ORM Technologies and Entity Framework EF Entity Framework

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ORM Technologies and Entity Framework (EF) Entity Framework, Db. Context, CRUD Operations, Code First,

ORM Technologies and Entity Framework (EF) Entity Framework, Db. Context, CRUD Operations, Code First, Migrations Svetlin Nakov Inspiration Manager Software University http: //softuni. bg

Table of Contents 1. ORM Technologies – Basic Concepts 2. Entity Framework – Overview

Table of Contents 1. ORM Technologies – Basic Concepts 2. Entity Framework – Overview 3. Database First with EF 4. Reading Data and CRUD operations with EF 5. Code First with EF § Domain Classes and Db. Context 6. Migrations in EF 2

Introduction to ORM Technologies What is Object-Relational Mapping (ORM)?

Introduction to ORM Technologies What is Object-Relational Mapping (ORM)?

ORM Technologies § Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) is a programming technique for automatic mapping data

ORM Technologies § Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) is a programming technique for automatic mapping data and database schema § Map relational DB tables to classes and objects § ORM creates a "virtual object database" § Used from the programming language (C#, Java, PHP, …) § ORM frameworks automate the ORM process § A. k. a. Object-Relational Persistence Frameworks 4

ORM Mapping – Example Relational database schema ORM Framework ORM Entities (C# classes) 5

ORM Mapping – Example Relational database schema ORM Framework ORM Entities (C# classes) 5

Entity Framework (EF) Object-Relation Persistence Framework for. NET

Entity Framework (EF) Object-Relation Persistence Framework for. NET

Overview of EF § Entity Framework (EF) is the standard ORM framework for. NET

Overview of EF § Entity Framework (EF) is the standard ORM framework for. NET § Maps relational database to C# object model § Powerful data manipulation API over the mapped schema § CRUD operations and complex querying with LINQ § Database first approach: from database to C# classes § Code first approach: from classes to DB schema § Visual Studio generates EF data models § Data mappings consist of C# classes, attributes and XML 7

EF: Basic Workflow 1. Define the data model (use a DB visual designer or

EF: Basic Workflow 1. Define the data model (use a DB visual designer or code first) 2. Write & execute query over IQueryable 3. EF generates & executes an SQL query in the DB 8

EF: Basic Workflow (2) 4. EF transforms the query results into. NET objects 5.

EF: Basic Workflow (2) 4. EF transforms the query results into. NET objects 5. Modify data with C# code and call "Save Changes" 6. Entity Framework generates & executes SQL command to modify the DB 9

Database First with Entity Framework and Visual Studio Live Demo

Database First with Entity Framework and Visual Studio Live Demo

Entity Framework – Components § The Db. Context class § Db. Context holds the

Entity Framework – Components § The Db. Context class § Db. Context holds the DB connection § Holds and Db. Set<T> for the entity classes § Provides LINQ-based data access ( through IQueryable) § Provides API for CRUD operations § Entity classes § Hold entities (objects with their attributes and relations) § Each database table is typically mapped to a single C# entity class 11

Reading Data with LINQ Query § We can also use extension methods for constructing

Reading Data with LINQ Query § We can also use extension methods for constructing the query using (var context = new Soft. Uni. Entities()) { var employees = context. Employees This is called projection. Select(c => c. First. Name). Where(c => c. Job. Title == "Design Engineering"). To. List(); } This is called To. List() method § Find element by id executes the SQL query selection using (var context = new Soft. Uni. Entities()) { var project = context. Projects. Find(2); Console. Write. Line(project. Name); } 12

Creating New Data § To create a new database row use the method Add(…)

Creating New Data § To create a new database row use the method Add(…) of the corresponding collection: var project = new Project() Create a new { project object Name = "Judge System", Start. Date = new Date. Time(2015, 4, 15) }; Mark the object for inserting context. Projects. Add(order); context. Save. Changes(); This will execute an SQL INSERT § Save. Changes() method executes the SQL insert / update / delete commands in the database 13

Cascading Inserts § We can also add cascading entities to the database: Employee employee

Cascading Inserts § We can also add cascading entities to the database: Employee employee = new Employee(); employee. First. Name = "Petya"; employee. Last. Name = "Grozdarska"; employee. Projects. Add(new Project { Name = "Soft. Uni Conf" } ); soft. Uni. Entities. Employees. Add(employee); soft. Uni. Entities. Save. Changes(); § This way we don't have to add Project individually § They will be added when the Employee entity (employee) is inserted to the database 14

Updating Existing Data § Db. Context allows modifying entity properties and persisting them in

