President and Vice President Training Presidents The President

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President and Vice President Training

Presidents The President is the leader of the society, who coordinates and oversees all of the society’s activity. The President will need to provide support, advice and guidance to the other committee members throughout the academic year. You’ll need experience of what the society does, a strong belief in the aims of the society, and a comprehensive understanding of how societies operate within the Union.

Key Responsibilities Ensure that your society adheres to the society’s constitution. Maintain committee enthusiasm – if you’re not passionate, no-one else will be. Ensure workload is delegated equally between committee members, pitching in to help themselves where necessary Chairing Meetings – make sure everything is covered and no-one dominates (minimum once a month) Ensure all relevant paperwork is completed by the relevant committee member on time and to a good standard Primary contact with the Students Union, advocating the interests of the society Delegate tasks – you shouldn’t do everything yourself! Understanding the broader picture – keep the aims of the Society in mind at all times. Read Society emails Act as the public face of the society at all major events and occasions, and to be a present and welcoming face for (especially new) members at events. To be secondary financial representative on Union paperwork.

Appraisals Conduct (at least once a term) a ‘one-on-one review/appraisal’ with each committee member, providing them feedback as well as accepting feedback on your own performance, and offering constructive criticism or helpful assistance where necessary. Remember when conducting appraisals that committee members are volunteers and the aim is to improve their experience as well as that of the society as a whole.

Your job is to help the President on an operational level – while they lead the development of the club or society, you make sure things are operating as they should. You’ll also need experience of what the society does, a strong belief in the aims of the society, and a comprehensive understanding of how societies operate within the Union. Support all members of the committee VP’s

Know everything the chair does and support them every step of the way Make sure your committee members know what they’re doing Be impartial Understand all of the committee roles and adapt to support other roles accordingly Helping the President with anything they’re up to and stepping in to lead when they’re not available VP’s Key Responsibilities

AGM’s This is an Annual General meeting, where your new committee members are elected. You must have four key positions: President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary as a minimum, but you can introduce new committee positions too (such as a social secretary etc). This needs to be done fairly, where anyone can run for the positions and are then subsequently voted in by majority vote. Voting can only be cast by those in the rooms. Ensure your Secretary minutes this meeting. Voters must be Uo. D students.

An EGM is an emergency meeting – it’s very much like an AGM, but can happen whenever you please and there can be multiple EGM’s throughout the year. They’re primarily held if you need to remove a committee member from a post (where I would also need to be in attendance of the EGM) or if you need to create a new post within the committee and it cannot wait until the yearly AGM. My attendance at an EGM where a committee member is being removed from their post is just to ensure that everything is being done as democratically as possible and to prevent people being added/removed from post without a vote taking place first. EGM’s

Constitution Please ensure your society constitution is in accordance with the draft constitution available on the DUSA website Items shown in red are essential and should always be included in your constitution

As Presidents and VP’s, YOU are responsible for ensuring your society re-affiliates at the start of each academic year. You should read your constitution and ensure your aims and objectives outlined in it are still up to date Yearly Re -affiliation You should look over the financial report put together by your Treasurer, ensure it is correct (that everything adds up!) Approve the AGM minutes your Secretary has taken Submit the above documents to the VPSA between July. September

Email access It’s your responsibility to get everyone added to your society email address You must submit the Uo. D email addresses of those you wish to access the account to the VPSA

Societies Guidelines These can be accessed on the DUSA Website ‘Get Involved’ ‘Societies’ ‘Members Area’ ‘Societies Handbook’
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