Lab Equipment Beaker A beaker is a type

Lab Equipment

Beaker • A beaker is a type of glassware which consists of a cup with a pouring lip on top. They are about as wide as they are tall. This makes beakers very stable and easy to handle. Beakers allow an easy rough measure of liquid volume. • Beakers are used to heat solutions using a Bunsen burner or a hot plate.

Beaker Tongs • Beaker tongs are used to move beakers containing hot liquids.

Crucible Tongs for handling hot crucibles; also used to pick up other hot objects. NOT to be used for picking up beakers!

Erlenmeyer Flask • Flasks hold solids or liquids that may release gases during a reaction or that are likely to splatter if stirred or heated.

Graduated Cylinders The graduated cylinder has etched marks to indicate volume, a pouring lip, and a plastic bumper to prevent breakage. There are different sizes. Use the one most appropriate for the volume you are measuring. They measure in ml.

Evaporating Dish • An evaporating dish is used to heat stable solids or liquids.

Watch Glass • A watch glass is used to hold a small amount of solid, such as the product of a reaction.

Bunsen Burner • Bunsen burners are used for the heating of nonvolatile liquids and solids.

Strikers • Strikers are used to light Bunsen burners. • The flints on strikers are expensive. Do not operate the striker repeatedly just to see the sparks!

Ring Stand • Ring stands are a safe and convenient way to perform reactions that require heating using a Bunsen burner

Iron Ring • Iron rings connect to a ring stand provide a stable, elevated platform for the reaction.

Wire Screen (not on sheet) • A wire screen sits on the iron ring to provide a place to stand a beaker.

Clay Triangle The clay triangle is used as for support when heating a crucible or an evaporating dish over a Bunsen burner. It also supports a funnel when filtering.

Funnel • A funnel is used to aid in the transfer of liquid from one vessel to another. It another. is also used to hold filter paper for filtration.

Test Tubes and Rack • Test tube racks are for holding and organizing test tubes on the laboratory counter.

Test Tube Holders • A test tube holder is useful for holding a test tube which is too hot to handle.

Brushes Test tube brushes are used to clean test tubes and graduated cylinders. Forcing a large brush into a small test tube will often break the tube.

Spatulas and Scoopulas • These tools are used to transfer chemicals from one container to another.

Hot Plate • A hot plate is used to heat objects or containers. Flasks or beakers containing solutions can be heated directly or indirectly. Always use the lowest temperature setting possible when heating.

Electronic Balance An electronic balance is used to mass materials. It measures in grams to 2 decimal places. Only glassware and weighing papers should be placed directly on the balance.

Meter Stick or Ruler • Meter sticks are used to measure length. The SI unit of length is a meter.

Thermometer • A thermometer is used to measure temperature. The units used for temperature in chemistry are o. C. Make sure the red line in your thermometer is continuous when you use a thermometer.

Goggles • Goggles are the proper eye protection and must be worn at all times when in the laboratory. Regular glasses are not a safe substitute.

Aprons • Lab aprons are used to protect your clothing during labs.
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