Derrick J Richards Siena Heights University Education Leadership

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Derrick J Richards Siena Heights University Education Leadership Platform

Derrick J Richards Siena Heights University Education Leadership Platform

Leadership n n Leadership is a process which a person influences others to accomplish

Leadership n n Leadership is a process which a person influences others to accomplish an objective and directs the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive and coherent. ? ? ?

Authentic Leadership Authentic Leaders have insight. n Authentic Leaders demonstrate initiative. n Authentic Leaders

Authentic Leadership Authentic Leaders have insight. n Authentic Leaders demonstrate initiative. n Authentic Leaders exert influence. n Authentic Leaders have impact. n Authentic Leaders exercise integrity. n

Authentic Leadership Plan As an authentic leader I will n work to have impact

Authentic Leadership Plan As an authentic leader I will n work to have impact on students and coworkers with data based results. n work to exert POSITIVE influence on students and co-workers. n work each day to have integrity in all that I do. n

Visionary Leadership n an image of the desired future for the organization (vision) is

Visionary Leadership n an image of the desired future for the organization (vision) is communicated (shared) which serves to "empower those followers so that they can enact the vision"

Visionary Leadership Continued As a Visionary Leader I will n work to communicate the

Visionary Leadership Continued As a Visionary Leader I will n work to communicate the vision with the community as well as teachers and staff. n work to create a vision that creates a positive future for the school and or organization. n work to empower co-workers to work with me and not for me. n

Cultural Leadership n A Cultural Leader promotes the success of every student by advocating,

Cultural Leadership n A Cultural Leader promotes the success of every student by advocating, nurturing, and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and professional growth.

Cultural Leadership Continued As a cultural leader I will n identify the current culture

Cultural Leadership Continued As a cultural leader I will n identify the current culture of a school before deciding if there is any need for change n work with PLC’s to help shape and or change the current culture of the school. n Create a culture that promotes learning for every student. n

Instructional Leadership n Defined as leading professional learning communities. They make suggestions, give feedback,

Instructional Leadership n Defined as leading professional learning communities. They make suggestions, give feedback, model effective instruction, solicit opinions, provide professional development opportunities, and give praise for effective teaching.

Instructional Leadership Continued As an instructional leader I will n be in the classroom

Instructional Leadership Continued As an instructional leader I will n be in the classroom with teachers and students as much as possible. n work to provide meaningful professional development that teachers will value. n continue my education to keep up with current teaching practices and techniques. n be a leader in curriculum development. n

Quality Leadership n Quality leadership is where quality principles become “a basis for guiding,

Quality Leadership n Quality leadership is where quality principles become “a basis for guiding, empowering and supporting the constant pursuit of excellence by the employees throughout the organization. ”

Quality Leadership Continued As a quality leader I will be guided by principles that

Quality Leadership Continued As a quality leader I will be guided by principles that are valued in the school. n As a quality leader I will lead with reflection of “Is this best for students”. n

Service Leadership n Defined as an individual who upholds what is best for all

Service Leadership n Defined as an individual who upholds what is best for all people even if it may not be in their own interest to do so. They are focused on preserving something greater than self.

Service Leadership Continued As a service leader I will n work to serve others

Service Leadership Continued As a service leader I will n work to serve others including staff and coworkers. n volunteer my time with school events as well as community events. n put the school and community before myself. n

Emotional Leadership n Defined as the leading of followers through the proper identification and

Emotional Leadership n Defined as the leading of followers through the proper identification and management of an array of emotions and influencing the outcome of their subsequent needs.

Emotional Leadership Continued I will grow in this weakness by being more receptive to

Emotional Leadership Continued I will grow in this weakness by being more receptive to emotion from other people. n I will grow in this weakness by allowing myself to show emotion in the work setting. n

Strength Finder Top Five Strengths Relator n Analytical n Futuristic n Individualization n Strategic

Strength Finder Top Five Strengths Relator n Analytical n Futuristic n Individualization n Strategic n

Relator n People who are especially talented in the relator theme enjoy close relationships

Relator n People who are especially talented in the relator theme enjoy close relationships with others. They find deep satisfaction in working hard with friends to achieve a goal.

