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INDIA DECADE OF INNOVATIONS 2010 -2020 ROADMAP May 2013 Adviser to the Prime Minister

INDIA DECADE OF INNOVATIONS 2010 -2020 ROADMAP May 2013 Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovations

India’s Decade of Innovations Government of India has declared 2010 -2020 as the ‘Decade

India’s Decade of Innovations Government of India has declared 2010 -2020 as the ‘Decade of Innovation’, with a focus on inclusive growth To help Implement National Strategy & Prepare Roadmap for the decade 2010 -2020 the Prime Minister has set up a National Innovation Council (NIn. C) NIn. C would create a cross cutting system to provide policies, recommendations and methodologies to boost innovation performance in the country with a focus on Indian Model of Innovation Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovations 2

National Innovation Council (NIn. C) A. B. Formulate a Roadmap for Innovation for 2010

National Innovation Council (NIn. C) A. B. Formulate a Roadmap for Innovation for 2010 -2020 Create a Framework for: C. Evolving an Indian model of innovation with focus on inclusive growth Delineating policy initiatives within the Government, required to spur innovation Developing and championing innovation attitudes and approaches Creating appropriate eco-systems and environment to foster inclusive innovation Exploring new strategies and alternatives for innovations & collaborations Identifying ways and means to scale and sustain innovations Encouraging Central and State Governments to innovate Encouraging universities and R&D institutions to innovate Facilitating innovations by SMEs Encouraging all important sectors of the economy to innovate Encouraging innovation in public service delivery Encouraging multidisciplinary and globally competitive approaches for innovations Promote setting up of State and Sector Innovation Councils to help implement strategies for innovation in states and specific sectors Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovations

www. innovationcouncil. gov. in For more information on our initiatives, visit www. innovationcouncil. gov.

www. innovationcouncil. gov. in For more information on our initiatives, visit www. innovationcouncil. gov. in Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovations

INNOVATION DEFINED Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovations 5

INNOVATION DEFINED Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovations 5

Innovation Defined Involves thinking differently, creatively and insightfully Enables solutions/ inventions that have an

Innovation Defined Involves thinking differently, creatively and insightfully Enables solutions/ inventions that have an impact on social and economic value Fulfills unmet needs, not met by conventional products/processes/ institutional forms Moving beyond R&D to mean new applications of old technologies, new processes & structures, organisational creativity & more… Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovations

Innovation • • Products Services Processes Organization Governance Social sector Urban/Rural • • Public

Innovation • • Products Services Processes Organization Governance Social sector Urban/Rural • • Public National International Private Sector/ NGO Individual Institution Big/ Small Innovations redefine everything Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovations 7

Inclusive Innovation: The Indian Model Innovation paradigm to focus on inclusive innovation for/of &

Inclusive Innovation: The Indian Model Innovation paradigm to focus on inclusive innovation for/of & by the people at the Bo. P Focus on ‘frugal innovation’ that produces products and services that are affordable by more people at low levels of income, without compromising quality Need innovation processes that are ‘frugal’ in terms of the resources required & have a ‘frugal’ impact on the earth’s resources Transform from a knowledge-producing economy to a knowledge-sharing society that will have relevance to many parts of the world Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovations

Innovation Strategy Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovations

Innovation Strategy Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovations

Strategy Provide broader PLATFORM for Innovations everywhere to include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Strategy Provide broader PLATFORM for Innovations everywhere to include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Products Services Organizations & Institutions Processes Research and Development Science & Technology Governance Social and Cultural Mindset National/ State/ Sectoral Councils Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovations

Strategy Encourage Innovations for INCLUSION aimed at the Bottom of the Pyramid: 1. 2.

Strategy Encourage Innovations for INCLUSION aimed at the Bottom of the Pyramid: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Awareness Access Affordability Availability Scalability Sustainability Quality Pervasive Growth Innovations for/by the people Innovations for the BOP Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovations

Strategy Foster necessary ECO SYSTEM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Strategy Foster necessary ECO SYSTEM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Incentives & Awards Innovation clusters at universities Innovative business clusters Innovation in MSMEs Organizational Autonomy & Flexibility Policies & Programmes New Institutions Risk/ Venture Capital IPR/ Patents Web & ICT as tools Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovations

Strategy Focus on DRIVERS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Strategy Focus on DRIVERS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Multidisciplinary Collaborative Disruptive Generational Change vs. Incremental Change Durable vs. Disposable Need vs. Demand Nature as Nurture Locally Relevant Globally Connected and Competitive Focus at the Edge Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovations

Strategy Expand Space for Discourse on Innovation in the country by: 1. 2. 3.

