World War II Who was president during World

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World War II

World War II

Who was president during World War II? • Franklin D. Roosevelt

Who was president during World War II? • Franklin D. Roosevelt

Identify the Lend. Lease Act. • A law which allowed the President to sell,

Identify the Lend. Lease Act. • A law which allowed the President to sell, lease, or lend defense equipment to nations which the President considered vital to American security • Allowed FDR to help the British against Germany

What event started World War II ? • Hitler invaded Poland.

What event started World War II ? • Hitler invaded Poland.

What event brought the U. S. into World War II? • Japanese attack on

What event brought the U. S. into World War II? • Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

What were the Axis nations during World War II? • Germany • Italy •

What were the Axis nations during World War II? • Germany • Italy • Japan

Who was the leader of Germany during World War II? • Adolf Hitler

Who was the leader of Germany during World War II? • Adolf Hitler

Who were the Allies in World War II? • Great Britain • the Soviet

Who were the Allies in World War II? • Great Britain • the Soviet Union • the United States

Who was the leader of Great Britain during World War II? • Winston Churchill

Who was the leader of Great Britain during World War II? • Winston Churchill

Who was the leader of the Soviet Union during World War II? • Joseph

Who was the leader of the Soviet Union during World War II? • Joseph Stalin

What strategy did the Allies follow? • Defeat Hitler First

What strategy did the Allies follow? • Defeat Hitler First

In what battle in North Africa did the British defeat German forces, thereby denying

In what battle in North Africa did the British defeat German forces, thereby denying Hitler control over the Middle Eastern oil fields and preventing Hitler from attacking the Soviet Union from the south?

 • El Alamein

• El Alamein

What happened at the Battle of Stalingrad? • Soviet army defeated the Germans •

What happened at the Battle of Stalingrad? • Soviet army defeated the Germans • Prevented the Germans from seizing the Soviet oil fields • Turned the tide against the Germans on the eastern front

What happened at the Normandy landings (D -Day)? • American and Allied troops landed

What happened at the Normandy landings (D -Day)? • American and Allied troops landed in France. • Liberation of Western Europe had begun.

Who was the commander of the Allied forces at the DDay invasion? • Dwight

Who was the commander of the Allied forces at the DDay invasion? • Dwight D. Eisenhower

What was the turning point of the war in the Pacific? • The Battle

What was the turning point of the war in the Pacific? • The Battle of Midway

What was the Allied strategy in the Pacific? • Island hopping

What was the Allied strategy in the Pacific? • Island hopping

The invasions of what two Pacific islands brought American forces closer to Japan? •

The invasions of what two Pacific islands brought American forces closer to Japan? • Iwo Jima • Okinawa

How did the United States end the war in the Pacific? • Dropped atomic

How did the United States end the war in the Pacific? • Dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

During World War II, when men left the factories to serve in the armed

During World War II, when men left the factories to serve in the armed forces, who often took their jobs?

 • Women

• Women

Were the United States armed forces racially segregated during World War II? • Yes

Were the United States armed forces racially segregated during World War II? • Yes

During World War II, what group of African-American flyers served with distinction in Europe?

During World War II, what group of African-American flyers served with distinction in Europe? • The Tuskegee Airmen

During World War II, what Japanese-American regiments earned a high number of decorations for

During World War II, what Japanese-American regiments earned a high number of decorations for bravery? • Nisei regiments

What Native American language was used by the U. S. military during World War

What Native American language was used by the U. S. military during World War II for communication codes in the Pacific? • Navajo

What international agreement established rules for the humane treatment of prisoners of war? •

What international agreement established rules for the humane treatment of prisoners of war? • The Geneva Convention

What happened on the Bataan Death March? • American POWs in the Philippines suffered

What happened on the Bataan Death March? • American POWs in the Philippines suffered brutal treatment by the Japanese

What was the Holocaust? • Nazi Germany’s systematic murder of European Jews.

What was the Holocaust? • Nazi Germany’s systematic murder of European Jews.

What was Hitler’s “final solution? ” • Exterminate (kill) all the Jews in Europe

What was Hitler’s “final solution? ” • Exterminate (kill) all the Jews in Europe

What were the Nuremberg Trials? • Trials of Nazi leaders for war crimes

What were the Nuremberg Trials? • Trials of Nazi leaders for war crimes

In 1948 what nation was founded by Jewish settlers living in Palestine? • Israel

In 1948 what nation was founded by Jewish settlers living in Palestine? • Israel

How did the U. S. maintain an adequate supply of products for the war

How did the U. S. maintain an adequate supply of products for the war effort? • Rationing: each family received a monthly allowance of essential items (sugar, gasoline, meat)

How did the Roosevelt administration finance World War II? • War bonds • The

How did the Roosevelt administration finance World War II? • War bonds • The federal income tax

What African-American leader led the fight for desegregation of the armed forces and equal

What African-American leader led the fight for desegregation of the armed forces and equal hiring in defense jobs. • A Philip Randolph

What was the Selective Service Act? • 1940 law which established the first peacetime

What was the Selective Service Act? • 1940 law which established the first peacetime draft in American history

What happened to most Japanese-Americans during World War II? • Relocated to internment camps,

What happened to most Japanese-Americans during World War II? • Relocated to internment camps, where they were required to stay until the end of the war

What was the role of the American media and entertainment industries during World War

What was the role of the American media and entertainment industries during World War II? • Promoted Nationalism

Define nationalism. • A strong feeling of patriotism or devotion to one’s country

Define nationalism. • A strong feeling of patriotism or devotion to one’s country