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Founders of colonies 5 10 15 20 25 Order of colonies 5 10 15

Founders of colonies 5 10 15 20 25 Order of colonies 5 10 15 20 25 Colonial Life 5 10 15 20 25 Thirteen Original Colonies 5 10 15 20 25 Vocabulary 5 10 15 20 25 Team One Team Three Team Five Team Two Team Four Team Six

Topic 1 Question for 5 Points What is the name of the founder of

Topic 1 Question for 5 Points What is the name of the founder of Virginia? Show Answer

Topic 1 Answer for 5 Points John Smith Back to Board

Topic 1 Answer for 5 Points John Smith Back to Board

Topic 1 Question for 10 Points What is the name of the founder of

Topic 1 Question for 10 Points What is the name of the founder of Pennsylvania? Back to Board

Topic 1 Answer for 10 Points William Penn Back to Board

Topic 1 Answer for 10 Points William Penn Back to Board

Topic 1 Question for 15 Points What is the name of the group of

Topic 1 Question for 15 Points What is the name of the group of people who founded Massachusetts? Back to Board

Topic 1 Answer for 15 Points Puritans Back to Board

Topic 1 Answer for 15 Points Puritans Back to Board

Topic 1 Question for 20 Points What is the name of the founder of

Topic 1 Question for 20 Points What is the name of the founder of Rhode Island? Back to Board

Topic 1 Answer for 20 Points Roger Williams Back to Board

Topic 1 Answer for 20 Points Roger Williams Back to Board

Topic 1 Question for 25 Points What are the names of the two people

Topic 1 Question for 25 Points What are the names of the two people who founded New Jersey? Back to Board

Topic 1 Answer for 25 Points Lord Berkeley And Sir George Carteret Back to

Topic 1 Answer for 25 Points Lord Berkeley And Sir George Carteret Back to Board

Topic 2 Question for 5 Points Which colony was the first to be settled

Topic 2 Question for 5 Points Which colony was the first to be settled in? Back to Board

Topic 2 Answer for 5 Points Virginia Back to Board

Topic 2 Answer for 5 Points Virginia Back to Board

Topic 2 Question for 10 Points Which colony was the last to be settled

Topic 2 Question for 10 Points Which colony was the last to be settled in? Back to Board

Topic 2 Answer for 10 Points Georgia Back to Board

Topic 2 Answer for 10 Points Georgia Back to Board

Topic 2 Question for 15 Points What was the second colony to be settled

Topic 2 Question for 15 Points What was the second colony to be settled in? Back to Board

Topic 2 Answer for 15 Points Massachusetts Back to Board

Topic 2 Answer for 15 Points Massachusetts Back to Board

Topic 2 Question for 20 Points In what order did North Carolina rank in

Topic 2 Question for 20 Points In what order did North Carolina rank in settlement? Back to Board

Topic 2 Answer for 20 Points Eighth Back to Board

Topic 2 Answer for 20 Points Eighth Back to Board

Topic 2 Question for 25 Points What was the name of town where the

Topic 2 Question for 25 Points What was the name of town where the first English speaking colony settled? Back to Board

Topic 2 Answer for 25 Points Jamestown (Virginia) Back to Board

Topic 2 Answer for 25 Points Jamestown (Virginia) Back to Board

Topic 3 Question for 5 Points What did the colonists use as a method

Topic 3 Question for 5 Points What did the colonists use as a method of transportation in place of our automobile today? Back to Board

Topic 3 Answer for 5 Points Horses and Wagons Back to Board

Topic 3 Answer for 5 Points Horses and Wagons Back to Board

Topic 3 Question for 10 Points What did a typical classroom look like during

Topic 3 Question for 10 Points What did a typical classroom look like during the colonial period? Back to Board

Topic 3 Answer for 10 Points One room and one teacher for kids of

Topic 3 Answer for 10 Points One room and one teacher for kids of all ages Back to Board

Topic 3 Question for 15 Points Name two games that children may have played

Topic 3 Question for 15 Points Name two games that children may have played during the colonial period. Back to Board

Topic 3 Answer for 15 Points Rounders, leapfrog, marbles, hopscotch, checkers, tag Back to

Topic 3 Answer for 15 Points Rounders, leapfrog, marbles, hopscotch, checkers, tag Back to Board

Topic 3 Question for 20 Points How many rooms were in the schoolhouses? Back

Topic 3 Question for 20 Points How many rooms were in the schoolhouses? Back to Board

Topic 3 Answer for 20 Points One room schoolhouse Back to Board

Topic 3 Answer for 20 Points One room schoolhouse Back to Board

Topic 3 Question for 25 Points Who did the majority of the housework for

Topic 3 Question for 25 Points Who did the majority of the housework for the wealthy families? Back to Board