Strategy Expand Space for Discourse on Innovation in the country by: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Discussions Debates Seminars Conferences Best Practices Subversive Dialogue Irreverent Dialogue New Ideas Media Innovation Portal Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovations

Strategy: Impact The five-pronged focus will foster innovations by: Democratizing Information Identifying and empowering

Strategy: Impact The five-pronged focus will foster innovations by: Democratizing Information Identifying and empowering domain experts at National, State & District levels Ensuring institutional autonomy, freedom, flexibility, accountability and transparency Increasing community and public participation at all levels Improving Governance & Planning Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovations

NIn. C’s KEY INITIATIVES Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and

NIn. C’s KEY INITIATIVES Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovations 16

Institutional Framework: Innovation Councils To help Implement National Strategy & Prepare Roadmap for the

Institutional Framework: Innovation Councils To help Implement National Strategy & Prepare Roadmap for the Decade 2010 -2020: National Innovation Council State Innovation Councils Sectoral Innovation Councils Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovations 17

State Innovation Councils SICs will do at the State level mostly what NIn. C

State Innovation Councils SICs will do at the State level mostly what NIn. C will do at the national level Support the State Government to promote innovation in the State Encourage young talent and local universities, colleges, Medium and Small Scale Industries (MSME), R&D Institutes Map opportunities for innovation in the State Identify, Promote and Reward talent in innovation & disseminate success stories Organize seminars, lectures, workshops on innovation to educate Help build Innovation Eco-Systems Organise Risk capital Prepare Innovation Roadmaps 2010 -2020 for the Status: 22 States have constituted State Innovation Council Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovations

Sectoral Innovation Councils Map opportunities for innovation in the sector Help create innovation eco-systems

Sectoral Innovation Councils Map opportunities for innovation in the sector Help create innovation eco-systems Encourage young talent and local universities, colleges, industries, R&D institutes Identify and reward talent in innovation and disseminate success stories Organize seminars, lectures, workshops on innovation Provide support to promote innovation in your sector Encourage innovations in public service delivery Prepare a Sectoral Roadmap for Innovation 2010 -2020 for the sector in the country 25 Sectoral Innovation Councils have been constituted Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovations

Financing Innovation: India Inclusive Innovation Fund NIn. C wishes to establish a Rs 5000

Financing Innovation: India Inclusive Innovation Fund NIn. C wishes to establish a Rs 5000 cr (US $1 Billion) autonomous Innovation Fund to back Bottom-of-the-Pyramid innovation in phases Government seeded (20%), privately invested (80%) Will invest in innovative, low-cost products and services to the poor: education, health, agriculture, water and sanitation, energy Product innovation, business model innovation, service innovation Professionally managed as a for profit entity, combining social returns with (lowerthan-usual) financial returns Mentoring/Skill development to build entrepreneurial capacity The Hon’ble Finance Minister announced an initial contribution of Rs. 100 crore (US $20 million) as seed money for the fund on 15 th November 2011. Contributions are expected from DFID UK, Public Sector Banks, PSUs and private sector First close of the Fund to be announced in July –August 2013 Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovations

Improving Jobs, Productivity and Competitiveness: Industry Innovation Clusters Driving the innovation agenda nationally would

Improving Jobs, Productivity and Competitiveness: Industry Innovation Clusters Driving the innovation agenda nationally would require strengthening regional capacity for innovation It is proposed to identify 100 Industry Innovation Clusters across the country to develop and support innovation in 2013 These will enable interconnections between intellectual, financial, human and creative capital as well as unleash latent potential by galvanising innovation around Cluster Innovation Centres An initial pilot in 7 identified industry clusters and 2 University clusters is currently underway Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovations

Innovation Clusters: The Vision • Connected Ecosystem Research • Nexus for Collaborations, R&D, Networking,

