Intro to Identifying and Non identifying Adjective Clauses

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Intro to Identifying and Non identifying Adjective Clauses Unit 21 Halloween Version By: Marie Webb Booooo! By: Marie Webb

Quiz! What do you remember from last class? (Pg. 288) 1. What is an adjective clause and why do we use them? 2. What is an identifying clause? 3. What is a non identifying clause? 4. When do we use commas with a clause? Talk to your partner! 5 minutes!

1. What is an adjective clause and why do we use them? • The man who was dressed like a ghost walked up behind Marie at the party and shouted BOO! in her ear. -It gives us more information about the noun! Adds more excitement and distinguishes the noun. Not any guy. →→

2. What is an identifying clause? • The man who was dressed like a shark had a fake bloody arm in his mouth. The arm once belonged to Marie. • Identifying clauses provide ESSENTIAL information about the noun. It identifies or “distinguishes” the noun.

3. What is a non identifying clause? • The famous actor, who was in the movie I saw last week, had an extremely frightening role as a zombie killer. • Non identifying clauses give extra information about a noun. It is not essential.

4. When do we use commas with a clause? • The famous horror story, which is famous throughout the world, is about zombies taking over New York City. • When the information is not essential to the noun. It just gives extra information about the noun.

Team quiz game! Stand up and make 2 lines! Bring your book!

RULES- 18 questions 1. You must hit your book on the board first to answer the question 2. If you are correct your team wins a point and you can go to the back of the line 3. If you are incorrect stay where you are 4. If you don’t know the answer you can go to the back of the line 5. YOU CANNOT SHOUT THE ANSWERS TO YOUR GROUP!

Pg. 288 Identifying or Non. Identifying? Exercise 3. 1 • Hurricanes, which primarily attack southern and southeastern parts of the United states, have been increasing in severity. • NI

Pg. 288 Identifying or Non. Identifying? Exercise 3. 1 • The celebrity who is best known for building homes in New Orleans is Brad Pitt. • Identifying

Pg. 288 Identifying or Non. Identifying? Exercise 3. 1 • Pitt, who created a foundation called Make it Right, helps build new “green” homes in New Orleans. • Non-Identifying

Pg. 288 Identifying or Non. Identifying? Exercise 3. 1 • Make it Right volunteers, who work for free, want to build 150 new green homes in the Lower 9 th Ward. • Non identifying

Pg. 288 Identifying or Non. Identifying? Exercise 3. 1 • The hurricane that did the most damage in recent history was Hurricane Katrina. • Identifying

Pg. 288 Identifying or Non. Identifying? Exercise 3. 1 • Make It Right Homes have many features which are environmentally sound. • Identifying

Pg. 288 Identifying or Non. Identifying? Exercise 3. 1 • For example, Make It Right homes have metal roofs which absorb heat and keep them cool. • Identifying

That was too easy! Now let’s try it with 2 sentences. Ex: 3. 2 • Green architecture is becoming more common. Green architecture considers both design and the environment. • Non Identifying

That was too easy! Now let’s try it with 2 sentences. Ex: 3. 2 • The Turning Torso building uses only renewable energy. The Turning Torso building is located in Malmo, Sweden. • Non identifying

That was too easy! Now let’s try it with 2 sentences. Ex: 3. 2 • The celebrity is Brad Pitt. The celebrity is best known for building homes in New Orleans. • Identifying

That was too easy! Now let’s try it with 2 sentences. Ex: 3. 2 • My sister lives in New York. My sister loves being outside. (I have more than one sister) • Identifying

That was too easy! Now let’s try it with 2 sentences. Ex: 3. 2 • Eckhard Gerber has also designed a green building in Riyadh. Eckhard Gerber designed the Burj al-Taqa. • Non identifying

That was too easy! Now let’s try it with 2 sentences. Ex: 3. 2 • My car is parked near the hotel. My car doesn’t have any gas. Clue (most cars have gas right!) • Identifying

That was too easy! Now let’s try it with 2 sentences. Ex: 3. 2 • The Burj al-Taqa will be a wind and solar powered green skyscraper. The burj al. Taqa will be in Dubai. • Non identifying

That was too easy! Now let’s try it with 2 sentences. Ex: 3. 2 • Architect Eric Corey Freed believes that people will pay more for green buildings. Eric Corey Freed has written several books on building green structures. • Non identifying

That was too easy! Now let’s try it with 2 sentences. Ex: 3. 2 • There is a woman sitting in the back of the class. Her name is Amy Nunamaker. • Non identifying

That was too easy! Now let’s try it with 2 sentences. Ex: 3. 2 • Look for the woman sitting in the back of class. She is wearing a red shirt and has short hair. • Identifying

That was too easy! Now let’s try it with 2 sentences. Ex: 3. 2 • They are the journalists. The journalists articles have explained green energy. • Identifying

Talk to your partner for 2 minutes! 1. What is Halloween? 2. What are some words associated with Halloween? 3. How will you celebrate Halloween?

Trick or treaters! Costumes Jack O’ lanterns Full moon zombie Fake eye ball in a can Pumpkin patch

Quick Pronoun Review DON’T CONFUSE WHO AND WHOM Subject Who-verb (is) Whose-noun Whom-Noun (Mary) Which-verb That-verb Object Who-noun Whose-noun Which-noun That- noun Ex: Bob, whom Mary knows very well, is a flirtatious man. Ex: Bob, who is Mary’s friend, is a flirtatious man. Subject- They are the scientists whose research has won awards. (possessive) Object- The awards that the scientists won were from their research.

Quick Practice- Complete the sentence using an adjective clause (use the 2 nd sentence in the clause) 1. The boy was watching the horror movie. I talked to quietly. 2. The man ran from the house. He was my neighbor. 3. The book is about ghost stories. I bought it yesterday.

Look at the words- What do you think happened in the horror story? • Tell your partner. Together write a story. Use as many words as possible with adjective clauses. You should have at least 5 adjective clauses in your story. • Begin your story with “On the night of Halloween” • You may use the 2 sentences you posted on Canvas for homework Beautiful Flying Man Women Witch eat house staircase Choke disgusted full moon screaming Sad magic

My example story On the night of Halloween, I was driving home from the ALI when I saw a witch. The witch, who was flying above the I-5, was very easy to see because of the full moon. I was eating a Snickers bar, which was given to me by my students. I was so surprised that I started choking on it. I was ok, but drove straight home to call the police from a safe place. When I got home, there was a women who was walking down my staircase screaming! She told me there were a bunch of people who ate magic Snickers bars turning into evil witches. I immediately felt disgusted and pulled the Snickers wrapper out of my purse to show her. That day my life changed forever.

CANVAS EXTRA CREDIT HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT (3 POINTS ON YOUR LOWEST TEST SCORE) Are you ready for a quiz in class next week on identifying and non-identifying clauses?
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