Topic 3 Answer for 25 Points Servants Back to Board

Topic 3 Answer for 25 Points Servants Back to Board

Topic 4 Question for 5 Points Which colony was farthest north? Back to Board

Topic 4 Question for 5 Points Which colony was farthest north? Back to Board

Topic 4 Answer for 5 Points Massachusetts Back to Board

Topic 4 Answer for 5 Points Massachusetts Back to Board

Topic 4 Question for 10 Points What year did the colonies declare their independence

Topic 4 Question for 10 Points What year did the colonies declare their independence from Britain? Back to Board

Topic 4 Answer for 10 Points July 4, 1776 Back to Board

Topic 4 Answer for 10 Points July 4, 1776 Back to Board

Topic 4 Question for 15 Points Why did settlers come to the Massachusetts Bay

Topic 4 Question for 15 Points Why did settlers come to the Massachusetts Bay colony? Back to Board

Topic 4 Answer for 15 Points For religious freedom Back to Board

Topic 4 Answer for 15 Points For religious freedom Back to Board

Topic 4 Question for 20 Points Name two of the typical jobs within the

Topic 4 Question for 20 Points Name two of the typical jobs within the colonies. Back to Board

Topic 4 Answer for 20 Points Examples include printer, shoemaker, blacksmith, silversmith, wigmaker, weaver,

Topic 4 Answer for 20 Points Examples include printer, shoemaker, blacksmith, silversmith, wigmaker, weaver, etc. Back to Board

Topic 4 Question for 25 Points What is the name of the type of

Topic 4 Question for 25 Points What is the name of the type of house some of the first colonists lived in? Back to Board

Topic 4 Answer for 25 Points Dugouts Back to Board

Topic 4 Answer for 25 Points Dugouts Back to Board

Topic 5 Question for 5 Points What would we typically call “forced eggs” today?

Topic 5 Question for 5 Points What would we typically call “forced eggs” today? Back to Board

Topic 5 Answer for 5 Points Scrambled eggs Back to Board

Topic 5 Answer for 5 Points Scrambled eggs Back to Board

Topic 5 Question for 10 Points Describe a “petticoat” Back to Board

Topic 5 Question for 10 Points Describe a “petticoat” Back to Board

Topic 5 Answer for 10 Points Women’s skirts, often worn several at a time,

Topic 5 Answer for 10 Points Women’s skirts, often worn several at a time, sometimes one was pinned to show the others beneath Back to Board

Topic 5 Question for 15 Points What is the meaning of the word “mercantilism”?

Topic 5 Question for 15 Points What is the meaning of the word “mercantilism”? Back to Board

Topic 5 Answer for 15 Points The use of the colonies for the benefit

Topic 5 Answer for 15 Points The use of the colonies for the benefit of the mother country Back to Board

Topic 5 Question for 20 Points Define “loyalist” Back to Board

Topic 5 Question for 20 Points Define “loyalist” Back to Board

Topic 5 Answer for 20 Points People living in the colonial time period who

Topic 5 Answer for 20 Points People living in the colonial time period who supported the British point of view. Back to Board

Topic 5 Question for 25 Points Define “patriot” Back to Board

Topic 5 Question for 25 Points Define “patriot” Back to Board

Topic 5 Answer for 25 Points The people living in the colonies who wanted

Topic 5 Answer for 25 Points The people living in the colonies who wanted to be free of British control. Back to Board

Show Question

Show Question

“Big Points” 25 26 27 28 29 30 10 11 12 13 14 15

“Big Points” 25 26 27 28 29 30 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Question What was the name of the war that fought for control of North America in 1754 -1763? Show Answer

Big Points Answer for Big Points French and Indian War To End

Big Points Answer for Big Points French and Indian War To End

Authored by Jeff Ertzberger - 2004 University of North Carolina at Wilmington All rights

Authored by Jeff Ertzberger - 2004 University of North Carolina at Wilmington All rights reserved. All Clipart and Sounds Copyright Microsoft Power. Point and Microsoft Office Gallery Online – All Rights Reserved. Some images have been modified from original version. This presentation may not be sold, or redistributed without written permission, and may only be used for non-profit educational use. Using and Distributing this Template You are free to use this template in non-profit educational settings. If you improve it, I ask that you send it back to me with your improvements so that I can share it with others. You will be given credit for your improvements. If your improvements include media such as: clip art, pictures, sounds, etc be sure that you obtain permission to use and distribute those before sending it to me. Send improvements to: End It jeffertzberger@gmail. com