Innovation Clusters: The Vision • Connected Ecosystem Research • Nexus for Collaborations, R&D, Networking, Sharing Finance Industry & Professional Bodies • Expand Role of Industry Associations • Not Govt-driven just a kick -starter and facilitator Government Agencies Sectoral Experts • Self-sustaining responsibility Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovations

Innovation Clusters: The Execution Model Role of the Cluster Innovation Center (CIC) Research CIC

Innovation Clusters: The Execution Model Role of the Cluster Innovation Center (CIC) Research CIC – The connector Industry & Professional Bodies Finance • All “internal” units • All “external” orgs • Collaboration, cooperation, networking CIC – The channel • R&D, Skills, Mentors, CIC Financiers , Experts Government Agencies Sectoral Experts CIC – The leadership • Catalyze, facilitate and manage innovation activities on daily basis Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovations

Pilot Clusters Krishnagiri, Tamilnadu Agartala, Tripura Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh Sector : Food Processing Sector

Pilot Clusters Krishnagiri, Tamilnadu Agartala, Tripura Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh Sector : Food Processing Sector : Bamboo Sector : Brassware Thrissur, Kerala Ahmedabad, Gujarat Faridabad, Haryana Sector : Ayurveda Sector : Life Sciences Sector : Auto Components Ernakulam, Kerala Sector : Furniture Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovations

Innovation Cluster | Krishnagiri: Food Processing NATIONAL INNOVATION COUNCIL

Innovation Cluster | Krishnagiri: Food Processing NATIONAL INNOVATION COUNCIL

Innovation Cluster | Ernakulam: Furniture NATIONAL INNOVATION COUNCIL

Innovation Cluster | Ernakulam: Furniture NATIONAL INNOVATION COUNCIL

Innovation Cluster | Tripura: Bamboo NATIONAL INNOVATION COUNCIL

Innovation Cluster | Tripura: Bamboo NATIONAL INNOVATION COUNCIL

Nurturing Innovation through Education Promoting innovation in schools and colleges by intervening in curriculum,

Nurturing Innovation through Education Promoting innovation in schools and colleges by intervening in curriculum, talentspotting of innovators among students and award of Innovation Fellowships Setting up an Innovation Centre in each DIET (District Institute of Education and Training) Mapping of Local History, Ecology and Cultural Heritage by each High School in the country to create critical thinking Creation of a Meta University, as a global first, that rides on the National Knowledge Network to promote multi-disciplinary learning, Setting up twenty Design Innovation Centres co-located in Institutes of National Importance Facilitating the creation of innovation ecosystems at Universities through University Innovation Clusters Ministry of Human Resource Development has green-lighted the three proposals of awarding Innovation fellowships; mapping of local history, ecology by high schools and creation of a Meta University Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovations

National Innovation Scholarships Initiative to institutionalise innovative thinking in youth. Scholarships for 1000 exceptionally

National Innovation Scholarships Initiative to institutionalise innovative thinking in youth. Scholarships for 1000 exceptionally innovative students across India, every year. Awardees will be from Classes VIII to XII (or similar age group, for children not attending regular schools, or out of school). Rs 25, 000 per year, for each awardee student, for each year from Classes VIII to Classes XII. Scholarship will encourage problem-solving and innovative thinking. Annual ‘innovation camps’ to groom, mentor, and network young innovators. Operationalised by National Innovation Foundation. Modalities being developed by joint committee of National Innovation Council, Ministry of Human Resource Development; for launch of first batch in 2013. Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovations

Design Innovation Centres The National Innovation Council has been developing a proposal under the

Design Innovation Centres The National Innovation Council has been developing a proposal under the aegis of the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) for setting up a network of Design Innovation Centres as new models of design education, co-located in Institutes of National Importance Co-location in campuses of national repute like IITs/NITs will help leverage academic and industry resources and give a boost to design capacity in the country. Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovations

Design Innovation Centres: Key Features DICs will be specialised design research institutions DICs should

Design Innovation Centres: Key Features DICs will be specialised design research institutions DICs should be co-located in existing educational and research institutions that do not currently have a design programme, thereby infusing the principles of design thinking into academic institutions. The underlying mandate of each DIC would be to scout for innovation opportunities in both economic and social domains, and to determine priorities for action in a structured but open process DICs may chose to have a regional focus (local crafts/local industry/ environmental needs/skill development needs, etc. ), and/or could focus on the host institution’s core function. Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovations

