Rayat Shikshan Sansthas S M Joshi College Hadapsar

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Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s S. M. Joshi College Hadapsar, Pune 28 • Sub: Compulsory English

Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s S. M. Joshi College Hadapsar, Pune 28 • Sub: Compulsory English • Topic: A Red Rose by Robert Burns • Teacher: Mr. Gaikwad Sangharsh 1

A Red, Red Rose By Robert Burn 2

A Red, Red Rose By Robert Burn 2

Robert Burn • Robert Burns wrote more than six hundred poems. • He is

Robert Burn • Robert Burns wrote more than six hundred poems. • He is considered the national poet of Scotland, and • According to the critic Raymond Bentman says, “Robert Burns is the first truly modern poet in British literature. ” 3

Robert Burns‘s Early Years Burns was born in Alloway, Scotland in the year 1759

Robert Burns‘s Early Years Burns was born in Alloway, Scotland in the year 1759 4

Robert Burns ‘s Family • Burn’s father was a tenant farmer, and Burns worked

Robert Burns ‘s Family • Burn’s father was a tenant farmer, and Burns worked as a plowboy. • Burn’s father tutored him and his brothers at home. • His father used whatever resources he had to provide additional education for his sons. 7

Where Burns lived 8

Where Burns lived 8

Inside his house http: //www. bobmarshall. co. uk/portfolio_detail. asp? p. ID=136 9

Inside his house http: //www. bobmarshall. co. uk/portfolio_detail. asp? p. ID=136 9

Robert Burns ‘s Education • Burns grew up poor but well-read. • He taught

Robert Burns ‘s Education • Burns grew up poor but well-read. • He taught himself to read French. • And began writing poetry in Scottish dialect. • As an adult, he was unsuccessful in making a living at farming 10

Burns' Style and Form • During the last ten years of his life Burns

Burns' Style and Form • During the last ten years of his life Burns mainly wrote lyric poems as songs in Scottish dialect. • Burns also wrote many poems from a female point of view, often reflecting the perspective of women suffering from betrayal or loss of love. 11

Burns' Style and Form Standard Verse Form epistles satires epigrams As all eighteenth century

Burns' Style and Form Standard Verse Form epistles satires epigrams As all eighteenth century poets elegies 12

Rhythm • Rhythm is the pattern of beats created by the arrangement of stressed

Rhythm • Rhythm is the pattern of beats created by the arrangement of stressed and unstressed syllables Regular Irregular with a predictable with an unpredictable 13

Meter • Meter is the regular rhythm, in a predictable pattern of stressed and

Meter • Meter is the regular rhythm, in a predictable pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables 14

A Red, Red Rose By Robert Burn 1794 pg. 530 Unit 3 15

A Red, Red Rose By Robert Burn 1794 pg. 530 Unit 3 15

A Red, Red Rose • Based on a folk song Burns heard on his

A Red, Red Rose • Based on a folk song Burns heard on his travels, Robert Burns wrote his poem “A Red Rose“ to be sung not read. • Burns completed the poem in 1794 in an English dialect called Scots 16

Figures of Speech • Find the following in Burn’s poem A Example of SIMILE

Figures of Speech • Find the following in Burn’s poem A Example of SIMILE “O, my love is like a red, red rose, ” “O, my love is like the melody, ” 17

Figures of Speech • Find an example of HYPERBOLE “And I will love thee

Figures of Speech • Find an example of HYPERBOLE “And I will love thee still, my dear, Till dry” “Anda’I the will seas comegang again, my love, Tho’ it were ten thousand 18

Figures of Speech • Find an example of Imagery “ O, my love is

Figures of Speech • Find an example of Imagery “ O, my love is like a red, red rose, ” “Till a’ the seas gang dry” 19

Figures of Speech • Find an example of Anastrophe “So deep in love am

Figures of Speech • Find an example of Anastrophe “So deep in love am I, ” 20

Figures of Speech • Find an example of PERSONIFICATION “While the sands o’ life

Figures of Speech • Find an example of PERSONIFICATION “While the sands o’ life shall run. ” 21

Theme Q) After reading the poem, what do you think theme is? Love Q)

Theme Q) After reading the poem, what do you think theme is? Love Q) Do you think that beauty is part of theme? Maybe loving beauty or loving someone beautiful. 22

Tone & Mood What is the Tone of A Red, Red Rose? And can

Tone & Mood What is the Tone of A Red, Red Rose? And can we find the tone? Then what is the Mood of the poem? How can we find it? 23

A Red, Red Rose Listen to the poem sung, then answer the previous questions…

A Red, Red Rose Listen to the poem sung, then answer the previous questions… 24

Mood • Mood is about setting & Tone • Tone is about personal feeling

Mood • Mood is about setting & Tone • Tone is about personal feeling • Tone is the • Mood is the emotional state of the author the reader 25

Tone & Mood Q) What is the Tone of “A Red, Red Rose”? Romantic

Tone & Mood Q) What is the Tone of “A Red, Red Rose”? Romantic Q) What is the Mood of the poem? Romantic, Melancholic, Optimistic 26