marks Spelling test (20 mins) - 20 marks

English – Example Questions Reading These questions are about Pompeii Today 1. What was

English – Example Questions Reading These questions are about Pompeii Today 1. What was the unusual blanket that covered the town? . . . . . . . . 1 mark 2. . not all visitors treat the site with respect. Write down two different ways in which they cause damage to the town. 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 marks 3. . trapped in time. Why do you think Pompeii was described in this way? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 mark 4. Explain why the archaeologist believes that he is watching the second death of Pompeii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 marks

Grammar Test

Grammar Test

Format of papers • MATHS Paper 1: Arithmetic Paper 30 mins 40 marks Paper

Format of papers • MATHS Paper 1: Arithmetic Paper 30 mins 40 marks Paper 2: Reasoning Paper 40 mins 35 marks Paper 3: Reasoning Paper 40 mins 35 marks

Arithmetic Paper

Arithmetic Paper

Maths Paper 2 & 3: Reasoning 35 marks each 40 minutes each No calculator

Maths Paper 2 & 3: Reasoning 35 marks each 40 minutes each No calculator allowed

Children MAY ask to have words read to them but we cannot tell them

Children MAY ask to have words read to them but we cannot tell them what mathematical terms mean.

Writing Assessment

Writing Assessment

Teacher Assessments in Reading, Maths and Science, including Spoken Language For each subject, the

Teacher Assessments in Reading, Maths and Science, including Spoken Language For each subject, the teachers will be asked to assess whether children are working: At the expected standard using an assessment framework provided by the government. This framework includes the skills taught in the new curriculum.

How we are preparing your children in school • • • Exposure to past

How we are preparing your children in school • • • Exposure to past questions Encouraging extra detail to answers Modelling answers Teaching ‘tricks’ Encouraging children to identify areas they find tricky and seeking help with these • Setting timed work for speed practise • Revision drop-in sessions • BUT…………

We are: • Still teaching normal lessons!

We are: • Still teaching normal lessons!

How you can help your children at home • Encourage reading and discuss texts

How you can help your children at home • Encourage reading and discuss texts • Quick fire/fun arithmetic questions • Revision books- discuss areas they find tricky and focus on these • Help cope with anxiety • Relax before bed and get a good night’s sleep • Ensure they are in school every day unless they are very poorly

Revision aides (reading) • www. bbc. co. uk/revisewise http: //www. everyschool. co. uk/english-keystage-2 -comprehension-2.

Revision aides (reading) • www. bbc. co. uk/revisewise http: //www. everyschool. co. uk/english-keystage-2 -comprehension-2. html Yr 6 Reading Comprehension pack

Useful revision aides (maths) www. mathletics. co. uk www. mathsisfun. com Revision Books

Useful revision aides (maths) www. mathletics. co. uk www. mathsisfun. com Revision Books

Useful revision aides (grammar/ spelling) http: //www. topmarks. co. uk/englishgames/7 -11 -years/spelling-andgrammar http: //resources.

Useful revision aides (grammar/ spelling) http: //www. topmarks. co. uk/englishgames/7 -11 -years/spelling-andgrammar http: //resources. woodlandsjunior. kent. sch. uk/interactive/literac y 2. htm Revision aides

SATs Reporting and Teacher Assessment

SATs Reporting and Teacher Assessment

Illness/Unforeseen circumstances • If your child is unable to attend school due to illness

Illness/Unforeseen circumstances • If your child is unable to attend school due to illness or unforeseen circumstances, please phone school ASAP, and before 9 am • We leave the decision as to whether a child attends school if unwell to parental judgement • A child who does not take all of the tests does not get a final grade for that subject.