Design Innovation Centres: Key Features DICs will be free to network and partner with

Design Innovation Centres: Key Features DICs will be free to network and partner with other institutions, and will not be limited in any way by their being co-located with the host institution. In addition to sharing faculty with host institutions, their own permanent staff, DICs will have rotating faculty comprising of working professionals from varied educational and professional backgrounds, as well as international faculty through extensive ties with leading design institutions across the world. DICs will promote collaborative learning between students of the DIC and of the host institution. Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovations

Design Innovation Centres: Status In the 12 th Five Year Plan the Ministry of

Design Innovation Centres: Status In the 12 th Five Year Plan the Ministry of HRD has approved 5 host institutions for the first five Design Innovation Centres to be set up in the financial year 2012 -2013 These include: IIT- Bombay, IIT-Delhi, IIT-Guwahati, IISCBangalore, and the University of Delhi. The implementation plan is currently being discussed with MHRD and NIn. C has also suggested an Advisory Committee for this purpose to be created under the purview of the Ministry. Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovations

Tod-Fod-Jod NIn. C has come up with the concept of Top-Fod-Jod workshops at schools

Tod-Fod-Jod NIn. C has come up with the concept of Top-Fod-Jod workshops at schools and colleges to Excite young minds to understand the technology behind articles/devices of daily use by dismantling them Encourage them to put together ‘jugaad’ solutions for local problems Encourage hands-on learning of science Numerous Tod-Fod-Jod Sessions with schools, both urban and rural, are planned in 2013 Discussions underway with MHRD for nation wide roll out Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovations

Advocacy and Communication for Innovation: India Innovation Portal Information related to innovations and innovators

Advocacy and Communication for Innovation: India Innovation Portal Information related to innovations and innovators in a single repository for prospective innovators and policy makers Platform for idea exchange Platform for fostering industry-academia partnerships, and national and global collaborations, interactive communities Dissemination of information on innovations across sectors and in states Outreach medium to publicise and announce Awards and Challenges Similar portals on core sectors such as water, energy, environment, biodiversity have been successfully facilitated by the National Knowledge Commission Portal launched by Hon’ble Prime Minister on 15 th November 2011: www. innovation. gov. in An online Platform to conduct Grand Challenges to promote innovations to be launched Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovations

www. innovation. gov. in Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and

www. innovation. gov. in Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovations

Call for Proposals for Reducing Drudgery NIn. C had announced an innovation Challenge to

Call for Proposals for Reducing Drudgery NIn. C had announced an innovation Challenge to reduce worker drudgery in October 2011 468 proposals were received and 6 were awarded for their innovations by Shri Jairam Ramesh, Kumari Selja, and Shri Sam Pitroda at a function on 4 th April 2012 PM appraised of the innovations and the need for appropriate policy interventions Indian Step and Business Incubators Association (ISBA) and Entrepreneurship Development Institute (EDI) supporting these entrepreneurs to convert their proposals into a business plan Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovations

One MP One Idea NIn. C initiative to foster a grassroots bottoms-up approach to

One MP One Idea NIn. C initiative to foster a grassroots bottoms-up approach to innovation and to arrive at solutions for local problems Through this competition, every MP will be encouraged to become the ‘champion of innovation’ in his/her constituency by holding the ‘One MP-One Idea’ competition Cash awards of Rs. 2. 5 lakh, Rs. 1. 5 lakh and Rs. 1 Lakh to be awarded to the winners from the MPLADS Approved for all Lok Sabha MPs in May 2012 by Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovations

Science Museums NIn. C is working with the National Council of Science Museums (NCSM)

Science Museums NIn. C is working with the National Council of Science Museums (NCSM) and the National Museum of Natural History (NMNH) to promote innovation in Museums through: Creating Innovation Spaces Promoting Interactive Exhibits Encouraging outreach activities 7 Pilots of Innovation Spaces to be set up by December 2012 Pilot effort at: Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Bangalore, North-East to be led by NCSM Pilot at Sawai Madhopur to be led by NMNH Pilot at Ahmedabad to led by Vikram Sarabhai Communcity Science Centre (VASCSC) Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovations

Partnering for Innovation: Collaboration and Networks NIn. C will develop platforms for collaboration and

