DO ONE Creating an SDC QuestionnaireQuestionnaire Response for

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DO ONE: Creating an SDC Questionnaire/Questionnaire. Response for PRAPARE Survey Instrument using NLM Tools

DO ONE: Creating an SDC Questionnaire/Questionnaire. Response for PRAPARE Survey Instrument using NLM Tools Joee Garcia, Senior Developer Gevity Consulting Inc.

Questionnaire • An organized collection of questions intended to solicit information from patients, providers

Questionnaire • An organized collection of questions intended to solicit information from patients, providers or other individuals involved in the healthcare domain. Questionnaire. Response • Provides a complete or partial list of answers to a Questionnaire questionnaire Questionnaire. Response

PRAPARE LOINC Screening Instrument (http: //loinc. org/93025 -5/)

PRAPARE LOINC Screening Instrument (http: //loinc. org/93025 -5/)

Creating the Questionnaire • Step 1. Access the NLM Form Builder web application •

Creating the Questionnaire • Step 1. Access the NLM Form Builder web application • Go to http: //lhcformbuilder. nlm. nih. gov/

Creating the Questionnaire • Step 2. Add more information regarding the Questionnaire. • In

Creating the Questionnaire • Step 2. Add more information regarding the Questionnaire. • In the FORM ATTRIBUTES - BASIC tab, enter the following details: Name: SDOHCC_Questionnaire_PRAPARE_1 Title: SDOHCC Questionnaire PRAPARE 1 Subject Type: Patient

Creating the Questionnaire • Step 3. Import the whole PRAPARE LOINC Survey • Click

Creating the Questionnaire • Step 3. Import the whole PRAPARE LOINC Survey • Click on Add Item from the left section of the app. It will pop-up a window for you to choose what type of item to add. • Select Import from LOINC and select Panel as type, then search for the LOINC code for the panel in the search box. Enter 93025 -5 and it will provide the matching LOINC survey in the drop-down. Select the match and click Import.

Creating the Questionnaire • Step 4. Change the question text for some of the

Creating the Questionnaire • Step 4. Change the question text for some of the items. • Click on item 1. 1. 2 Race. On the ITEM-ATTRIBUTES BASIC tab, enter Item name: Which race(s) are you? Note: For each Answer item on each question, enter Answer code system: http: //loinc. org

Creating the Questionnaire • Step 5. Change some questions to allow multiple answers •

Creating the Questionnaire • Step 5. Change some questions to allow multiple answers • Click on item 1. 1. 2 Race. On the ITEMATTRIBUTES BASIC tab, change Repeat this item? : Yes • Click on item 1. 3. 5 In the past year, …. On the ITEM-ATTRIBUTES BASIC tab, change Repeat this item? : Yes

Creating the Questionnaire • Step 6. Export the Questionnaire json to a file. •

Creating the Questionnaire • Step 6. Export the Questionnaire json to a file. • On the Menu, click on Export, then Export to file… The json will be export to your Downloads folder.

Creating the Questionnaire • Step 7. Manually add the SDC extension to enable extraction

Creating the Questionnaire • Step 7. Manually add the SDC extension to enable extraction to other resources • Open the Questionnaire json file using any json editor. Under the resource. Type element. Add the following lines (in green) to the json.

Generating Questionnaire. Responses • Step 1. Access the FHIR SDC SMART App • Go

Generating Questionnaire. Responses • Step 1. Access the FHIR SDC SMART App • Go to http: //lhcforms. nlm. nih. gov/sdc

Generating Questionnaire. Responses • Step 2. Choose any sample patient from the Select Patient

Generating Questionnaire. Responses • Step 2. Choose any sample patient from the Select Patient list.

Generating Questionnaire. Responses • Step 3. Upload the Questionnaire json file. • Click on

Generating Questionnaire. Responses • Step 3. Upload the Questionnaire json file. • Click on Upload button and select the json file. It will display the questionnaire contents on the right pane.

Generating Questionnaire. Responses • Step 4. Answer the questions and click Show As… FHIR

Generating Questionnaire. Responses • Step 4. Answer the questions and click Show As… FHIR Questionnaire Response (SDC). A window will display the generated Questionnaire. Response Resource. • Step 5. Click on COPY TO CLIPBOARD and paste to a text editor. Finally, save it as a json file.