Using Technology with Talk Read Talk Write John

- Slides: 14

Using Technology with Talk, Read, Talk, Write John Davin and Kimberly Lybarger, ALP Secondary Facilitators August 14 th, 2017 8: 30 – 3: 30 Terry High School Library

OBJECTIVES: CONTENT OBJECTIVE: I will develop lessons that engage my students in listening, speaking, reading and writing by using the Talk, Read, Talk, Write format in my classroom. LANGUAGE OBJECTIVE: I will collaborate with peers to create a TRTW lesson using a graphic organizer and share with the class.

What do these pictures make you think about?

Read …. Sport and Language Learning … by ddeubel. edublogs. org • Highlight important ideas from the text … must be able to explain why you highlighted the portion

Talk Share your highlighted portions and share your reason for highlighting. I feel the connection between language learning and sports is _______ because ____. • What makes you say that? • Why do you say that? • Can you elaborate on that?

Write How do you set the tone to build students’ curiosity and encourage language development in your classroom? goo. gl/j. Qdv. QZ

Reflection on the learning … Teacher What did you notice in the classroom? How will this teaching approach meet the needs of your students? Learner I wonder …

T, R, T, W … Lesson Format Beginning Intermediate Advanced Sentences Paragraph Page

What the research says …

Begin with the end in mind …

Talk, Read, Talk, Write Lesson Planning Format Write Read Talk #2 Talk #1 What do you want your students to do at the end of the lesson? What text will your students read in order to learn? • Where will they write? • Who will be the audience? • Will it be public? • How will this be differentiated? What will you have your Open your class with a students talk about to polarizing or thoughtbridge the gap AFTER provoking question. they read and BEFORE they write?

Resources … Reading Resources Writing Resources www. newsela. com www. connectlit. org www. tweentribune. com www. thetweenandme. com Scholastic news: http: //magazines. scholastic. co m Time for Kids: http: //timeforkids. com APPS for IPADS: Infinote Pinboard Simple. Note Private Journal Book Creator #tweennews on Twitter APP: Ipad only: newsika: Daily news for kids Whole Class Participation: Padlet Snapchat #booksnaps https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=3 U mb 4 QROACc

Your turn …

Visual Literacy The ability to interpret and understand visual texts, with “texts” being broadly defined as any print visual item, including: Artwork Picture books Advertisements Web sites Or any other item that can be visually interpreted. “… interpret their meaning in the same way as those who live in that environment would interpret them” Genelle Morain
Talk, read, talk, write resources
Read think talk write cycle
Amateurs talk tactics professionals talk logistics
The words use are not
Read aloud with accountable talk
Go talk assistive technology
Linq language
Port a+ port c upper forms group a ports
Reading and writing money in symbols and in words
Rwi hand signals
Red words
Read the transcriptions and write the words
Rdw strategy
Rhetorical devices in learning to read and write
Answer the question write your answer on your notebook