Partnering for Innovation: Collaboration and Networks NIn. C will develop platforms for collaboration and engagement with other countries to understand their views, ideas and strategies for strengthening the innovation eco-system These cross-cultural exchanges will stimulate and add value to our views on innovation As a first NIn. C hosted a Global Innovation Roundtable on 14 th-15 th November 2011 where heads of innovation policy from 15 countries came together to share innovation perspectives. A Follow up Roundtable was hosted on 1 st and 2 nd November 2012 Post Roundtable we are receiving multiple proposals on collaboration from interested countries Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovations

Collaboration, Training & Research Fostering a culture of innovations requires mechanisms for collaboration, training

Collaboration, Training & Research Fostering a culture of innovations requires mechanisms for collaboration, training and research The Councils will bring key stakeholders together to analyse problems and recommend solutions The clusters – physical and virtual – will create support systems and infrastructure for innovators The India Inclusive Innovation Fund would provide the right resources and incentives The India Innovation Portal would provide a platform for collaboration, sharing and support by creating right synergies These linkages, knowledge exchanges and support mechanisms in the system will enable ideas to be transformed into innovative outputs Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovations

Multiple Roadmaps The core ideas, strategies and recommendations devised at the national, state and

Multiple Roadmaps The core ideas, strategies and recommendations devised at the national, state and sectoral levels will be crystallized in the form of Roadmaps These will provide action points and policy inputs to the government for innovation focused on inclusive growth at the National level, State levels and in each identified domain and sector These roadmaps will be created at the national level by the National Innovation Council, at the state level by the State councils and in each sector by the Sectoral Councils or sub groups identified by the Sectoral Councils Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovations

Consultations Government Political Parties Ministry of Finance Ministry of S&T Ministry HRD Ministry of

Consultations Government Political Parties Ministry of Finance Ministry of S&T Ministry HRD Ministry of Information and Communications Technology Ministry of MSME Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Ministry of Railways Ministry of Law and Justice Scientific Advisory Council to the PM NIC CSIR Planning Commission PMO State Governments Professionals Indian Science Community and associations Indian Industry Associations – CII, FICCI, AIMA, etc. Think Tanks and Innovation Organizations NGOs Multilateral Agencies Industry and private sector Regional/ National/ International Consultations Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovations

Unique Window of Opportunity Redefine Innovation Paradigm beyond R&D Focus on Inclusive Innovations Create

Unique Window of Opportunity Redefine Innovation Paradigm beyond R&D Focus on Inclusive Innovations Create innovation roadmaps across States /Sectors Create necessary ecosystem, talent & funding Use ICT/Web as entry point for delivery Build scalable and sustainable Indian model Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovations

Websites & Portals Websites Adviser to the Prime Minister: www. iii. gov. in National

Websites & Portals Websites Adviser to the Prime Minister: www. iii. gov. in National Innovation Council: www. innovationcouncil. gov. in National Knowledge Commission: www. knowledgecommission. gov. in Global Innovation roundtable: www. globalinnovationroundtable. gov. in National Knowledge Network: http: //www. nkn. in/ India Smart Grid Task Force: www. isgtf. in Modernization of Indian Railways: www. railwaymodernisation. gov. in Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovations

Websites & Portals National Innovation Portal: www. innovation. gov. in India Biodiversity Portal: www.

Websites & Portals National Innovation Portal: www. innovation. gov. in India Biodiversity Portal: www. indiabiodiversity. org Teachers of India: www. teachersofindia. org India Environment Portal: www. indiaenvironmentportal. org. in India Energy Portal: www. indiaenergyportal. org India Water Portal: www. indiawaterportal. org Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovations

Websites & Portals Social Media: Facebook: http: //www. facebook. com/pages/New-Delhi. India/Adviser-to-the-PM-on-Public-Information. Infrastructure-and. Innovations/100738043327407? v=wall

Websites & Portals Social Media: Facebook: http: //www. facebook. com/pages/New-Delhi. India/Adviser-to-the-PM-on-Public-Information. Infrastructure-and. Innovations/100738043327407? v=wall Youtube: http: //www. youtube. com/iii Wikipedia: http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Sam_Pitroda Flickr: http: //www. flickr. com/photos/71175052@N 04/ Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovations

THANK YOU Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovations 48

THANK YOU Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovations 48