Updating Existing Data § Db. Context allows modifying entity properties and persisting them in the database § Just load an entity, modify it and call Save. Changes() § The Db. Context automatically tracks all changes made on its entity objects Employees employee = soft. Uni. Entities. Employees. First(); employees. First. Name = "Alex"; context. Save. Changes(); This will execute an SQL SELECT to load the first order an SQL UPDATE 15

Deleting Existing Data § Delete is done by Remove() on the specified entity collection

Deleting Existing Data § Delete is done by Remove() on the specified entity collection § Save. Changes() method performs the delete action in the database Employees employee = soft. Uni. Entities. Employees. First(); Mark the entity for deleting at the next save soft. Uni. Entities. Employees. Remove(employee); soft. Uni. Entities. Save. Changes(); This will execute the SQL DELETE command 16

Native SQL Queries var context = new Soft. Uni. Entities(); Parameter string native. SQLQuery

Native SQL Queries var context = new Soft. Uni. Entities(); Parameter string native. SQLQuery = placeholder "SELECT First. Name + ' ' + Last. Name " + "FROM dbo. Employees WHERE Job. Title = {0} "; var employees = context. Database. Sql. Query< string>( native. SQLQuery, "Marketing Specialist"); foreach (var emp in employees) { Console. Write. Line(emp); } Parameter value Return type 17

CRUD Operations with EF Live Demo

CRUD Operations with EF Live Demo

"Code First" Approach in EF From Classes to DB Schema

"Code First" Approach in EF From Classes to DB Schema

Database First in EF § Create database schema and generate C# code (models) from

Database First in EF § Create database schema and generate C# code (models) from it DB EDMX Model Domain Classes 20

Code First in EF Db. Context & Model. Builder Domain classes Custom Configuration DB

Code First in EF Db. Context & Model. Builder Domain classes Custom Configuration DB As needed 21

Domain Classes (Models) § Bunch of normal C# classes (POCO) § May hold navigation

Domain Classes (Models) § Bunch of normal C# classes (POCO) § May hold navigation properties public class Post. Answer Primary key { public int Id { get; set; } public string Content { get; set; } Foreign key public int Post. Id { get; set; } public virtual Post { get; set; } } Navigation property Virtual for lazy loading 22

Domain Classes (Models) (2) § Another example of domain class (model) public class Post

Domain Classes (Models) (2) § Another example of domain class (model) public class Post { This prevents public Post() Null. Reference. Exception { this. Answers = new Hash. Set<Post. Answer>(); } Navigation property public virtual ICollection<Post. Answer> Answers { get; set; } } public Post. Type { get; set; } Enumeration 23

Defining the Db. Context Class using System. Data. Entity; using Code. First. Models; Put

Defining the Db. Context Class using System. Data. Entity; using Code. First. Models; Put all entity classes as Db. Sets public class Forum. Context : Db. Context { public Db. Set<Category> Categories { get; set; } public Db. Set<Post> Posts { get; set; } public Db. Set<Post. Answer> Post. Answers { get; set; } public Db. Set<Tag> Tags { get; set; } } 24

CRUD Operations with EF Code First var db = new Forum. Context(); var category

CRUD Operations with EF Code First var db = new Forum. Context(); var category = new Category { Name = "Database course" }; db. Categories. Add(category); var post = new Post(); post. Title = "Homework Deadline"; post. Content = "Please extend the homework deadline"; post. Type = Post. Type. Normal; post. Category = category; post. Tags. Add(new Tag { Text = "homework" }); post. Tags. Add(new Tag { Text = "deadline" }); db. Posts. Add(post); db. Save. Changes(); 25

"Code First" Approach in EF Live Demo

"Code First" Approach in EF Live Demo

Using Code First Migrations in EF

Using Code First Migrations in EF

Code First Migrations in Entity Framework § Enable Code First Migrations § Open Package

Code First Migrations in Entity Framework § Enable Code First Migrations § Open Package Manager Console § Run Enable-Migrations command § -Enable. Automatic. Migrations for auto migrations 28

Using Code First Migrations in EF Live Demo

Using Code First Migrations in EF Live Demo

ORM Technologies and Entity Framework (EF) ? s n o i t s e

ORM Technologies and Entity Framework (EF) ? s n o i t s e u Q ? ? ? https: //softuni. bg

Free Trainings @ Software University § Software University Foundation – softuni. org § Software

Free Trainings @ Software University § Software University Foundation – softuni. org § Software University – High-Quality Education, Profession and Job for Software Developers § softuni. bg § Software University @ Facebook § facebook. com/Software. University § Software University @ You. Tube § youtube. com/Software. University § Software University Forums – forum. softuni. bg