Lab Equipment and Procedures The Erlenmeyer flask is

Lab Equipment and Procedures!!!!

• The Erlenmeyer flask is the most common flask in the chemistry lab. It is used to contain reactions.

The rounded bottom of the florence flask makes it ideal for boiling liquids. It also makes this flask easy to tip over when sitting on the lab table.

• Beakers are the most versatile glassware in the lab and can be used for just about anything. The volume graduations on beakers should be used only for "ballpark" estimates.

Graduated cylinder • Used to make accurate measurements of liquid volumes. The bumper ring on larger cylinders is to prevent breakage if tipped over. Keep it near the top.

• This evaporating dish is used to recover dissolved solids by evaporation. While it can be heated, it should not be used for "strong" heating.

• A watch glass can be used like an evaporating dish for very small amounts of liquid. It can also be used to cover beakers or evaporating dishes.

• When attached to the ring stand, this iron ring is used to support glassware above the lab table.

• Crucibles are used as a container when something requires "strong" heating.

• These tongs are used for picking up crucibles and crucible covers only.

Mortar and Pestle • Used to grind solids into powers.

The test tube holder is used when heating a substance in the test tube over an open flame. The test tube rack is used for storing test tubes so that they do not tip over.

A buret is used to measure volumes of solutions during a titration.

A plastic wash bottle is used to dispense water.

A funnel is used for filtrations where solids are separated from liquids.

Goggles are used to protect you eyes during lab.

A scoopula (or spatula) is used to transfer solid chemicals. A forcep is used to hold or pick up small objects.

A clay triangle is used to support a crucible.

The double buret clamp is used for holding burets during a titration. They can also be used to hold a eudiometer.

The Bunsen burner is a gas burner used for heating substances.

Wire gauze is used to spread the heat of a bunsen burner.

Stirring Rod Big shock…these are used for stirring…. But please do not use them to crush things… They are glass and they will break.

How to… • Light a Bunsen Burner • Read a graduated cylinder • Use a digital balance
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