Leadership Team Digital Story Telling Photo Story 3

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Leadership Team Digital Story Telling Photo Story 3 Technical Tutorial Presented by Bill Wade Photostory Tutorial - Leadership Team June 12 / 07

Which is better? n This … Local banana prawn & avocado salad with peppered watermelon, pea tendril & hazelnut dressing Photostory Tutorial - Leadership Team June 12 / 07 2

Or this … From Digital Story Telling in Hospitality Sector – Marcia Kelly Photostory Tutorial - Leadership Team June 12 / 07 3

The Power of Narrative finding a place for digital storytelling in VET & Higher Education presentation adapted from original by Robyn Jay Photostory Tutorial - Leadership Team June 12 / 07 4

What is Digital Story Telling? Combination of an oral ‘story’ with digital images and sometimes music or sound to create a ‘mini-movie’ that can be viewed via computer. n n Sample from Hospitality Workshop Participant Testimonial Photostory Tutorial - Leadership Team June 12 / 07 5

Why Digital Story Telling? n n n Dale's "Cone of Experience" (adapted from Wiman & Meirhenry, 1960) suggests that people remember 10% of what they read, 20% of what they hear, 30% of what they see, 50% of what they hear and see, 70% of what they say and write, and 90% of what they say and perform at a task. Confucius makes the same point even more succinctly: "Tell me and I'll forget. Show me and I'll remember. Involve me and I'll understand". DST engages learners in all of these processes and encourages “reflection” – the prime ingredient in transformative learning. Photostory Tutorial - Leadership Team June 12 / 07 6

Uses in Education By teachers / administrators • reporting • marketing • developing teaching resources With learners • individual storytelling • group reporting • paperless assessment Photostory Tutorial - Leadership Team June 12 / 07 7

Hardware n n n computer headphones/ speakers microphone scanner digital camera digital voice recorder Photostory Tutorial - Leadership Team June 12 / 07 8

Software Windows n Power. Point n Photo. Story 3 n Movie. Maker 2 n Audacity Or for MAC users n i. Movie Purchased n Adobe Premiere Elements Photostory Tutorial - Leadership Team June 12 / 07 9

Script • around 2 -3 pages or to run 2 -4 minutes • needs to be created as an oral ‘text’ • read with an informal storytelling feel • focus on how few words and pictures you need to tell the story Photostory Tutorial - Leadership Team June 12 / 07 10

Images old photos n greeting cards n post cards n jewellery n maps n documents n book covers n drawings n paintings n fabrics n medals n Photostory Tutorial - Leadership Team June 12 / 07 11

Sound Music www. freeplaymusic. com http: //creativecommons. org/audio/ Sound effects http: //www. a 1 freesoundeffects. com Editing http: //audacity. sourceforge. net Photostory Tutorial - Leadership Team June 12 / 07 12

Digital Stories Now its our turn! Source: http: //www. digitales. us/resources/seven_steps. php retrieved June 04, 2007 Photostory Tutorial - Leadership Team June 12 / 07 13

Where Can I Find Out More? n Check out the following websites for excellent resources on digital story telling. Photostory Tutorial - Leadership Team June 12 / 07 14

Photostory Tutorial - Leadership Team June 12 / 07 15

http: //digitales. wikispaces. com Photostory Tutorial - Leadership Team June 12 / 07 16

Photostory Tutorial - Leadership Team June 12 / 07 17

Photostory Tutorial - Leadership Team June 12 / 07 18

http: //www. groups. edna. edu. au/course/view. php? id=107 Photostory Tutorial - Leadership Team June 12 / 07 19
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