Relator Growth Plan I plan on growing in this category by making an effort

Relator Growth Plan I plan on growing in this category by making an effort to socialize with my colleagues and team members outside of work. n I could grow in this area by “putting myself out there” to create more opportunities to cultivate strong connections with others. n

Analytical People who have the ability to think about all the factors that might

Analytical People who have the ability to think about all the factors that might affect a situation. n Not wanting to be caught off guard. n Use reason to predict what you need to have done before a meeting or event begins. n

Analytical Growth Plan I plan on strengthening this strength by finding a partner who

Analytical Growth Plan I plan on strengthening this strength by finding a partner who pushes me from theory to practice, from thinking to doing. n I plan on growing as a leader by not letting my analytical strength turn into a weakness. I will work to analyze when analyzing is needed. n

Futuristic People who are inspired by the future and what could be. They inspire

Futuristic People who are inspired by the future and what could be. They inspire others with their visions of the future. n I plan on growing in this strength by always providing logical support for the futuristic thinking. This will give the best chance of success when it is rooted in real possibility. n

Futuristic Growth Plan I will grow in this strength by focusing on a positive

Futuristic Growth Plan I will grow in this strength by focusing on a positive future instead of a negative future. n I will grow in this strength by creating a culture of working towards a positive future in the work setting. n I will grow in a leader realizing that I can only prepare for the future not always be able to dictate the future. n

Individualization n People who are intrigued with the unique qualities of each person. They

Individualization n People who are intrigued with the unique qualities of each person. They have a gift for figuring out how people who are different can work together productively.

Individualization Growth Plan I plan on growing in this strength by trying to treat

Individualization Growth Plan I plan on growing in this strength by trying to treat each individual person differently with uniqueness always in mind. n I plan on growing in this strength by realizing that another person’s uniqueness is what brings great quality to an organization. n

Strategic n People who create alternative ways to proceed. Faced with any given scenario,

Strategic n People who create alternative ways to proceed. Faced with any given scenario, they can quickly spot the relevant patterns and issues.

Strategic Growth Plan I will continue to grow in this area by always looking

Strategic Growth Plan I will continue to grow in this area by always looking at problems or circumstances at numerous angles. n I will work to not let being strategic become a weakness in my leadership. Instead of opting to work by myself I will work to let myself work in a team setting. n

Current Leadership Style n n http: //www. nwlink. com/~donclark/leader/survstyl. html Measured leadership Styles n

Current Leadership Style n n http: //www. nwlink. com/~donclark/leader/survstyl. html Measured leadership Styles n Authoritarian Style-30 Points n Participation Style-37 Points n Delagative Style-28 Points n 40 or more points is considered a strong indicator of style n Less than 20 is considered to be a non-use of the style

Leadership Quotes n Go to the people. Learn from them. Live with them. Start

Leadership Quotes n Go to the people. Learn from them. Live with them. Start with what they know. Build with what they have. The best of leaders when the job is done, when the task is accomplished, the people will say we have done it ourselves. -Lao Tzu n The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Citations n n n n King, J. (2004. ). Emotional leadership through emotional intelligence:

Citations n n n n King, J. (2004. ). Emotional leadership through emotional intelligence: high achievers do it; low achievers don't. (Doctoral dissertation, Westminster College). Mc. Kinney, M. (2010. ). The focus of leadership: Choosing service over self interest. Leadership Now, Retrieved from www. leadershipnow. com/pvservice. html Phillips, J. (2002). Manager-administrator to instructional leader: Shift in the role of the school principal. People Learn, Retrieved from http: //peoplelearn. homestead. com/principainstructleader. html Cashman, K. (1997). Authentic leadership. Innovative Leader, 6(11), Crow, G. , & Mathews, L. (2010). The principalship: New roles in a professional learning community. Boston: Pearson. Rath, O. (2009). Strengths finder 2. 0. Gallup Pr. Feigenbaum, A. V. (2007) “The international growth of quality”, Quality Progress, Vol. 40, No. 2, pp 36 -40