UMD Data Docs Office of Institutional Research Planning

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UMD Data Docs Office of Institutional Research, Planning and Assessment

UMD Data Docs Office of Institutional Research, Planning and Assessment

Decision Support Project Goals • Replace Profiles before Cold Fusion goes out of support

Decision Support Project Goals • Replace Profiles before Cold Fusion goes out of support • Provide more useful information faster and with less effort • Add data sources (internal and external) • Involve decision makers and decision supporters • Implement a data architecture that supports Practices for Data Sharing

Decision Support Project Overview Workstream Executive Reporting (ER) Data Extraction + Ad Hocs (DE)

Decision Support Project Overview Workstream Executive Reporting (ER) Data Extraction + Ad Hocs (DE) Data Modernization (DM) Data Documentation (DD) Description Any user on campus should be able to access predigested information with context to aid in their understanding Power users on campus generate reports to do their day-to-day work and need the ability to run ad hoc queries Legacy Systems Profiles, Frozen Warehouse, WOW Current Warehouse, WOW, Advise Oracle, Mainframe on the Web, Hyperion Studio Risk Mitigation Profiles Replacement WOW - Partial Replacement WOW Replacement Informatica implementation SIS Replication / Data Store Field level definitions - DAD Replacement Report Documentation Enhancements New Executive Reports New Content Areas Hyperion/Studio Replacement Advise on the Web Replacement Warehouse redesign New data sources Implementation of "Data are Free" Policy Table Documentation Solution Space Systems Tableau, AWS SQL, Tableau, Jasper, SAS, . . . ? Amazon Redshift Data Docs AWS DW transformation Ensuring all data are documented in Data. Docs prior to moving to the new DW DAD site, Oracle Tables

Priorities - Tableau & Data Docs Rewriting Profiles Reports in Tableau • Parity first,

Priorities - Tableau & Data Docs Rewriting Profiles Reports in Tableau • Parity first, improvements second Data Documentation • Data and report specifications will be documented prior to publishing - in all cases

Agenda ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ What is Data Docs? Types of Data Documentation

Agenda ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ What is Data Docs? Types of Data Documentation Types of Data Definitions Roles within Data Docs Understanding Workflow Roles Data Doc Terminology Data Docs Good Practices Data Docs Training Data Docs Resources Designate Workflow Roles

What is Data Docs? ▪ ▪ ▪ Enterprise data documentation tool Originally administered by

What is Data Docs? ▪ ▪ ▪ Enterprise data documentation tool Originally administered by Div. IT Currently administered by IRPA Managed by you! Collaborative business & technical definitions Consumed by the UMD community

Why. . . A prerequisite for correct and proper use and interpretation of data

Why. . . A prerequisite for correct and proper use and interpretation of data is that both users and owners of data have a common understanding of the meaning and representation of the data International

Types of Data Documentation Data Elements: A variable or root variable definition to define

Types of Data Documentation Data Elements: A variable or root variable definition to define a single data element in a data set. Also recognized as column headers in a dataset. Tables: A table definition is the functional definition for a table or view in the UM Data Warehouse. The intent is to provide information on what data the table contains, how it should be used (or not used), time constraints, refresh information, relationships, etc. Reports: A report definition will describe the intended content of a report (either public or internal), and include the list of data elements that are used to construct that report. Functional Concepts: A functional concept is an overarching definition to explain the idea for a group of data elements that have a direct relationship. I. E. , Full Time Indicator

Data Docs Terminology Functional Definition - describes the use of the term in a

Data Docs Terminology Functional Definition - describes the use of the term in a business context Technical Definition - provides source, formatting, and other characteristics related to the storage of the information

Basic Workflow for Data Docs Creator Technical Editor New definition, Save, Submit, Edit, Delete

Basic Workflow for Data Docs Creator Technical Editor New definition, Save, Submit, Edit, Delete Edit, Return to Sender, Approve Collaborator Edit, Save Draft Functional Reviewer Edit, Return to Sender, Reject or Approved definition Available to the campus!

Data Docs Roles ● Admin - same privileges as Functional Reviewer and can search/view

Data Docs Roles ● Admin - same privileges as Functional Reviewer and can search/view draft proposals in their group and grant role access to others in their subject area ● No Role - anyone logging onto Data Docs can search/view approved functional data definitions ● Viewer - can view approved functional and technical definitions for an element in their ● group Creator - same privileges as a Viewer and can create/submit functional and technical data definitions for the group ● Technical Editor - same privileges as Viewer or Creator and when acting as Technical Editor can edit/approve the technical portion of a data definition, or return the draft back to the Creator ● Functional Reviewer - same privileges as Viewer, Creator or Technical Editor and can edit,

Collaborators are people who have some knowledge or expertise on the data definition, table

Collaborators are people who have some knowledge or expertise on the data definition, table or report and their feedback or review is desired. ▪ They can be added after a draft proposal has been saved by a creator, technical editor or functional reviewer. ▪ They receive temporary access to view/edit the draft proposal. ▪ Access is dropped when the draft is submitted or approved and moves onto the next person in the workflow. ▪

Data Docs Terminology Environments : The specific database the data element(s) being defined are

Data Docs Terminology Environments : The specific database the data element(s) being defined are housed. Status: The specific stage in the defining process in which the data definition is currently situated.

Data Docs Terminology Definition Derivation : When a data element is derived or constructed

Data Docs Terminology Definition Derivation : When a data element is derived or constructed from one or more other data elements Proposals: An unapproved data element that could be in any stage of the definition process.

Related Data (Placeholders) ▪ Creating a placeholder for data elements that have not yet

Related Data (Placeholders) ▪ Creating a placeholder for data elements that have not yet been documented ▪ Related data notes ▪ Admins for a group can search definitions with placeholders for their group

Data Definition Best Practices ▪ ▪ Use plain English names Be thorough and specific

Data Definition Best Practices ▪ ▪ Use plain English names Be thorough and specific Do not use Data Warehouse column names as the Name If entering a definition for a Table or View, then use all uppercase with “_” ex. UPS_PERSON

Defining Data ▪ ▪ The practice used to name and describe data Essential for

Defining Data ▪ ▪ The practice used to name and describe data Essential for data quality (many uses, redundancy, multiple levels of abstraction) Bad Habits…Definitions that are: ● non-existent ● unavailable ● short ● meaningless ● outdated ● unrelated/nonsensical Data Resource Quality: Turning Bad Habits into Good Practices, pp 73 -107, Brackett Good Practices…Definitions that are: ● business-based meaning ● thorough with no size limit ● current & time-dependent ● fundamental (base) definitions

Data Docs Training Data Docs QA: https: //oda-app 1. qa. umd. edu/datadocs/ Data Docs

Data Docs Training Data Docs QA: https: //oda-app 1. qa. umd. edu/datadocs/ Data Docs Prod: https: //datadocs. umd. edu

Resources http: //it. umd. edu/dataadmin/Data. Def ▪ Roles & Expectations (ref. campus policy) ▪

Resources http: //it. umd. edu/dataadmin/Data. Def ▪ Roles & Expectations (ref. campus policy) ▪ Link to Data Docs ▪ Documentation https: //www. irpa. umd. edu/dsupdates. html ▪ Decision Support site